mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 19:17:36 +01:00
556 lines
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Executable File
556 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import os.path
import sys
from os.path import join as path_join
from options import *
from os_utils import *
import runtime
runtime_targets = ['armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86', 'x86_64']
cross_targets = ['cross-arm', 'cross-arm64', 'cross-x86', 'cross-x86_64']
cross_mxe_targets = ['cross-arm-win', 'cross-arm64-win', 'cross-x86-win', 'cross-x86_64-win']
def is_cross(target) -> bool:
return target in cross_targets or is_cross_mxe(target)
def is_cross_mxe(target) -> bool:
return target in cross_mxe_targets
def android_autodetect_cmake(opts: AndroidOpts) -> str:
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from os import listdir
sdk_cmake_basedir = path_join(opts.android_sdk_root, 'cmake')
versions = []
for entry in listdir(sdk_cmake_basedir):
if os.path.isdir(path_join(sdk_cmake_basedir, entry)):
version = LooseVersion(entry)
versions += [version]
except ValueError:
continue # Not a version folder
if len(versions) == 0:
raise BuildError('Cannot auto-detect Android CMake version')
lattest_version = str(sorted(versions)[-1])
print('Auto-detected Android CMake version: ' + lattest_version)
return lattest_version
def get_api_version_or_min(opts: AndroidOpts, target: str) -> str:
min_versions = { 'arm64-v8a': '21', 'x86_64': '21' }
if target in min_versions and int(opts.android_api_version) < int(min_versions[target]):
print('WARNING: %s is less than minimum platform for %s; using %s' % (opts.android_api_version, target, min_versions[target]))
return min_versions[target]
return opts.android_api_version
def get_android_cmake_version(opts: AndroidOpts) -> str:
return opts.android_cmake_version if opts.android_cmake_version != 'autodetect' else android_autodetect_cmake(opts)
class AndroidTargetTable:
archs = {
'armeabi-v7a': 'arm',
'arm64-v8a': 'arm64',
'x86': 'x86',
'x86_64': 'x86_64'
abi_names = {
'armeabi-v7a': 'arm-linux-androideabi',
'arm64-v8a': 'aarch64-linux-android',
'x86': 'i686-linux-android',
'x86_64': 'x86_64-linux-android'
host_triples = {
'armeabi-v7a': 'armv5-linux-androideabi',
'arm64-v8a': 'aarch64-linux-android',
'x86': 'i686-linux-android',
'x86_64': 'x86_64-linux-android'
def setup_android_target_template(env: dict, opts: AndroidOpts, target: str):
extra_target_envs = {
'armeabi-v7a': {
'android-armeabi-v7a_CFLAGS': ['-D__POSIX_VISIBLE=201002', '-DSK_RELEASE', '-DNDEBUG', '-UDEBUG', '-fpic', '-march=armv7-a', '-mtune=cortex-a8', '-mfpu=vfp', '-mfloat-abi=softfp'],
'android-armeabi-v7a_CXXFLAGS': ['-D__POSIX_VISIBLE=201002', '-DSK_RELEASE', '-DNDEBUG', '-UDEBUG', '-fpic', '-march=armv7-a', '-mtune=cortex-a8', '-mfpu=vfp', '-mfloat-abi=softfp'],
'android-armeabi-v7a_LDFLAGS': ['-Wl,--fix-cortex-a8']
'arm64-v8a': {
'android-arm64-v8a_CFLAGS': ['-D__POSIX_VISIBLE=201002', '-DSK_RELEASE', '-DNDEBUG', '-UDEBUG', '-fpic', '-DL_cuserid=9', '-DANDROID64'],
'android-arm64-v8a_CXXFLAGS': ['-D__POSIX_VISIBLE=201002', '-DSK_RELEASE', '-DNDEBUG', '-UDEBUG', '-fpic', '-DL_cuserid=9', '-DANDROID64']
