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1 ) text = "(columns)" @@ -362,21 +428,24 @@ custom_colors/font_color = Color( 0, 1, 0.156863, 1 ) text = "|" [node name="Readonly" parent="Container/FileProperties" instance=ExtResource( 1 )] -custom_icons/checked = SubResource( 24 ) -custom_icons/unchecked = SubResource( 26 ) +custom_icons/checked = SubResource( 28 ) +custom_icons/unchecked = SubResource( 30 ) [node name="EditDialog" type="AcceptDialog" parent="."] -anchor_left = 0.394852 -anchor_top = 0.440333 -anchor_right = 0.62768 -anchor_bottom = 0.559667 -margin_left = -0.328003 -margin_top = -0.199997 -margin_right = -2.74402 -margin_bottom = 0.199951 +visible = true +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +margin_left = -118.0 +margin_top = -36.0002 +margin_right = 118.0 +margin_bottom = 36.0002 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 window_title = "SOME TEXT" __meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": true +"_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="Options" type="VBoxContainer" parent="EditDialog"] @@ -393,37 +462,37 @@ __meta__ = { [node name="Rows" type="HBoxContainer" parent="EditDialog/Options"] visible = false -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 253.0 -margin_bottom = 32.0 +margin_top = 2.0 +margin_right = 219.0 +margin_bottom = 26.0 alignment = 1 __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": true } [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="EditDialog/Options/Rows"] -margin_left = 40.0 +margin_left = 23.0 margin_top = 5.0 -margin_right = 106.0 +margin_right = 89.0 margin_bottom = 19.0 text = "Add Rows:" [node name="LessBtn" type="Button" parent="EditDialog/Options/Rows"] -margin_left = 110.0 -margin_right = 127.0 +margin_left = 93.0 +margin_right = 110.0 margin_bottom = 24.0 text = "-" [node name="NewRows" type="LineEdit" parent="EditDialog/Options/Rows"] -margin_left = 131.0 -margin_right = 189.0 +margin_left = 114.0 +margin_right = 172.0 margin_bottom = 24.0 align = 1 placeholder_text = "0" [node name="MoreBtn" type="Button" parent="EditDialog/Options/Rows"] -margin_left = 193.0 -margin_right = 213.0 +margin_left = 176.0 +margin_right = 196.0 margin_bottom = 24.0 text = "+" @@ -467,26 +536,42 @@ text = "+" [node name="Delimiter" type="HBoxContainer" parent="EditDialog/Options"] visible = false -margin_top = 48.0 -margin_right = 278.0 -margin_bottom = 72.0 +margin_top = 2.0 +margin_right = 219.0 +margin_bottom = 26.0 alignment = 1 __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": true } [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="EditDialog/Options/Delimiter"] -margin_left = 55.0 +margin_left = 26.0 margin_top = 5.0 -margin_right = 160.0 +margin_right = 131.0 margin_bottom = 19.0 text = "Using Delimiter:" [node name="DelimiterLine" type="LineEdit" parent="EditDialog/Options/Delimiter"] -margin_left = 164.0 -margin_right = 222.0 +margin_left = 135.0 +margin_right = 193.0 margin_bottom = 24.0 +[node name="DropRows" type="VBoxContainer" parent="EditDialog/Options"] +margin_top = 12.0 +margin_right = 219.0 +margin_bottom = 12.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +alignment = 1 +__meta__ = { +"_edit_use_anchors_": true +} + +[node name="DropColumns" type="HBoxContainer" parent="EditDialog/Options"] +margin_top = 16.0 +margin_right = 219.0 +margin_bottom = 16.0 +alignment = 1 + [node name="EditorSettingsDialog" type="AcceptDialog" parent="."] anchor_left = 0.359 anchor_top = 0.43 @@ -516,90 +601,86 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="ColumnsLength" type="HBoxContainer" parent="EditorSettingsDialog/EditorSettings"] -margin_top = 2.0 -margin_right = 272.0 -margin_bottom = 26.0 +margin_top = 1.0 +margin_right = 271.0 +margin_bottom = 25.0 [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="EditorSettingsDialog/EditorSettings/ColumnsLength"] -margin_left = 35.0 margin_top = 5.0 -margin_right = 155.0 +margin_right = 120.0 margin_bottom = 19.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 120, 0 ) text = "Columns length:" [node name="ColumnsLengthLine" type="LineEdit" parent="EditorSettingsDialog/EditorSettings/ColumnsLength"] -margin_left = 159.0 -margin_right = 217.0 +margin_left = 124.0 +margin_right = 182.0 margin_bottom = 24.0 [node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="EditorSettingsDialog/EditorSettings/ColumnsLength"] -margin_left = 221.0 +margin_left = 186.0 margin_top = 5.0 -margin_right = 236.0 +margin_right = 201.0 margin_bottom = 19.0 text = "px" [node name="ColumnsSpacing" type="HBoxContainer" parent="EditorSettingsDialog/EditorSettings"] -margin_top = 30.0 -margin_right = 272.0 -margin_bottom = 54.0 +margin_top = 29.0 +margin_right = 271.0 +margin_bottom = 53.0 [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="EditorSettingsDialog/EditorSettings/ColumnsSpacing"] -margin_left = 35.0 margin_top = 5.0 -margin_right = 155.0 +margin_right = 120.0 margin_bottom = 19.