2019-10-03 16:06:46 +02:00

165 lines
4.8 KiB

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filters = PoolStringArray( "*.txt ; Plain Text File", "*.rtf ; Rich Text Format File", "*.log ; Log File", "*.md ; MD File", "*.doc ; WordPad Document", "*.doc ; Microsoft Word Document", "*.docm ; Word Open XML Macro-Enabled Document", "*.docx ; Microsoft Word Open XML Document", "*.bbs ; Bulletin Board System Text", "*.dat ; Data File", "*.xml ; XML File", "*.sql ; SQL database file", "*.json ; JavaScript Object Notation File", "*.html ; HyperText Markup Language" )
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window_title = "Unsaved changes"
dialog_text = "There are some unsaved changes.
Press \"OK\" if you want to close this tab anyway, or \"cancel\" if you want to keep on editing your file."
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