#pragma once // most of the performance sensitive debug output will be compiled out in release builds // you won't be able to get frame debugging of the visibility tree though. #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED #define LPRINT_RUN(a, b) {String sz;\ for (int n=0; n= Lawn::LDebug::m_iLoggingLevel)\ {\ Lawn::LDebug::print(b);\ }\ } #define LWARN(a, b) if (a >= Lawn::LDebug::m_iWarningLevel)\ {\ Lawn::LDebug::print(String("\tWARNING : ") + b);\ } namespace Lawn { class LDebug { public: static void print(String sz); static int m_iLoggingLevel; static int m_iWarningLevel; static bool m_bRunning; static int m_iTabDepth; }; } // namespace