// Copyright (c) 2019 Lawnjelly // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. #include "ltrace.h" #include "ldebug.h" #include "ldob.h" #include "lportal.h" #include "lbitfield_dynamic.h" #include "lroom_manager.h" #define LMAN m_pManager //void LTrace::Trace_Prepare(LRoomManager &manager, const LCamera &cam, Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic &BF_SOBs, Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic &BF_DOBs, Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic &BF_Rooms, LVector &visible_SOBs, LVector &visible_DOBs, LVector &visible_Rooms) void LTrace::Trace_Prepare(LRoomManager &manager, const LSource &cam, Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic &BF_SOBs, Lawn::LBitField_Dynamic &BF_Rooms, LVector &visible_SOBs, LVector &visible_Rooms) { m_pManager = &manager; m_pCamera = &cam; // default m_TraceFlags = CULL_SOBS | CULL_DOBS | TOUCH_ROOMS | MAKE_ROOM_VISIBLE; m_pBF_SOBs = &BF_SOBs; // m_pBF_DOBs = &BF_DOBs; m_pBF_Rooms = &BF_Rooms; m_pVisible_SOBs = &visible_SOBs; // m_pVisible_DOBs = &visible_DOBs; m_pVisible_Rooms = &visible_Rooms; } void LTrace::CullSOBs(LRoom &room, const LVector &planes) { // clip all objects in this room to the clipping planes int last_sob = room.m_iFirstSOB + room.m_iNumSOBs; for (int n=room.m_iFirstSOB; nm_SOBs[n]; //LPRINT_RUN(2, "sob " + itos(n) + " " + sob.GetSpatial()->get_name()); // already determined to be visible through another portal if (m_pBF_SOBs->GetBit(n)) { //LPRINT_RUN(2, "\talready visible"); continue; } bool bShow = true; // estimate the radius .. for now const AABB &bb = sob.m_aabb; // print("\t\t\tculling object " + pObj->get_name()); for (int p=0; p 0.0f) { //LPRINT_RUN(2, "\tout of view"); bShow = false; break; } } if (bShow) { // sob is renderable and visible (not shadow only) //LPRINT_RUN(2, "\tin view"); m_pBF_SOBs->SetBit(n, true); m_pVisible_SOBs->push_back(n); } } // for through sobs } void LTrace::CullDOBs(LRoom &room, const LVector &planes) { // NYI this isn't efficient, there may be more than 1 portal to the same room // cull DOBs int nDOBs = room.m_DOBs.size(); for (int n=0; nget_global_transform().origin; float radius = dob.m_fRadius; for (int p=0; p radius) { bShow = false; break; } } if (bShow) { LPRINT_RUN(1, "\tDOB " + pObj->get_name() + " visible"); dob.m_bVisible = true; } else { LPRINT_RUN(1, "\tDOB " + pObj->get_name() + " culled"); } } } // for through dobs } bool LTrace::Trace_Light(LRoomManager &manager, const LLight &light, eLightRun eRun) { m_pManager = &manager; LRoom * pRoom; // non area light if (light.m_iArea == -1) { // can only deal with lights in rooms for now if (light.m_Source.m_RoomID == -1) { WARN_PRINT_ONCE("LTrace::Trace_Light can only trace lights in rooms"); return true; } pRoom = manager.GetRoom(light.m_Source.m_RoomID); if (!pRoom) return true; } else { // area light pRoom = 0; } const LSource &cam = light.m_Source; unsigned int pool_member = manager.m_Pool.Request(); assert (pool_member != -1); LVector &planes = manager.m_Pool.Get(pool_member); planes.clear(); // we now need to trace either just DOBs (in the case of static lights) // or SOBs and DOBs (in the case of dynamic lights) LRoomManager::LLightRender &lr = manager.m_LightRender; lr.m_BF_Temp_SOBs.Blank(); lr.m_Temp_Visible_SOBs.clear(); lr.m_BF_Temp_Visible_Rooms.Blank(); lr.m_Temp_Visible_Rooms.clear(); bool bLightInView = true; switch (eRun) { // finding all shadow casters at runtime case LR_ALL: { //Trace_Prepare(manager, cam, lr.m_BF_Temp_SOBs, manager.m_BF_visible_rooms, lr.m_Temp_Visible_SOBs, *manager.m_pCurr_VisibleRoomList); Trace_Prepare(manager, cam, lr.m_BF_Temp_SOBs, lr.m_BF_Temp_Visible_Rooms, lr.m_Temp_Visible_SOBs, lr.m_Temp_Visible_Rooms); Trace_SetFlags(CULL_SOBS | CULL_DOBS | MAKE_ROOM_VISIBLE); // create subset planes of light frustum and camera frustum bLightInView = manager.m_MainCamera.AddCameraLightPlanes(manager, cam, planes); } break; // finding only visible rooms at runtime case LR_ROOMS: { Trace_Prepare(manager, cam, lr.m_BF_Temp_SOBs, lr.m_BF_Temp_Visible_Rooms, lr.m_Temp_Visible_SOBs, lr.m_Temp_Visible_Rooms); // we ONLY want a list of rooms hit Trace_SetFlags(MAKE_ROOM_VISIBLE); } break; // finding all in preconversion case LR_CONVERT: { Trace_Prepare(manager, cam, lr.m_BF_Temp_SOBs, lr.m_BF_Temp_Visible_Rooms, lr.m_Temp_Visible_SOBs, lr.m_Temp_Visible_Rooms); // we