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 120, 0 ) text = "Columns spacing:" [node name="ColumnsSpacingLine" type="LineEdit" parent="EditorSettingsDialog/EditorSettings/ColumnsSpacing"] -margin_left = 159.0 -margin_right = 217.0 +margin_left = 124.0 +margin_right = 182.0 margin_bottom = 24.0 [node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="EditorSettingsDialog/EditorSettings/ColumnsSpacing"] -margin_left = 221.0 +margin_left = 186.0 margin_top = 5.0 -margin_right = 236.0 +margin_right = 201.0 margin_bottom = 19.0 text = "px" [node name="RowsSpacing" type="HBoxContainer" parent="EditorSettingsDialog/EditorSettings"] -margin_top = 58.0 -margin_right = 272.0 -margin_bottom = 82.0 +margin_top = 57.0 +margin_right = 271.0 +margin_bottom = 81.0 [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="EditorSettingsDialog/EditorSettings/RowsSpacing"] -margin_left = 35.0 margin_top = 5.0 -margin_right = 155.0 +margin_right = 120.0 margin_bottom = 19.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 120, 0 ) text = "Rows spacing:" [node name="RowsSpacingLine" type="LineEdit" parent="EditorSettingsDialog/EditorSettings/RowsSpacing"] -margin_left = 159.0 -margin_right = 217.0 +margin_left = 124.0 +margin_right = 182.0 margin_bottom = 24.0 [node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="EditorSettingsDialog/EditorSettings/RowsSpacing"] -margin_left = 221.0 +margin_left = 186.0 margin_top = 5.0 -margin_right = 236.0 +margin_right = 201.0 margin_bottom = 19.0 text = "px" [node name="TranslationDialog" type="WindowDialog" parent="."] -visible = true anchor_left = 0.5 anchor_top = 0.5 anchor_right = 0.5 anchor_bottom = 0.5 -margin_left = -200.0 -margin_top = -156.5 -margin_right = 200.0 -margin_bottom = 156.5 +margin_left = -250.0 +margin_top = -223.0 +margin_right = 251.0 +margin_bottom = 223.0 window_title = "Translate this File" resizable = true __meta__ = { @@ -619,31 +700,32 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="AuthToken" type="HBoxContainer" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer"] -margin_right = 360.0 +margin_right = 461.0 margin_bottom = 24.0 [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/AuthToken"] margin_top = 5.0 margin_right = 76.0 margin_bottom = 19.0 +custom_colors/font_color = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) text = "Auth Token:" [node name="TokenLine" type="LineEdit" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/AuthToken"] margin_left = 80.0 -margin_right = 288.0 +margin_right = 389.0 margin_bottom = 24.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 [node name="SecretCheck" type="CheckBox" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/AuthToken"] -margin_left = 292.0 -margin_right = 360.0 +margin_left = 393.0 +margin_right = 461.0 margin_bottom = 24.0 text = "secret" [node name="Keys" type="VBoxContainer" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer"] margin_top = 34.0 -margin_right = 360.0 -margin_bottom = 137.0 +margin_right = 461.0 +margin_bottom = 192.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 @@ -655,15 +737,15 @@ text = "Keys to translate:" align = 1 [node name="ScrollContainer" type="ScrollContainer" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Keys"] -margin_right = 360.0 -margin_bottom = 103.0 +margin_right = 461.0 +margin_bottom = 158.0 mouse_filter = 1 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 [node name="KeysTree" type="Tree" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Keys/ScrollContainer"] -margin_right = 360.0 -margin_bottom = 103.0 +margin_right = 461.0 +margin_bottom = 158.0 rect_clip_content = false mouse_filter = 1 size_flags_horizontal = 3 @@ -672,22 +754,22 @@ allow_reselect = true hide_root = true [node name="Languages" type="HBoxContainer" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer"] -margin_top = 147.0 -margin_right = 360.0 -margin_bottom = 251.0 +margin_top = 202.0 +margin_right = 461.0 +margin_bottom = 360.0 size_flags_vertical = 3 [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Languages"] -margin_top = 45.0 +margin_top = 72.0 margin_right = 58.0 -margin_bottom = 59.0 +margin_bottom = 86.0 text = "Translate" [node name="SourceLangMenu" type="OptionButton" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Languages"] margin_left = 62.0 -margin_top = 42.0 +margin_top = 69.0 margin_right = 134.0 -margin_bottom = 62.0 +margin_bottom = 89.