'x86': {},
'x86_64': {
'android-x86_64_CFLAGS': ['-DL_cuserid=9'],
'android-x86_64_CXXFLAGS': ['-DL_cuserid=9']
if target in extra_target_envs:
android_new_ndk = True
with open(path_join(opts.android_ndk_root, 'source.properties')) as file:
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('Pkg.Revision ') or line.startswith('Pkg.Revision='):
pkg_revision = line.split('=')[1].strip()
mayor = int(pkg_revision.split('.')[0])
android_new_ndk = mayor >= 18
arch = AndroidTargetTable.archs[target]
abi_name = AndroidTargetTable.abi_names[target]
host_triple = AndroidTargetTable.host_triples[target]
toolchain_path = path_join(opts.android_toolchains_prefix, opts.toolchain_name_fmt % (target, api))
tools_path = path_join(toolchain_path, 'bin')
name_fmt = abi_name + '-%s'
sdk_cmake_dir = path_join(opts.android_sdk_root, 'cmake', get_android_cmake_version(opts))
if not os.path.isdir(sdk_cmake_dir):
print('Android CMake directory \'%s\' not found' % sdk_cmake_dir)
AR = path_join(tools_path, name_fmt % 'ar')
AS = path_join(tools_path, name_fmt % 'as')
CC = path_join(tools_path, name_fmt % 'clang')
CXX = path_join(tools_path, name_fmt % 'clang++')
LD = path_join(tools_path, name_fmt % 'ld')
OBJDUMP = path_join(tools_path, name_fmt % 'objdump')
RANLIB = path_join(tools_path, name_fmt % 'ranlib')
CMAKE = path_join(sdk_cmake_dir, 'bin', 'cmake')
STRIP = path_join(tools_path, name_fmt % 'strip')
CPP = path_join(tools_path, name_fmt % 'cpp')
if not os.path.isfile(CPP):
CPP = path_join(tools_path, (name_fmt % 'clang'))
CPP += ' -E'
CXXCPP = path_join(tools_path, name_fmt % 'cpp')
if not os.path.isfile(CXXCPP):
CXXCPP = path_join(tools_path, (name_fmt % 'clang++'))
CXXCPP += ' -E'
ccache_path = os.environ.get('CCACHE', '')
if ccache_path:
CC = '%s %s' % (ccache_path, CC)
CXX = '%s %s' % (ccache_path, CXX)
CPP = '%s %s' % (ccache_path, CPP)
CXXCPP = '%s %s' % (ccache_path, CXXCPP)
# On Android we use 'getApplicationInfo().nativeLibraryDir' as the libdir where Mono will look for shared objects.
# This path looks something like this: '/data/app-lib/{package_name-{num}}'. However, Mono does some relocation
# and the actual path it will look at will be '/data/app-lib/{package_name}-{num}/../lib', which doesn't exist.
# Cannot use '/data/data/{package_name}/lib' either, as '/data/data/{package_name}/lib/../lib' may result in
# permission denied. Therefore we just override 'MONO_RELOC_LIBDIR' here to avoid the relocation.
CFLAGS += ['-D__ANDROID_API__=' + api] if android_new_ndk else []
CXXFLAGS += ['-D__ANDROID_API__=' + api] if android_new_ndk else []
CPPFLAGS += ['-I%s/sysroot/usr/include' % toolchain_path]
CXXCPPFLAGS += ['-I%s/sysroot/usr/include' % toolchain_path]
path_link = '%s/platforms/android-%s/arch-%s/usr/lib' % (opts.android_ndk_root, api, arch)
'-z', 'now', '-z', 'relro', '-z', 'noexecstack',
'-ldl', '-lm', '-llog', '-lc', '-lgcc',
'-Wl,-rpath-link=%s,-dynamic-linker=/system/bin/linker' % path_link,
'-L' + path_link
# Fixes this error: DllImport unable to load library 'dlopen failed: empty/missing DT_HASH in "libmono-native.so" (built with --hash-style=gnu?)'.
