// Copyright (c) 2019 Lawnjelly // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. /* room.h */ #ifndef LROOM_H #define LROOM_H /** @author lawnjelly */ #include "scene/3d/spatial.h" #include "lvector.h" #include "ldob.h" #include "lbound.h" namespace Lawn {class LBitField_Dynamic;} class LPortal; class LRoomManager; class MeshInstance; class LRoom { private: public: // using flags we can determine which the object is visible to - the camera, or the lights (i.e. shadow caster), or both static const int LAYER_LIGHT_BIT = 18; static const int LAYER_CAMERA_BIT = 19; static const int LAYER_MASK_LIGHT = 1 << LAYER_LIGHT_BIT; static const int LAYER_MASK_CAMERA = 1 << LAYER_CAMERA_BIT; // static objects are stored in the manager in a contiguous list int m_iFirstSOB; int m_iNumSOBs; // dynamic objects LVector m_DOBs; // local lights affecting this room LVector m_LocalLights; // global lights affecting this room LVector m_GlobalLights; // areas this room is in LVector m_Areas; // portals are stored in the manager in a contiguous list int m_iFirstPortal; int m_iNumPortals; int m_iFirstShadowCaster_SOB; int m_iNumShadowCasters_SOB; // Just very rough, room centre for determining start rooms of dobs Vector3 m_ptCentre; AABB m_AABB; // world bound // ID in the Room Manager, NOT the godot object ID int m_RoomID; ObjectID m_GodotID; // frame counter when last touched .. prevents handling rooms multiple times unsigned int m_uiFrameTouched; // optional bounding convex hull, for accurate detection of which room to start in // when registering DOBs and teleporting them LBound m_Bound; String m_szName; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const String &get_name() const {return m_szName;} // main function // void DetermineVisibility_Recursive(LRoomManager &manager, int depth, const LSource &cam, const LVector &planes, int first_portal_plane = 1); // void FirstTouch(LRoomManager &manager); // allows us to show / hide all dobs as the room visibility changes void Room_MakeVisible(bool bVisible); // call when releasing a level, this should unregister all dobs within all rooms void Release(LRoomManager &manager); // show godot room and all linked dobs and all sobs void Debug_ShowAll(bool bActive); // hide all the objects not hit on this frame .. instead of calling godot hide without need // (it might be expensive) void FinalizeVisibility(LRoomManager &manager); // naive version, adds all the non visible objects in visible rooms as shadow casters void AddShadowCasters(LRoomManager &manager); void DOB_Add(const LDob &dob); const LDob &DOB_Get(unsigned int ui) const {return m_DOBs[ui];} unsigned int DOB_Find(Node * pDOB) const; bool DOB_Remove(unsigned int ui); LRoom * DOB_Update(LRoomManager &manager, Spatial * pDOB); LRoom(); Spatial * GetGodotRoom() const; // light casting .. changing the local light list bool RemoveLocalLight(int light_id); void AddLocalLight(int light_id) {m_LocalLights.push_back(light_id);} // retained purely for debugging visualization Geometry::MeshData m_Bound_MeshData; bool IsVisible() const {return m_bVisible;} // instead of directly showing and hiding objects we now set their layer, // and the camera will hide them with a cull mask. This is so that // objects can still be rendered outside immediate view for casting shadows. static void SoftShow(VisualInstance * pVI, uint32_t show_flags); bool IsInArea(int area) const; private: // whether lportal thinks this room is currently visible // this allows us to show / hide dobs as they cross room boundaries bool m_bVisible; }; #endif