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synced 2025-02-22 07:37:57 +01:00
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extends HTTPRequest
class_name GoogleTranslateAPI
var endpoint : String = "https://translation.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2"
var headers : PoolStringArray = ["Authorization: Bearer [token]", "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"]
var token : String = ""
signal translation_received(translations)
func _ready() -> void:
connect("request_completed", self, "_on_translation_received")
# endpoint.replace("[project-number-or-id]", project_number)
# headers = ["Authentication: Bearer %s" % auth_token, "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"]
func set_token(t : String) -> void:
token = t
func get_token() -> String:
return token
func request_translation(source_language : String, target_language : String, contents : PoolStringArray) -> void:
var temp_headers : PoolStringArray = headers
temp_headers[0] = temp_headers[0].replace("[token]", token)
request(endpoint, temp_headers, true, HTTPClient.METHOD_POST, JSON.print({"source":source_language, "target":target_language, "q":contents}))
func request_dummy() -> void:
var dummy : Dictionary = { "source":"en", "target": "ru", "q": ["Dr. Watson, come here!", "Bring me some coffee!"] }
request_translation(dummy.source, dummy.target, dummy.q)
func _on_translation_received(result: int, response_code: int, headers: PoolStringArray, body: PoolByteArray) -> void:
# print("Request Result ", result, " with response code ", response_code)
if response_code != 200 : print(JSON.parse(body.get_string_from_utf8()).result)
emit_signal("translation_received", [response_code,JSON.parse(body.get_string_from_utf8()).result])