LDFLAGS += ['-Wl,--hash-style=both']
'--with-btls-android-ndk=%s' % opts.android_ndk_root,
'--with-btls-android-api=%s' % api,
CONFIGURE_FLAGS += ['--enable-monodroid']
CONFIGURE_FLAGS += ['--with-btls-android-ndk-asm-workaround'] if android_new_ndk else []
'--with-btls-android-cmake-toolchain=%s/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake' % opts.android_ndk_root,
env['_android-%s_AR' % target] = AR
env['_android-%s_AS' % target] = AS
env['_android-%s_CC' % target] = CC
env['_android-%s_CXX' % target] = CXX
env['_android-%s_CPP' % target] = CPP
env['_android-%s_CXXCPP' % target] = CXXCPP
env['_android-%s_DLLTOOL' % target] = DLLTOOL
env['_android-%s_LD' % target] = LD
env['_android-%s_OBJDUMP' % target] = OBJDUMP
env['_android-%s_RANLIB' % target] = RANLIB
env['_android-%s_CMAKE' % target] = CMAKE
env['_android-%s_STRIP' % target] = STRIP
env['_android-%s_AC_VARS' % target] = AC_VARS
env['_android-%s_CFLAGS' % target] = CFLAGS
env['_android-%s_CXXFLAGS' % target] = CXXFLAGS
env['_android-%s_CPPFLAGS' % target] = CPPFLAGS
env['_android-%s_CXXCPPFLAGS' % target] = CXXCPPFLAGS
env['_android-%s_LDFLAGS' % target] = LDFLAGS
env['_android-%s_CONFIGURE_FLAGS' % target] = CONFIGURE_FLAGS
# Runtime template
runtime.setup_runtime_template(env, opts, 'android', target, host_triple)
class AndroidCrossTable:
target_archs = {
'cross-arm': 'armv7',
'cross-arm64': 'aarch64-v8a',
'cross-x86': 'i686',
'cross-x86_64': 'x86_64'
device_targets = {
'cross-arm': 'armeabi-v7a',
'cross-arm64': 'arm64-v8a',
'cross-x86': 'x86',
'cross-x86_64': 'x86_64'
offsets_dumper_abis = {
'cross-arm': 'armv7-none-linux-androideabi',
'cross-arm64': 'aarch64-v8a-linux-android',
'cross-x86': 'i686-none-linux-android',
'cross-x86_64': 'x86_64-none-linux-android'
def get_android_libclang_path(opts):
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
return '%s/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/lib64/libclang.dylib' % opts.android_ndk_root
elif sys.platform in ['linux', 'linux2']:
loc = '%s/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib64/libclang.so.9svn' % opts.android_ndk_root
if os.path.isfile(loc):
return loc
return '%s/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib64/libclang.so.8svn' % opts.android_ndk_root
assert False
def setup_android_cross_template(env: dict, opts: AndroidOpts, target: str, host_arch: str):
def get_host_triple():
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
return '%s-apple-darwin11' % host_arch
elif sys.platform in ['linux', 'linux2']:
return '%s-linux-gnu' % host_arch
assert False
target_arch = AndroidCrossTable.target_archs[target]
device_target = AndroidCrossTable.device_targets[target]
offsets_dumper_abi = AndroidCrossTable.offsets_dumper_abis[target]
host_triple = get_host_triple()
target_triple = '%s-linux-android' % target_arch
android_libclang = get_android_libclang_path(opts)
env['_android-%s_OFFSETS_DUMPER_ARGS' % target] = [
'--libclang=%s' % android_libclang,
'--sysroot=%s/sysroot' % opts.android_ndk_root
env['_android-%s_AR' % target] = 'ar'
env['_android-%s_AS' % target] = 'as'
env['_android-%s_CC' % target] = 'cc'
env['_android-%s_CXX' % target] = 'c++'
env['_android-%s_CXXCPP' % target] = 'cpp'
env['_android-%s_LD' % target] = 'ld'
env['_android-%s_RANLIB' % target] = 'ranlib'
env['_android-%s_STRIP' % target] = 'strip'
is_darwin = sys.platform == 'darwin'
CFLAGS += ['-DDEBUG_CROSS'] if not opts.release else []
CFLAGS += ['-mmacosx-version-min=10.9'] if is_darwin else []
env['_android-%s_CFLAGS' % target] = CFLAGS
CXXFLAGS += ['-DDEBUG_CROSS'] if not opts.release else []
CXXFLAGS += ['-mmacosx-version-min=10.9', '-stdlib=libc++'] if is_darwin else []
env['_android-%s_CXXFLAGS' % target] = CXXFLAGS
env['_android-%s_CONFIGURE_FLAGS' % target] = [