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 70, 0 ) size_flags_vertical = 4 text = "source" @@ -695,39 +777,128 @@ align = 1 [node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Languages"] margin_left = 138.0 -margin_top = 45.0 +margin_top = 72.0 margin_right = 151.0 -margin_bottom = 59.0 +margin_bottom = 86.0 text = "to" [node name="TargetLangs" type="ScrollContainer" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Languages"] margin_left = 155.0 -margin_right = 360.0 -margin_bottom = 104.0 +margin_right = 461.0 +margin_bottom = 158.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 [node name="TargetLangsTree" type="Tree" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Languages/TargetLangs"] -margin_right = 205.0 -margin_bottom = 104.0 +margin_right = 306.0 +margin_bottom = 158.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 allow_reselect = true hide_root = true -[node name="Buttons" type="HBoxContainer" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer"] -margin_top = 261.0 -margin_right = 360.0 -margin_bottom = 281.0 +[node name="ErrorLbl" type="Label" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer"] +margin_top = 370.0 +margin_right = 461.0 +margin_bottom = 384.0 +custom_colors/font_color = Color( 1, 0, 0.258824, 1 ) +text = "ERROR" +autowrap = true -[node name="CancelBtn" type="Button" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Buttons"] -margin_right = 54.0 +[node name="Buttons" type="HBoxContainer" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer"] +margin_top = 394.0 +margin_right = 461.0 +margin_bottom = 414.0 + +[node name="GetTokenBtn" type="Button" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Buttons"] +margin_right = 79.0 margin_bottom = 20.0 -text = "Cancel" +custom_styles/normal = SubResource( 45 ) +custom_colors/font_color = Color( 0, 1, 0.368627, 1 ) +text = "Get Token" [node name="AcceptBtn" type="Button" parent="TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Buttons"] -margin_left = 290.0 -margin_right = 360.0 +margin_left = 391.0 +margin_right = 461.0 margin_bottom = 20.0 size_flags_horizontal = 10 text = "Translate" + +[node name="HowTo" type="WindowDialog" parent="."] +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +margin_left = -430.0 +margin_top = -252.0 +margin_right = 430.0 +margin_bottom = 252.0 +window_title = "How to get an OAuth 2 Token for Google API" +resizable = true +__meta__ = { +"_edit_use_anchors_": false +} + +[node name="RichTextLabel" type="RichTextLabel" parent="HowTo"] +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +custom_styles/normal = SubResource( 107 ) +custom_fonts/mono_font = SubResource( 137 ) +custom_fonts/bold_font = SubResource( 61 ) +custom_fonts/normal_font = SubResource( 62 ) +bbcode_enabled = true +bbcode_text = "In order to use Google Translate APIs, an Auth Token is always required. +Currently, to have a Google Token, it is required to have billings activated to your own Google account. +Anyway there's a little workaround which will let you have free auth tokens from Google itself, without linking any bank account or information to your own account. +Just follow these little steps and you will be able to use Google Translate APIs inside and outside of this plugin. + +[b]1. Access to Google OAuth 2 Playground[/b] +Follow [url=https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/]this link[/url] to access Google OAuth 2 Playground. +This is a developers tool which allows users to have free oauth tokens to make any kind of request to REST APIs (just like Translate ones). +Look for [code]Cloud Translation[/code]. +[center][img]res://addons/file-editor/howto/api_token/msedge_zmozPZZj3p.png[/img][/center] + +[b]2. Give access to Playground[/b] +Click on [code]Cloud Translation API v3[/code] to explode it, then select [code]https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-translation[/code] and press on [code]Authorize APIs[/code]. +Google will ask to give access to Google OAuth 2 Playground. Allow it and proceed. + +[b]3. Create a Token[/b] +Once you have given permission to Google, you will be able to create your own token for free. +1. Explode \"Step 2\" if not opened +2. Check [code]Auto-refresh the token before it expires[/code] +3. Press [code]Exchange authorization code[/code] button +4. Copy the whole \"Access Token\" input field and paste it inside the Translation dialog box +[center][img]res://addons/file-editor/howto/api_token/LR7EGXjHCm.png[/img][/center] + +[b]Note[/b] +The token will always