
271 lines
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.. _doc_simple_2d_game:
Simple 2D game
In this tutorial, a basic game of Pong will be created. There are plenty
of more complex examples in the demos included with the engine, but this
should get you introduced to the basic functionalities for 2D Games.
To begin with, run the Godot Engine and start a new project.
Some assets are included for this tutorial:
:download:`pong_assets.zip </files/pong_assets.zip>`. Unzip its content
in your project folder.
Scene setup
To pay homage to the olden times, the game will be in 640x400 pixels
resolution. This can be configured in the Project Settings (see
:ref:`doc_scenes_and_nodes-configuring_the_project`) under the Scene/Project
settings menu. The default background color should be set to black:
.. image:: /img/clearcolor.png
Create a :ref:`class_Node2D` node for the project root. Node2D is the
base type for the 2D engine. After this, add some sprites
(:ref:`class_Sprite` node) for the left and right paddles, the separator,
and ball. You can set a custom name for each node, and set the texture
for each sprite in the Inspector.
.. image:: /img/pong_nodes.png
Set nodes positions:
- "left" node: (67, 183)
- "right" node: (577, 187)
- "separator" node: (320, 200)
- "ball" node: (320, 188)
The final scene layout should look similar to this (note: the ball is in
the middle!):
.. image:: /img/pong_layout.png
Save the scene as "pong.tscn" and set it as the main scene in the
.. _doc_simple_2d_game-input_actions_setup:
Input actions setup
Video games can be played using various input methods: Keyboard, Joypad,
Mouse, Touchscreen (even multitouch)... Godot is able to use them all.
However, it would be interesting to define the inputs as "Input Actions"
instead of hardware actions that you'd manage separately. This way, any
input method can be used: each of them only require the user to connect
buttons to game actions that you define.
This is Pong. The only input that matters is for the pads going up and
Open the project properties dialog again (Scene/Project settings), but
this time move to the
"Input Map" tab.
In this tab, add 4 actions:
``left_move_up``, ``left_move_down``, ``right_move_up``,
Assign the keys that you desire. The A/Z keys (for the left player) and
the Up/Down keys (for the right player) should work in most cases.
.. image:: /img/inputmap.png
Create a script for the root node of the scene and open it (as explained
in :ref:`doc_scripting-adding_a_script`). This script inherits Node2D:
extends Node2D
func _ready():
First things first, we need to define some members for our script so it
can store useful values. Such values are the dimensions of the screen, the pad
and the initial direction of the ball.
extends Node2D
# Member variables
var screen_size
var pad_size
var direction = Vector2(1.0, 0.0)
func _ready():
As you know, the ``_ready()`` function is the first function called
(after ``_enter_tree()`` which we don't need here). In this function,
two things have to be done. The first one is to enable
processing: this is the purpose of the ``set_process(true)`` function.
The second one is to initialize our two member variables.
extends Node2D
# Member variables
var screen_size
var pad_size
var direction = Vector2(1.0, 0.0)
func _ready():
screen_size = get_viewport_rect().size
pad_size = get_node("left").get_texture().get_size()
We initialize the ``pad_size`` variable by getting one of the pads nodes
(the left one here), and obtain its texture size. The ``screen_size`` is
initialized using the ``get_viewport_rect()`` which returns a Rect
object corresponding to the game window, and we store its size.
Now, we need to add some other members to our script in order to make
our ball move.
extends Node2D
# Member variables
var screen_size
var pad_size
var direction = Vector2(1.0, 0.0)
# Constant for ball speed (in pixels/second)
# Speed of the ball (also in pixels/second)
var ball_speed = INITIAL_BALL_SPEED
# Constant for pads speed
const PAD_SPEED = 150
func _ready():
screen_size = get_viewport_rect().size
pad_size = get_node("left").get_texture().get_size()
Finally, the ``_process()`` function. All the code below is contained by
this function.
We have to initialize some useful values for computation. The first one is the
ball position (from the node),and the second one is the rectangle
(``Rect2``) for each pad. These rectangles will be used for collision
tests between the ball and the pads. Sprites center their textures by
default, so a small adjustment of ``pad_size / 2`` must be added.
func _process(delta):
var ball_pos = get_node("ball").get_position()
var left_rect = Rect2( get_node("left").get_position() - pad_size*0.5, pad_size )
var right_rect = Rect2( get_node("right").get_position() - pad_size*0.5, pad_size )
Now, let's add some movement to the ball in the ``_process()`` function.
Since the ball position is stored in the ``ball_pos`` variable,
integrating it is simple:
# Integrate new ball position
ball_pos += direction * ball_speed * delta
This code line is called at each iteration of the ``_process()``
function. That means the ball position will be updated at each new
Now that the ball has a new position, we need to test if it
collides with anything. That is, the window borders and the pads. First,
the floor and the roof:
# Flip when touching roof or floor
if ((ball_pos.y < 0 and direction.y < 0) or (ball_pos.y > screen_size.y and direction.y > 0)):
direction.y = -direction.y
Second, the pads: if one of the pads is touched, we need to invert the
direction of the ball on the X axis so it goes back, and define a new
random Y direction using the ``randf()`` function. We also increase its
speed a little.
# Flip, change direction and increase speed when touching pads
if ((left_rect.has_point(ball_pos) and direction.x < 0) or (right_rect.has_point(ball_pos) and direction.x > 0)):
direction.x = -direction.x
direction.y = randf()*2.0 - 1
direction = direction.normalized()
ball_speed *= 1.1
Finally, if the ball moves off of the screen, it's game over. That is, we test if
the X position of the ball is less than 0 or greater than the screen
width. If so, the game restarts:
# Check gameover
if (ball_pos.x < 0 or ball_pos.x > screen_size.x):
ball_pos = screen_size*0.5
direction = Vector2(-1, 0)
Once everything is done, the node is updated with the new position of
the ball, which was computed before:
Next, we allow the pads to move. We only update their position according
to player input. This is done using the Input class:
# Move left pad
var left_pos = get_node("left").get_position()
if (left_pos.y > 0 and Input.is_action_pressed("left_move_up")):
left_pos.y += -PAD_SPEED * delta
if (left_pos.y < screen_size.y and Input.is_action_pressed("left_move_down")):
left_pos.y += PAD_SPEED * delta
# Move right pad
var right_pos = get_node("right").get_position()
if (right_pos.y > 0 and Input.is_action_pressed("right_move_up")):
right_pos.y += -PAD_SPEED * delta
if (right_pos.y < screen_size.y and Input.is_action_pressed("right_move_down")):
right_pos.y += PAD_SPEED * delta
We use the four actions previously defined in the Input actions setup
section above. When the player activates the respective key, the
corresponding action is triggered. As soon as this happens, we simply
compute a new position for the pad in the desired direction and apply it
to the node.
That's it! A simple Pong game was written with a few lines of code.