want sobs but not to touch rooms m_TraceFlags = CULL_SOBS | MAKE_ROOM_VISIBLE; // | CULL_DOBS | TOUCH_ROOMS; } break; } if (bLightInView) { // non area light if (pRoom) { Trace_Begin(*pRoom, planes); } else { // area light // area lights don't go through portals, e.g. coming from above like sunlight // they instead have a predefined list of rooms governed by the area m_TraceFlags |= DONT_TRACE_PORTALS; // new .. trace according to area, not affected rooms, as affected rooms has a limit assert (light.m_iArea != -1); const LArea &area = LMAN->m_Areas[light.m_iArea]; int last_room = area.m_iFirstRoom + area.m_iNumRooms; for (int r=area.m_iFirstRoom; rm_AreaRooms[r]; LRoom * pRoom = manager.GetRoom(room_id); // should not happen, assert? assert (pRoom); // trace as usual but don't go through the portals Trace_Recursive(0, *pRoom, planes, 0); } /* // go through each affected room for (int r=0; r &planes) const { Plane p(m_pCamera->m_ptPos, -m_pCamera->m_ptDir); planes.push_back(p); // this is kinda crappy, because ideally we'd want a cone, but instead we'll fake a frustum Vector3 pts[4]; // assuming here that d is normalized! const Vector3 &d = m_pCamera->m_ptDir; const Vector3 &ptCam = m_pCamera->m_ptPos; assert (d.length_squared() < 1.1f); assert (d.length_squared() > 0.9f); // spotlight has no 'up' vector, as it is regular shape around direction axis // so we can use anything for side vector // this might balls up with a light pointing straight up Vector3 ptSide = Vector3(0, 1, 0).cross(d); float l = ptSide.length(); if (l < 0.1f) { // special case straight up, lets cross against something else ptSide = d.cross(Vector3(1, 0, 0)); l = ptSide.length(); assert (l); } // unitize side ptSide *= 1.0 / l; Vector3 ptUp = ptSide.cross(d); ptUp.normalize(); // now we've got the vecs, lets create some planes // spotlight spread definition (light.cpp, line 146) //float size = Math::tan(Math::deg2rad(param[PARAM_SPOT_ANGLE])) * len; // this is the size at distance 1 .. it would be more efficient to calc distance at which sides were 1, but whatever... float size = Math::tan(Math::deg2rad(m_pCamera->m_fSpread)); ptSide *= size; // or half size? not sure yet ptUp *= -size; // pts will be bot left, top left, top right, bot right Vector3 ptEx = ptCam + d; pts[0] = ptEx - ptSide - ptUp; pts[1] = ptEx - ptSide + ptUp; pts[2] = ptEx + ptSide + ptUp; pts[3] = ptEx + ptSide - ptUp; Plane left(ptCam, pts[0], pts[1], COUNTERCLOCKWISE); Plane top(ptCam, pts[1], pts[2], COUNTERCLOCKWISE); Plane right(ptCam, pts[2], pts[3], COUNTERCLOCKWISE); Plane bottom(ptCam, pts[3], pts[0], COUNTERCLOCKWISE); planes.push_back(left); planes.push_back(top); planes.push_back(right); planes.push_back(bottom); // debug if (LMAN->m_bDebugFrustums) { for (int n=0; n<4; n++) { LMAN->m_DebugFrustums.push_back(ptCam); LMAN->m_DebugFrustums.push_back(pts[n]); } } } void LTrace::Trace_Begin(LRoom &room, LVector &planes) { int first_plane = 0; switch (m_pCamera->m_eType) { case LSource::ST_SPOTLIGHT: { // special cases of spotlight, add some extra planes to define the cone AddSpotlightPlanes(planes); } break; case LSource::ST_CAMERA: first_plane = 1; break; default: break; } LPRINT_RUN(2, "TRACE BEGIN"); LPRINT_RUN(2, m_pCamera->MakeDebugString()); Trace_Recursive(0, room, planes, first_plane); } void LTrace::Trace_Recursive(int depth, LRoom &room, const LVector &planes, int first_portal_plane) { // prevent too much depth if (depth > 8) { LPRINT_RUN(2, "\t\t\tDEPTH LIMIT REACHED"); WARN_PRINT_ONCE("LPortal Depth Limit reached (seeing through > 8 portals)"); return; } // for debugging Lawn::LDebug::m_iTabDepth = depth; LPRINT_RUN(2, ""); LPRINT_RUN(2, "ROOM '" + itos(room.m_RoomID) + " : " + room.get_name() + "' planes " + itos(planes.size()) + " portals " + itos(room.m_iNumPortals) ); // only handle one touch per frame so far (one portal into room) //assert (manager.m_uiFrameCounter > m_uiFrameTouched); // first touch DetectFirstTouch(room); if (m_TraceFlags & CULL_SOBS) CullSOBs(room, planes); if (m_TraceFlags & CULL_DOBS) CullDOBs(room, planes); // portals if (m_TraceFlags & DONT_TRACE_PORTALS) return; // look through portals int nPortals = room.m_iNumPortals; for (int port_num=0; port_numm_Portals[port_id]; // have we already handled the room on this frame? // get the room pointed to