expires after ~3000 seconds, so always make sure to copy and paste it again (if you have already checked the Auto-refresh option, otherwise refresh it manually with the button inside the form)" +text = "In order to use Google Translate APIs, an Auth Token is always required. +Currently, to have a Google Token, it is required to have billings activated to your own Google account. +Anyway there's a little workaround which will let you have free auth tokens from Google itself, without linking any bank account or information to your own account. +Just follow these little steps and you will be able to use Google Translate APIs inside and outside of this plugin. + +1. Access to Google OAuth 2 Playground +Follow this link to access Google OAuth 2 Playground. +This is a developers tool which allows users to have free oauth tokens to make any kind of request to REST APIs (just like Translate ones). +Look for Cloud Translation. + + +2. Give access to Playground +Click on Cloud Translation API v3 to explode it, then select https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-translation and press on Authorize APIs. +Google will ask to give access to Google OAuth 2 Playground. Allow it and proceed. + +3. Create a Token +Once you have given permission to Google, you will be able to create your own token for free. +1. Explode \"Step 2\" if not opened +2. Check Auto-refresh the token before it expires +3. Press Exchange authorization code button +4. Copy the whole \"Access Token\" input field and paste it inside the Translation dialog box + + +Note +The token will always expires after ~3000 seconds, so always make sure to copy and paste it again (if you have already checked the Auto-refresh option, otherwise refresh it manually with the button inside the form)" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_use_anchors_": false +} diff --git a/addons/file-editor/scripts/CSVEditor.gd b/addons/file-editor/scripts/CSVEditor.gd index 4f153f2..6869d0c 100644 --- a/addons/file-editor/scripts/CSVEditor.gd +++ b/addons/file-editor/scripts/CSVEditor.gd @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ onready var edit_dialog : AcceptDialog = $EditDialog onready var edit_rows : HBoxContainer = edit_dialog.get_node("Options/Rows") onready var edit_columns : HBoxContainer = edit_dialog.get_node("Options/Columns") onready var edit_delimiter : HBoxContainer = edit_dialog.get_node("Options/Delimiter") +onready var drop_rows : VBoxContainer = edit_dialog.get_node("Options/DropRows") +onready var drop_columns : HBoxContainer = edit_dialog.get_node("Options/DropColumns") onready var new_rows_line : LineEdit = edit_rows.get_node("NewRows") onready var new_columns_line : LineEdit = edit_columns.get_node("NewColumns") onready var new_delimiter_line : LineEdit = edit_delimiter.get_node("DelimiterLine") @@ -37,6 +39,10 @@ onready var keys_tree : Tree = $TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Keys/Scro onready var source_lang_menu : OptionButton = $TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Languages/SourceLangMenu onready var target_langs_tree : Tree = $TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Languages/TargetLangs/TargetLangsTree +onready var error_lbl : Label = $TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/ErrorLbl + +onready var how_to : WindowDialog = $HowTo + var current_file_path : String var file_path : String @@ -45,11 +51,13 @@ var columns_count : int = 1 var rows_count : int = 1 signal update_file() +signal editing_file() var GoogleTranslate : GoogleTranslateAPI = GoogleTranslateAPI.new() # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): + error_lbl.hide() _connect_signals() _load_icons() _add_shortcuts() @@ -59,20 +67,32 @@ func _ready(): func _add_shortcuts() -> void: var hotkey - hotkey = InputEventKey.new() - hotkey.scancode = KEY_C - hotkey.alt = true - edit_menu_options.set_item_accelerator(1,hotkey.get_scancode_with_modifiers()) - hotkey = InputEventKey.new() hotkey.scancode = KEY_R hotkey.alt = true edit_menu_options.set_item_accelerator(0,hotkey.get_scancode_with_modifiers()) + hotkey = InputEventKey.new() + hotkey.scancode = KEY_C + hotkey.alt = true + edit_menu_options.set_item_accelerator(1,hotkey.get_scancode_with_modifiers()) + hotkey = InputEventKey.new() hotkey.scancode = KEY_D hotkey.alt = true edit_menu_options.set_item_accelerator(2,hotkey.get_scancode_with_modifiers()) + + hotkey = InputEventKey.new() + hotkey.scancode = KEY_R + hotkey.alt = true + hotkey.shift = true + edit_menu_options.set_item_accelerator(3,hotkey.get_scancode_with_modifiers()) + + hotkey = InputEventKey.new() + hotkey.scancode = KEY_C + hotkey.alt = true + hotkey.shift = true + edit_menu_options.set_item_accelerator(4,hotkey.get_scancode_with_modifiers()) func _connect_signals() -> void: align_menu_opitons.connect("id_pressed", self, "_on_align_pressed") @@ -89,6 +109,7 @@ func _connect_signals() -> void: $TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/AuthToken/SecretCheck.connect("toggled", self, "_on_secret_check") $TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Buttons/AcceptBtn.connect("pressed", self, "_on_translation_accept") + $TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/Buttons/GetTokenBtn.connect("pressed", how_to, "popup") source_lang_menu.connect("item_selected", self , "_on_source_lang_selected") # GoogleTranslate.connect("translation_received", self, "_on_translation_received") @@ -105,20 +126,114 @@ func _load_icons() -> void: edit_menu_options.set_item_icon(0,IconLoader.load_icon_from_name("row")) edit_menu_options.set_item_icon(1,IconLoader.load_icon_from_name("column")) - edit_menu_options.set_item_icon(2,IconLoader.load_icon_from_name("save")) + edit_menu_options.set_item_icon(2,IconLoader.load_icon_from_name("delimiter")) + edit_menu_options.set_item_icon(3,IconLoader.load_icon_from_name("drop_row")) + edit_menu_options.set_item_icon(4,IconLoader.load_icon_from_name("drop_column")) readonly_btn.set("custom_icons/checked",IconLoader.load_icon_from_name("read")) readonly_btn.set("custom_icons/unchecked",IconLoader.load_icon_from_name("edit")) + + settings_menu_options.set_item_icon(0, IconLoader.load_icon_from_name("tools")) + settings_menu_options.set_item_icon(1, IconLoader.load_icon_from_name("translate")) + +func clear_editor() -> void: + for column in Columns.get_children(): + if not column in [_zero_column, _column_head]: + column.free() + for row in _zero_column.get_children(): + if not row.get_name() in ["0","1"]: + row.free() + for label in _column_head.get_children(): + if not label.get_text() in ["@", "1"]: + label.free() + +func open_csv_file(filepath : String, csv_delimiter : String = ";") -> void: + if rows_count != 0 and columns_count != 0: clear_editor() + self.file_path = filepath + self.csv_delimiter = csv_delimiter + var csv = File.new() + csv.open(filepath,File.READ) + var rows : Array = [] + var columns : int = 0 + if not csv.get_as_text().empty(): + while not csv.eof_reached(): + var csv_line = csv.get_csv_line(csv_delimiter) + if Array(csv_line) != [""]: + columns = csv_line.size() if columns < csv_line.size() else columns + if csv_line.size() < columns: + csv_line.resize(columns) + rows.append(csv_line) + csv.close() + + if columns != 0: + columns_count = columns + if rows.size() != 0: + rows_count = rows.size() + + load_file_properties() + load_file_in_table(rows,columns) + +func load_file_properties() -> void: + rows_count_lbl.set_text(str(rows_count)) + columns_count_lbl.set_text(str(columns_count)) + csv_delimiter_lbl.set_text(csv_delimiter) + +func load_csv_grid(rows : Array, columns : int) -> void: + for row in range(1,rows.size()): + var csv_field : LineEdit = _row_line.duplicate(8) + _zero_column.add_child(csv_field) + var csv_field_label : Label = _row_label.duplicate(8) + _column_head.add_child(csv_field_label) + csv_field_label.set_text(str(row+1)) + + for column in range(1,columns): + var csv_column : VBoxContainer = _zero_column.duplicate(8) + Columns.add_child(csv_column) + csv_column.get_node("0").set_text(str(column+1)) + + for column in range(1, columns_count+1): + for row in range(1, rows_count+1): + if Columns.get_child(column).get_child(row).is_connected("text_changed", self, "_on_editing_cell"): + Columns.get_child(column).get_child(row).connect("text_changed", self, "_on_editing_cell", [Vector2(column, row)]) + +func load_file_in_table(rows : Array, columns : int) -> void: + load_csv_grid(rows, columns) + + for row in range(0,rows.size()): + for column in range(0,columns): + Columns.get_child(column+1).get_child(row+1).set_text(rows[row][column]) + +func save_table() -> void: + var file = File.new() + file.open(file_path, File.WRITE) + for row in range(0, rows_count): + var current_row : PoolStringArray = [] + for column in range(0, columns_count): + current_row.append(Columns.get_child(column+1).get_child(row+1).get_text()) + file.store_csv_line(current_row, csv_delimiter) + file.close() + + emit_signal("update_file") + +func _on_editing_cell(new_text : String, cell_position : Vector2) -> void: + emit_signal("editing_file") func _on_secret_check(toggled : bool) -> void: token_line.set_secret(toggled) func _on_translation_accept() -> void: + error_lbl.hide() var token : String = token_line.get_text() + var