# Runtime cross template
runtime.setup_runtime_cross_template(env, opts, 'android', target, host_triple, target_triple, device_target, 'llvm64', offsets_dumper_abi)
def setup_android_cross_mxe_template(env: dict, opts: AndroidOpts, target: str, host_arch: str):
table_target = cross_targets[cross_mxe_targets.index(target)] # Re-use the non-mxe table
target_arch = AndroidCrossTable.target_archs[table_target]
device_target = AndroidCrossTable.device_targets[table_target]
offsets_dumper_abi = AndroidCrossTable.offsets_dumper_abis[table_target]
host_triple = '%s-w64-mingw32' % host_arch
target_triple = '%s-linux-android' % target_arch
android_libclang = get_android_libclang_path(opts)
env['_android-%s_OFFSETS_DUMPER_ARGS' % target] = [
'--libclang=%s' % android_libclang,
'--sysroot=%s/sysroot' % opts.android_ndk_root
mxe_bin = path_join(opts.mxe_prefix, 'bin')
env['_android-%s_PATH' % target] = mxe_bin
name_fmt = host_arch + '-w64-mingw32-%s'
env['_android-%s_AR' % target] = path_join(mxe_bin, name_fmt % 'ar')
env['_android-%s_AS' % target] = path_join(mxe_bin, name_fmt % 'as')
env['_android-%s_CC' % target] = path_join(mxe_bin, name_fmt % 'gcc')
env['_android-%s_CXX' % target] = path_join(mxe_bin, name_fmt % 'g++')
env['_android-%s_DLLTOOL' % target] = path_join(mxe_bin, name_fmt % 'dlltool')
env['_android-%s_LD' % target] = path_join(mxe_bin, name_fmt % 'ld')
env['_android-%s_OBJDUMP' % target] = path_join(mxe_bin, name_fmt % 'objdump')
env['_android-%s_RANLIB' % target] = path_join(mxe_bin, name_fmt % 'ranlib')
env['_android-%s_STRIP' % target] = path_join(mxe_bin, name_fmt % 'strip')
mingw_zlib_prefix = '%s/opt/mingw-zlib/usr' % opts.mxe_prefix
if not os.path.isdir(mingw_zlib_prefix):
mingw_zlib_prefix = opts.mxe_prefix
CFLAGS += ['-DDEBUG_CROSS'] if not opts.release else []
CFLAGS += ['-I%s/%s-w64-mingw32/include' % (mingw_zlib_prefix, host_arch)]
env['_android-%s_CFLAGS' % target] = CFLAGS
CXXFLAGS += ['-DDEBUG_CROSS'] if not opts.release else []
CXXFLAGS += ['-I%s/%s-w64-mingw32/include' % (mingw_zlib_prefix, host_arch)]
env['_android-%s_CXXFLAGS' % target] = CXXFLAGS
env['_android-%s_LDFLAGS' % target] = []
CONFIGURE_FLAGS += ['--with-static-zlib=%s/%s-w64-mingw32/lib/libz.a' % (mingw_zlib_prefix, host_arch)]
env['_android-%s_CONFIGURE_FLAGS' % target] = CONFIGURE_FLAGS
# Runtime cross template
runtime.setup_runtime_cross_template(env, opts, 'android', target, host_triple, target_triple, device_target, 'llvmwin64', offsets_dumper_abi)
def make_standalone_toolchain(opts: AndroidOpts, target: str, api: str):
install_dir = path_join(opts.android_toolchains_prefix, opts.toolchain_name_fmt % (target, api))
if os.path.isdir(path_join(install_dir, 'bin')):
return # Looks like it's already there, so no need to re-create it
command = path_join(opts.android_ndk_root, 'build', 'tools', 'make_standalone_toolchain.py')
args = [command, '--verbose', '--force', '--api=' + api, '--arch=' + AndroidTargetTable.archs[target],
'--install-dir=' + install_dir]
run_command('python3', args=args, name='make_standalone_toolchain')
def strip_libs(opts: AndroidOpts, product: str, target: str, api: str):
toolchain_path = path_join(opts.android_toolchains_prefix, opts.toolchain_name_fmt % (target, api))
tools_path = path_join(toolchain_path, 'bin')
name_fmt = AndroidTargetTable.abi_names[target] + '-%s'
strip = path_join(tools_path, name_fmt % 'strip')
install_dir = path_join(opts.install_dir, '%s-%s-%s' % (product, target, opts.configuration))
out_libs_dir = path_join(install_dir, 'lib')
lib_files = globs(('*.a', '*.so'), dirpath=out_libs_dir)
if len(lib_files):
run_command(strip, args=['--strip-unneeded'] + lib_files, name='strip')
def configure(opts: AndroidOpts, product: str, target: str):
env = { 'ANDROID_API_VERSION': get_api_version_or_min(opts, target) }