by the portal LRoom * pLinkedRoom = &LMAN->Portal_GetLinkedRoom(port); // cull by portal angle to camera. // NEW! I've come up with a much better way of culling portals by direction to camera... // instead of using dot product with a varying view direction, we simply find which side of the portal // plane the camera is on! If it is behind, the portal can be seen through, if in front, it can't! :) float dist_cam = port.m_Plane.distance_to(m_pCamera->m_ptPos); LPRINT_RUN(2, "\tPORTAL " + itos (port_num) + " (" + itos(port_id) + ") " + port.get_name()); if (dist_cam > 0.0f) { LPRINT_RUN(2, "\t\tCULLED (back facing)"); continue; } /* // Note we need to deal with 'side on' portals, and the camera has a spreading view, so we cannot simply dot // the portal normal with camera direction, we need to take into account angle to the portal itself. const Vector3 &portal_normal = port.m_Plane.normal; LPRINT_RUN(2, "\tPORTAL " + itos (port_num) + " (" + itos(port_id) + ") " + port.get_name() + " normal " + portal_normal); // we will dot the portal angle with a ray from the camera to the portal centre // (there might be an even better ray direction but this will do for now) Vector3 dir_portal = port.m_ptCentre - m_pCamera->m_ptPos; // doesn't actually need to be normalized? float dot = dir_portal.dot(portal_normal); if (dot <= -0.0f) // 0.0 { //LPRINT_RUN(2, "\t\tCULLED (wrong direction) dot is " + String(Variant(dot)) + ", dir_portal is " + dir_portal); LPRINT_RUN(2, "\t\tCULLED (wrong direction)"); continue; } */ // is it culled by the planes? LPortal::eClipResult overall_res = LPortal::eClipResult::CLIP_INSIDE; // while clipping to the planes we maintain a list of partial planes, so we can add them to the // recursive next iteration of planes to check static LVector partial_planes; partial_planes.clear(); // for portals, we want to ignore the near clipping plane, as we might be right on the edge of a doorway // and still want to look through the portal. // So we are starting this loop from 1, ASSUMING that plane zero is the near clipping plane. // If it isn't we would need a different strategy // Note that now this only occurs for the first portal out of the current room. After that, // 0 is passed as first_portal_plane, because the near plane will probably be irrelevant, // and we are now not necessarily copying the camera planes. for (int l=first_portal_plane; lm_Pool.Request(); if (uiPoolMem != -1) { // get a vector of planes from the pool LVector &new_planes = LMAN->m_Pool.Get(uiPoolMem); new_planes.clear(); // NEW!! if portal is totally inside the planes, don't copy the old planes if (overall_res != LPortal::eClipResult::CLIP_INSIDE) { // copy the existing planes //new_planes.copy_from(planes); // new .. only copy the partial planes that the portal cuts through for (int n=0; nm_ptPos, new_planes); if (pLinkedRoom) { Trace_Recursive(depth+1, *pLinkedRoom, new_planes, 0); //pLinkedRoom->DetermineVisibility_Recursive(manager, depth + 1, cam, new_planes, 0); // for debugging need to reset tab depth Lawn::LDebug::m_iTabDepth = depth; } // we no longer need these planes LMAN->m_Pool.Free(uiPoolMem); } else { // planes pool is empty! // This will happen if the view goes through shedloads of portals // The solution is either to increase the plane pool size, or build levels // with views through multiple portals. Looking through multiple portals is likely to be // slow anyway because of the number of planes to test. WARN_PRINT_ONCE("Planes pool is empty"); } } // for p through portals } void LTrace::DetectFirstTouch(LRoom &room) { // mark if not reached yet on this trace if (!m_pBF_Rooms->GetBit(room.m_RoomID)) { m_pBF_Rooms->SetBit(room.m_RoomID, true); if (m_TraceFlags & MAKE_ROOM_VISIBLE) { // keep track of which rooms are shown this trace m_pVisible_Rooms->push_back(room.m_RoomID); } // camera and light traces if (m_TraceFlags & TOUCH_ROOMS) { if (room.m_uiFrameTouched < LMAN->m_uiFrameCounter) FirstTouch(room); } } } void LTrace::FirstTouch(LRoom &room) { // set the frame counter room.m_uiFrameTouched = LMAN->m_uiFrameCounter; // show this room and add to visible list of rooms room.Room_MakeVisible(true); // m_pBF_Rooms->SetBit(room.m_RoomID, true); // keep track of which rooms are shown this frame // m_pVisible_Rooms->push_back(room.m_RoomID); // hide all dobs for (int n=0; n