tw : Tween = Tween.new() if token in ["", " "]: - print("An Auth Token is required in order to make translate requests to Google Translate API.") - translation_dialog.hide() + error_lbl.show() + error_lbl.set_text("An Auth Token is required in order to make translation requests to Google Translate API.") + add_child(tw) + tw.interpolate_property($TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/AuthToken,"modulate",Color("#ffffff"),Color("#ff0000"),0.5,Tween.TRANS_BACK,Tween.EASE_OUT_IN) + tw.start() return + tw.queue_free() + $TranslationDialog/TranslationContainer/AuthToken.set_modulate(Color("#ffffff")) GoogleTranslate.set_token(token) var source_lang_idx : int = langs.find(source_lang_menu.get_text()) if source_lang_menu.get_selected() == -1 else source_lang_menu.get_selected() @@ -130,12 +245,22 @@ func _on_translation_accept() -> void: for lang in range(0, langs.size()-1): first_lang = get_checked(first_lang.get_next(), target_langs_idx, langs) + if target_langs_idx.empty() : + error_lbl.show() + error_lbl.set_text("You must select at least one target language to translate.") + return + var selected_keys_idx : Array = [] var first_key : TreeItem = keys_tree.get_root().get_children() get_checked(first_key, selected_keys_idx, keys) for key in range(0, keys.size()-1): first_key = get_checked(first_key.get_next(), selected_keys_idx, keys) + if selected_keys_idx.empty() : + error_lbl.show() + error_lbl.set_text("You must select at least one key to translate.") + return + var target_keys : Array = [] for key_idx in selected_keys_idx: target_keys.append(Columns.get_child(source_lang_idx).get_child(key_idx).get_text().replace("\"","")) @@ -146,8 +271,12 @@ func _on_translation_accept() -> void: Columns.get_child(lang_idx).get_child(1).get_text(), target_keys ) - var response : Dictionary = yield(GoogleTranslate, "translation_received") - var translation_table : Array = response.data.translations + var response : Array = yield(GoogleTranslate, "translation_received") + if response[0] != 200: + error_lbl.show() + error_lbl.set_text(response[1].error.errors[0].message) + return + var translation_table : Array = response[1].data.translations var i : int = 0 for key in selected_keys_idx: Columns.get_child(lang_idx).get_child(key).set_text("\"%s\""%translation_table[i].translatedText) @@ -165,13 +294,23 @@ func _on_align_pressed(id : int) -> void: for row in range(1, rows_count+1): Columns.get_child(column).get_child(row).set_align(id) +# If an Edit button is pressed func _on_edit_pressed(id : int) -> void: + for child in range(0, edit_dialog.get_node("Options").get_child_count()): + edit_dialog.get_node("Options").get_child(child).set_visible((child == id)) + + edit_dialog.rect_min_size = Vector2.ZERO + edit_dialog.rect_size = Vector2(250,100) new_rows_line.set_text(str(0)) new_columns_line.set_text(str(0)) new_delimiter_line.set_text(csv_delimiter) - for child in range(0, edit_dialog.get_node("Options").get_child_count()): - edit_dialog.get_node("Options").get_child(child).set_visible((child == id)) + for column in drop_columns.get_children(): + column.queue_free() + + for row in drop_rows.get_children(): + row.queue_free() + match id: 0: @@ -180,9 +319,86 @@ func _on_edit_pressed(id : int) -> void: edit_dialog.window_title = ("Add Columns") 2: edit_dialog.window_title = ("Change Delimiter") + 3: + edit_dialog.window_title = ("Drop Rows") + for row in range(0, rows_count): + var check : CheckBox = CheckBox.new() + drop_rows.add_child(check) + check.set_text(str(row+1)) + 4: + edit_dialog.window_title = ("Drop Columns") + for column in range(0, columns_count): + var check : CheckBox = CheckBox.new() + drop_columns.add_child(check) + check.set_text(str(column+1)) edit_dialog.popup() +# If Edit Option is confirmed +func _on_edit_confirmed() -> void: + # Add new Columns + if edit_columns.is_visible(): + var ref_column : VBoxContainer = _zero_column.duplicate(8) + for row in ref_column.get_children(): + row.set_text("") + var new_columns : int = new_columns_line.get_text() as int + for new_column in range(0,new_columns): + var column : VBoxContainer = ref_column.duplicate(8) + column.get_child(0).set_text((columns_count+new_column+1) as String) + Columns.add_child(column) + columns_count+=new_columns + + # Add new Rows + if edit_rows.is_visible(): + var new_rows : int = new_rows_line.get_text() as int + for column in range(1, columns_count+1): + for row in range(0, new_rows): + Columns.get_child(column).add_child(LineEdit.new()) + for row in range(0, new_rows): + var lbl : Label = Label.new() + lbl.set_text(str(rows_count+row+1)) + _column_head.add_child(lbl) + rows_count+=new_rows + + # Change delimiter + if edit_delimiter.is_visible(): + assert(not new_delimiter_line.get_text() in ["", " "], "Delimiter not valid.") + open_csv_file(file_path, new_delimiter_line.get_text()) + load_file_properties() + + # Drop rows + if drop_rows.is_visible(): + var rows_to_drop : PoolIntArray = [] + for row in drop_rows.get_children(): + if row.is_pressed(): rows_to_drop.append(int(row.get_text())) + drop_rows(rows_to_drop) + + # Drop Columns + if drop_columns.is_visible(): + var columns_to_drop : PoolIntArray = [] + for column in drop_columns.get_children(): + if column.is_pressed(): columns_to_drop.append(int(column.get_text())) + drop_columns(columns_to_drop) + +func drop_columns(columns_to_drop : PoolIntArray) -> void: + for column in columns_to_drop: + Columns.get_child(column).queue_free() + columns_count-=1 + for column in range(1, columns_count+1): + Columns.get_child(column).get_child(0).set_text(str(column)) + + save_table() + +func drop_rows(rows_to_drop : PoolIntArray) -> void: + for column in range(0, columns_count+1): + for row in rows_to_drop: + Columns.get_child(column).get_child(row).queue_free() + rows_count-=rows_to_drop.size() + for row in range(1, rows_count+1): + _column_head.get_child(row).set_text(str(row)) + + save_table() + var keys : Array = [] var langs : Array = [] #var source_lang : String = "" @@ -248,7 +464,6 @@ func check_source_target_lang(target : TreeItem) -> TreeItem : target.set_custom_bg_color(0, Color.transparent) return target - func _on_source_lang_selected(idx : int) -> void: disable_source_lang(langs) @@ -282,35 +497,7 @@ func _on_more_pressed() -> void: if edit_rows.is_visible(): new_rows_line.set_text(str(int(new_rows_line.get_text())+1)) -func _on_edit_confirmed() -> void: - # Add new Columns - if edit_columns.is_visible(): - var ref_column : VBoxContainer = _zero_column.duplicate(8) - for row in ref_column.get_children(): - row.set_text("") - var new_columns : int = new_columns_line.get_text() as int - for new_column in range(0,new_columns): - var column : VBoxContainer = ref_column.duplicate(8) - column.get_child(0).set_text((columns_count+new_column+1) as String) - Columns.add_child(column) - columns_count+=new_columns - # Add new Rows - if edit_rows.is_visible(): - var new_rows : int = new_rows_line.get_text() as int - for column in range(1, columns_count+1): - for row in range(0, new_rows): - Columns.get_child(column).add_child(LineEdit.new()) - for row in range(0, new_rows): - var lbl : Label = Label.new() - lbl.set_text(str(rows_count+row+1)) - _column_head.add_child(lbl) - rows_count+=new_rows - # Change delimiter - if edit_delimiter.is_visible(): - assert(not new_delimiter_line.get_text() in ["", " "], "Delimiter not valid.") - open_csv_file(file_path, new_delimiter_line.get_text()) - load_file_properties() - +# Set a LineEdit readonly property to TRUE or FALSE func _is_readonly(readonly : bool) -> void: for column in range(1, columns_count+1): for row in range(1, rows_count+1): @@ -318,83 +505,6 @@ func _is_readonly(readonly : bool) -> void: edit_menu_options.set_item_disabled(0, readonly) edit_menu_options.set_item_disabled(1, readonly) -func clear_editor() -> void: - for column in Columns.get_children(): - if not column in [_zero_column, _column_head]: - column.free() - for row in _zero_column.get_children(): - if not row.get_name() in ["0","1"]: - row.free() - for label in _column_head.get_children(): - if not label.get_text() in ["@", "1"]: - label.free() - -func open_csv_file(filepath : String, csv_delimiter : String = ";") -> void: - if rows_count != 0 and columns_count != 0: clear_editor() - self.file_path = filepath - self.csv_delimiter = csv_delimiter - var csv = File.new() - csv.open(filepath,File.READ) - var rows : Array = [] - var columns : int = 0 - if not csv.get_as_text().empty(): - while not csv.eof_reached(): - var csv_line = csv.get_csv_line(csv_delimiter) - if Array(csv_line) != [""]: - columns = csv_line.size() if columns < csv_line.size() else columns - if csv_line.size() < columns: - csv_line.resize(columns) - rows.append(csv_line) - csv.close() - - if columns != 0: - columns_count = columns - if rows.size() != 0: - rows_count = rows.size() - - load_file_properties() - load_file_in_table(rows,columns) -# ReadOnly.pressed = (true) -# $Editor/FileInfo/delimiter.set_text(csv_delimiter) -# ChangeDelimiterDialog.get_node("VBoxContainer/delim_read").set_text(csv_delimiter) - -func load_file_properties() -> void: - rows_count_lbl.set_text(str(rows_count)) - columns_count_lbl.set_text(str(columns_count)) - csv_delimiter_lbl.set_text(csv_delimiter) - -func