// Copyright (c) 2019 Lawnjelly // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. /* room_manager.h */ #ifndef LROOM_MANAGER_H #define LROOM_MANAGER_H /** @author lawnjelly */ #include "scene/3d/spatial.h" #include "lbitfield_dynamic.h" #include "lplanes_pool.h" #include "lroom.h" #include "lportal.h" #include "larea.h" #include "ltrace.h" #include "lmain_camera.h" class LRoomManager : public Spatial { GDCLASS(LRoomManager, Spatial); friend class LRoom; friend class LRoomConverter; friend class LHelper; friend class LTrace; friend class LMainCamera; public: // PUBLIC INTERFACE TO GDSCRIPT //______________________________________________________________________________________ // Roomlist path void set_rooms(const Object *p_rooms); void _set_rooms(Object *p_rooms); void set_rooms_path(const NodePath &p_path); NodePath get_rooms_path() const; void remove_rooms_path(); //______________________________________________________________________________________ // MAIN // convert empties and meshes to rooms and portals bool rooms_convert(bool bVerbose, bool bDeleteLights); bool rooms_single_room_convert(bool bVerbose, bool bDeleteLights); // free memory for current set of rooms, prepare for converting a new game level void rooms_release(); // choose which camera you want to use to determine visibility. // normally this will be your main camera, but you can choose another for debugging bool rooms_set_camera(Node * pCam); // get the Godot room that is associated with an LPortal room // (can be used to find the name etc of a room ID returned by dob_update) Node * rooms_get_room(int room_id); //______________________________________________________________________________________ // DOBS // Dynamic objects .. cameras, players, boxes etc // These are defined by their ability to move from room to room. // You can still move static objects within the same room (e.g. elevators, moving platforms) // as these don't require checks for changing rooms. bool dob_register(Node * pDOB, float radius); // register but let LPortal know which room the dob should start in bool dob_register_hint(Node * pDOB, float radius, Node * pRoom); bool dob_unregister(Node * pDOB); // returns the room ID within int dob_update(Node * pDOB); // if we are moving the DOB possibly through multiple rooms, then teleport rather than detect // portal crossings bool dob_teleport(Node * pDOB); bool dob_teleport_hint(Node * pDOB, Node * pRoom); //______________________________________________________________________________________ // LIGHTS // global directional lights that will apply to all rooms bool light_register(Node * pLightNode, String szArea); // dynamic lights (spot or omni within rooms) bool dynamic_light_register(Node * pLightNode, float radius); bool dynamic_light_register_hint(Node * pLightNode, float radius, Node * pRoom); bool dynamic_light_unregister(Node * pLightNode); int dynamic_light_update(Node * pLightNode); // returns room within //______________________________________________________________________________________ // LIGHTMAPS // helper function to merge SOB meshes for producing lightmaps VIA external blender workflow bool rooms_merge_sobs(Node * pMergeMeshInstance); bool rooms_unmerge_sobs(Node * pMergeMeshInstance); bool rooms_transfer_uv2s(Node * pMeshInstance_From, Node * pMeshInstance_To); // one function to do all the uv mapping and lightmap creation in one // (for godot lightmap workflow) MeshInstance * rooms_convert_lightmap_internal(String szProxyFilename, String szLevelFilename); //______________________________________________________________________________________ // HELPERS // helper function for general use .. LPortal has the functionality, why not... bool rooms_save_scene(Node * pNode, String szFilename); // helpers to enable the client to manage switching on and off physics and AI int rooms_get_num_rooms() const; bool rooms_is_room_visible(int room_id) const; Array rooms_get_visible_rooms() const; // helper func, not needed usually as dob_update returns the room int dob_get_room_id(Node * pDOB); //______________________________________________________________________________________ // DEBUGGING // turn on and off culling for debugging void rooms_set_active(bool bActive); void rooms_set_debug_planes(bool bActive); void rooms_set_debug_bounds(bool bActive); void rooms_set_debug_lights(bool bActive); void rooms_set_debug_shadows(bool bActive); void rooms_set_debug_frustums(bool bActive); void rooms_set_debug_frame_string(bool bActive); // 0 to 6 .. less to more // defaults to 4 which is (2) in our priorities (i.e. 6 - level) void rooms_set_logging(int level); // optionally lportal can output some debug info in a string each frame String rooms_get_debug_frame_string(); // provide debugging output on the next frame void rooms_log_frame(); private: // PER FRAME STUFF // godot ID of the camera (which should be registered as a DOB to allow moving between rooms) ObjectID m_ID_camera; // keep track of which rooms are visible, so we can hide ones that aren't hit that were previously on Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic m_BF_visible_rooms; // the render list is all objects that are in view, // and also objects out of view but casting shadows INTO the view LVector m_VisibleList_SOBs; LVector m_CasterList_SOBs; LVector m_MasterList_SOBs; Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic m_BF_visible_SOBs; Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic m_BF_caster_SOBs; Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic m_BF_master_SOBs; // previous frame LVector m_MasterList_SOBs_prev; Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic m_BF_master_SOBs_prev; LVector m_VisibleRoomList_A; LVector m_VisibleRoomList_B; LVector * m_pCurr_VisibleRoomList; LVector * m_pPrev_VisibleRoomList; // active lights LVector m_ActiveLights; LVector m_ActiveLights_prev; Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic m_BF_ActiveLights; Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic m_BF_ActiveLights_prev; // some lights may be processed on a frame but found not to intersect the view frustum Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic m_BF_ProcessedLights; // keep all the light rendering stuff together struct LLightRender { // each time we render from a light point of view, we reuse this list to store each caster ID Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic m_BF_Temp_SOBs; Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic m_BF_Temp_Visible_Rooms; LVector m_Temp_Visible_SOBs; LVector m_Temp_Visible_Rooms; } m_LightRender; // keep a frame counter, to mark when objects have been hit by the visiblity algorithm // already to prevent multiple hits on rooms and objects unsigned int m_uiFrameCounter; private: // lists of rooms and portals, contiguous list so cache friendly LVector m_Rooms; LVector m_Portals; LVector m_Areas; // static objects LVector m_SOBs; // lights LVector m_Lights; // SHADOWS // master list of shadow casters for each room LVector m_ShadowCasters_SOB; // not used any more? // master list of casters for each light (precalculated list) LVector m_LightCasters_SOB; // AREAS // master list of lights affecting each area LVector m_AreaLights; // master list of rooms in each area LVector m_AreaRooms; // The recursive visibility function needs to allocate loads of planes. // We use a pool for this instead of allocating on the fly. LPlanesPool m_Pool; public: // whether debug planes is switched on bool m_bDebugPlanes; bool m_bDebugBounds; bool m_bDebugLights; bool m_bDebugLightVolumes; bool m_bDebugFrustums; // the planes are shown as a list of lines from the camera to the portal verts LVector m_DebugPlanes; LVector m_DebugPortalLightPlanes; LVector m_DebugLightVolumes; LVector m_DebugFrustums; // we are now referencing the rooms indirectly via a nodepath rather than directly being children // of the LRoomManager node NodePath m_path_RoomList; ObjectID m_ID_RoomList; private: LTrace m_Trace; // unchecked Spatial * m_pRoomList; LMainCamera m_MainCamera; // DEBUGGING // 0 to 5 int m_iLoggingLevel; ObjectID m_ID_DebugPlanes; ObjectID m_ID_DebugBounds; ObjectID m_ID_DebugLights; ObjectID m_ID_DebugLightVolumes; ObjectID m_ID_DebugFrustums; Ref m_mat_Debug_Planes; Ref m_mat_Debug_Bounds; Ref m_mat_Debug_LightVolumes; Ref m_mat_Debug_Frustums; String m_szDebugString; bool m_bDebugFrameString; // for debugging, can turn LPortal on and off bool m_bActive; // for debugging, can emulate view frustum culling bool m_bFrustumOnly; private: // PRIVATE FUNCS // this is where we do all the culling bool FrameUpdate(); void FrameUpdate_Prepare(); void FrameUpdate_FinalizeRooms(); void FrameUpdate_AddShadowCasters(); void FrameUpdate_CreateMasterList(); void FrameUpdate_FinalizeVisibility_WithinRooms(); void FrameUpdate_FinalizeVisibility_SoftShow(); // debugging emulate view frustum void FrameUpdate_FrustumOnly(); // draw planes and room hulls void FrameUpdate_DrawDebug(const LSource &cam, const LRoom &lroom); // internal bool RoomsConvert(bool bVerbose, bool bDeleteLights, bool bSingleRoomMode); // dobs bool DobRegister(Spatial * pDOB, float radius, int iRoom); ObjectID DobRegister_FindVIRecursive(Node * pNode) const; bool DobTeleport(Spatial * pDOB, int iNewRoomID); void DobChangeVisibility(Spatial * pDOB, const LRoom * pOld, const LRoom * pNew); void CreateDebug(); void ReleaseResources(bool bPrepareConvert); void ShowAll(bool bShow); void ResolveRoomListPath(); // frame debug string void DebugString_Set(String sz) {m_szDebugString = sz;} void DebugString_Add(String sz) {m_szDebugString += sz;} void DebugString_Light_AffectedRooms(int light_id); // now we are centralizing the tracing out from static and dynamic lights for each frame to this function bool LightCreate(Light * pLight, int roomID, String szArea = ""); void Light_UpdateTransform(LLight &light, const Light &glight) const; void Light_FrameProcess(int lightID); bool Light_FindCasters(int lightID); // helper funcs const LRoom * GetRoom(int i) const; LRoom * GetRoom(int i); LRoom * GetRoomFromDOB(Node * pNode); int FindClosestRoom(const Vector3 &pt) const; LRoom &Portal_GetLinkedRoom(const LPortal &port); // for DOBs, we need some way of storing the room ID on them, so we use metadata (currently) // this is pretty gross but hey ho int Meta_GetRoomNum(Node * pNode) const; void Meta_SetRoomNum(Node * pNode, int num); // for lights we store the light ID in the metadata void Meta_SetLightID(Node * pNode, int id); int Meta_GetLightID(Node * pNode) const; public: // makes sure m_pRoomList is up to date and valid bool CheckRoomList() {return GetRoomList_Checked() != 0;} Spatial * GetRoomList_Checked(); // unchecked, be sure to call checked version first which will set m_pRoomList Spatial * GetRoomList() const {return m_pRoomList;} protected: static void _bind_methods(); void _notification(int p_what); public: LRoomManager(); }; #endif