# Edit Resources as Spreadsheet "Welp, it is what it sounds like!" A plugin for Godot 3 that adds a tab for editing folders of Resources as data tables. It was made from neccessity when trying to develop another plugin. - Multi-cell text editing (visible cursor not included, unfortunately) - Copy-paste Text into Cells (one line, one cell) - Sort entries by column - Search by evaluating GDScript expression - Saves recently opened folders between sessions. Possible inputs: - `Ctrl + Click / Cmd + Click` - Select multiple cells in one column - `Shift + Click` - Select all cells between A and B in one column - `Left/Right` - Move cursor along cell text - `Backspace/Delete` - Erase text Left / Right from cursor - `Home/End` - Move cursor to start/end of cell - `Ctrl + / Cmd + ` - Move through / Erase whole word - `Ctrl/Cmd + C/V` - Copy cells / Paste text into cells - `Ctrl/Cmd + (Shift) + Z` - The Savior If clipboard contains as many lines as there are cells selected, each line is pasted into a separate cell. To add support of more datatypes, check out the `typed_cells` and `typed_editors` folders. `typed_cells` need to be added in the `editor_view` root's exported array, and `typed_editors` are placed there under the `%PropertyEditors` node. # Made by Don Tnowe in 2022. [https://redbladegames.netlify.app]() [https://twitter.com/don_tnowe]() Copying and Modiication is allowed in accordance to the MIT license, full text is included.