load_csv_grid(rows : Array, columns : int) -> void: - for row in range(1,rows.size()): - var csv_field : LineEdit = _row_line.duplicate(8) - _zero_column.add_child(csv_field) - var csv_field_label : Label = _row_label.duplicate(8) - _column_head.add_child(csv_field_label) - csv_field_label.set_text(str(row+1)) - - for column in range(1,columns): - var csv_column : VBoxContainer = _zero_column.duplicate(8) - Columns.add_child(csv_column) - csv_column.get_node("0").set_text(str(column+1)) - -func load_file_in_table(rows : Array, columns : int) -> void: - load_csv_grid(rows, columns) - - for row in range(0,rows.size()): - for column in range(0,columns): - Columns.get_child(column+1).get_child(row+1).set_text(rows[row][column]) - -func save_table() -> void: - var file = File.new() - file.open(file_path, File.WRITE) - for row in range(0, rows_count): - var current_row : PoolStringArray = [] - for column in range(0, columns_count): - current_row.append(Columns.get_child(column+1).get_child(row+1).get_text()) - file.store_csv_line(current_row, csv_delimiter) - file.close() - pass - emit_signal("update_file") - # This is the loading function used to initially build this node. No need to use this anymore func _load(): # Load Rows @@ -418,3 +528,4 @@ func _load(): label.set_name(_char) Columns.add_child(column) label.set_owner(Columns) + diff --git a/addons/file-editor/scripts/FileEditor.gd b/addons/file-editor/scripts/FileEditor.gd index 67fd0bb..7f57074 100644 --- a/addons/file-editor/scripts/FileEditor.gd +++ b/addons/file-editor/scripts/FileEditor.gd @@ -434,19 +434,20 @@ func open_in_inieditor(path : String) -> Control: return null func open_in_csveditor(path : String) -> Control: - var extension = path.get_file().get_extension() - if extension == "csv": - var csveditor = CsvEditor.instance() - SplitEditorContainer.add_child(csveditor) - csveditor.hide() - csveditor.connect("update_file",self,"_on_update_file") - current_csv_editor = csveditor - csveditor.current_file_path = path - csveditor.open_csv_file(path) - return csveditor - else: - current_csv_editor = null - return null + var extension = path.get_file().get_extension() + if extension == "csv": + var csveditor = CsvEditor.instance() + SplitEditorContainer.add_child(csveditor) + csveditor.hide() + csveditor.connect("update_file",self,"_on_update_file") + csveditor.connect("editing_file",self,"_on_vanillaeditor_text_changed") + current_csv_editor = csveditor + csveditor.current_file_path = path + csveditor.open_csv_file(path) + return csveditor + else: + current_csv_editor = null + return null func close_file(index): LastOpenedFiles.remove_opened_file(index,OpenFileList) @@ -517,8 +518,8 @@ func save_file(current_path : String): current_csv_editor.open_csv_file(current_path) OpenFileList.set_item_metadata(current_file_index,[current_editor,current_ini_editor,current_csv_editor]) - if OpenFileList.get_item_text(current_file_index).ends_with("(*)"): - OpenFileList.set_item_text(current_file_index,OpenFileList.get_item_text(current_file_index).rstrip("(*)")) + if OpenFileList.get_item_text(current_file_index).begins_with("(*)"): + OpenFileList.set_item_text(current_file_index,OpenFileList.get_item_text(current_file_index).lstrip("(*)")) # OpenFileList.set_item_metadata(current_file_index,[current_editor,open_in_inieditor(current_file_path),open_in_csveditor(current_file_path)]) @@ -573,8 +574,8 @@ func json_preview(): func _on_vanillaeditor_text_changed(): - if not OpenFileList.get_item_text(current_file_index).ends_with("(*)"): - OpenFileList.set_item_text(current_file_index,OpenFileList.get_item_text(current_file_index)+"(*)") + if not OpenFileList.get_item_text(current_file_index).begins_with("(*)"): + OpenFileList.set_item_text(current_file_index,"(*)"+OpenFileList.get_item_text(current_file_index)) func update_list(): diff --git a/addons/file-editor/scripts/GoogleTranslatorAPI.gd b/addons/file-editor/scripts/GoogleTranslatorAPI.gd index 5adf11d..58cf5ba 100644 --- a/addons/file-editor/scripts/GoogleTranslatorAPI.gd +++ b/addons/file-editor/scripts/GoogleTranslatorAPI.gd @@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ func request_dummy() -> void: func _on_translation_received(result: int, response_code: int, headers: PoolStringArray, body: PoolByteArray) -> void: # print("Request Result ", result, " with response code ", response_code) if response_code != 200 : print(JSON.parse(body.get_string_from_utf8()).result) - emit_signal("translation_received", JSON.parse(body.get_string_from_utf8()).result) + emit_signal("translation_received", [response_code,JSON.parse(body.get_string_from_utf8()).result])