if is_cross(target):
import llvm
if is_cross_mxe(target):
llvm.make(opts, 'llvmwin64')
setup_android_cross_mxe_template(env, opts, target, host_arch='x86_64')
llvm.make(opts, 'llvm64')
setup_android_cross_template(env, opts, target, host_arch='x86_64')
make_standalone_toolchain(opts, target, env['ANDROID_API_VERSION'])
setup_android_target_template(env, opts, target)
if not os.path.isfile(path_join(opts.mono_source_root, 'configure')):
runtime.run_configure(env, opts, product, target)
def make(opts: AndroidOpts, product: str, target: str):
env = { 'ANDROID_API_VERSION': get_api_version_or_min(opts, target) }
build_dir = path_join(opts.configure_dir, '%s-%s-%s' % (product, target, opts.configuration))
make_args = make_default_args(opts)
make_args += ['-C', build_dir]
run_command('make', args=make_args, name='make')
run_command('make', args=['-C', '%s/mono' % build_dir, 'install'], name='make install mono')
run_command('make', args=['-C', '%s/support' % build_dir, 'install'], name='make install support')
run_command('make', args=['-C', '%s/data' % build_dir, 'install'], name='make install data')
if opts.strip_libs and not is_cross(target):
strip_libs(opts, product, target, env['ANDROID_API_VERSION'])
def clean(opts: AndroidOpts, product: str, target: str):
path_join(opts.configure_dir, '%s-%s-%s' % (product, target, opts.configuration)),
path_join(opts.configure_dir, '%s-%s-%s.config.cache' % (product, target, opts.configuration)),
path_join(opts.install_dir, '%s-%s-%s' % (product, target, opts.configuration))
def main(raw_args):
import cmd_utils
from cmd_utils import custom_bool
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Callable
target_shortcuts = {
'all-runtime': runtime_targets,
'all-cross': cross_targets,
'all-cross-win': cross_mxe_targets
target_values = runtime_targets + cross_targets + cross_mxe_targets + list(target_shortcuts)
actions = OrderedDict()
actions['configure'] = configure
actions['make'] = make
actions['clean'] = clean
parser = cmd_utils.build_arg_parser(
description='Builds the Mono runtime for Android',
'ANDROID_SDK_ROOT': 'Overrides default value for --android-sdk',
'ANDROID_NDK_ROOT': 'Overrides default value for --android-ndk',
home = os.environ.get('HOME')
android_sdk_default = os.environ.get('ANDROID_HOME', os.environ.get('ANDROID_SDK_ROOT', path_join(home, 'Android/Sdk')))
android_ndk_default = os.environ.get('ANDROID_NDK_ROOT', path_join(android_sdk_default, 'ndk-bundle'))
default_help = 'default: %(default)s'
parser.add_argument('action', choices=['configure', 'make', 'clean'])
parser.add_argument('--target', choices=target_values, action='append', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--toolchains-prefix', default=path_join(home, 'android-toolchains'), help=default_help)
parser.add_argument('--android-sdk', default=android_sdk_default, help=default_help)
parser.add_argument('--android-ndk', default=android_ndk_default, help=default_help)
# Default API version should be in sync with Godot's platform/android/detect.py.
# Note that `get_api_version_or_min` will upgrade it to 21 for arm64v8 and x86_64.
parser.add_argument('--android-api-version', default='18', help=default_help)
parser.add_argument('--android-cmake-version', default='autodetect', help=default_help)
cmd_utils.add_runtime_arguments(parser, default_help)
args = parser.parse_args(raw_args)
input_action = args.action
input_targets = args.target
opts = android_opts_from_args(args)
if not os.path.isdir(opts.mono_source_root):
print('Mono sources directory not found: ' + opts.mono_source_root)
targets = cmd_utils.expand_input_targets(input_targets, target_shortcuts)
action = actions[input_action]
for target in targets:
action(opts, 'android', target)
except BuildError as e:
if __name__ == '__main__':
from sys import argv