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.. _doc_importing_fonts:
Importing fonts
What is a font?
Fonts in modern operating systems are created as scalable vector
graphics. They are stored as a collection of curves (usually one for
each character), which are independent of the screen resolution, and
stored in standardized file formats, such as TTF (TrueType) or OTF
Rendering such fonts to bitmaps is a complex process, which employs
different methods to convert curves to pixels depending on context and
target size. Due to this, this rendering process must be done by using
the CPU. Game engines use the GPU to render, and 3D APIs don't really
support the means to do this efficiently, so fonts have to be converted
to a format that is friendly to the GPU when imported to a project.
Converting fonts
This conversion process consists of rendering a vector font to a given
point size and storing all the resulting characters in a bitmap texture.
The bitmap texture is then used by the GPU to draw a small quad for each
character and form readable strings.
.. image:: /img/bitmapfont.png
The drawback of this process is that fonts must be pre-imported in the
specific sizes that they will use in the project. However, given that
that bitmap fonts compress really well, this is not as bad as it sounds.
Importing a font
Fonts are imported via the Font import dialog. The dialog will ask for a
font, a size, some options and a target resource fie to save.
.. image:: /img/fontimport.png
The dialog is fully dynamic, which means that any change will be
reflected in the font preview window. The user ccan tweak almost every
parameter and get instant feedback on how the font will look.
Since the resulting font is a bitmap, a few more options were added to
make the imported font look even nicer. These options were added to
please graphic designers, who love putting gradients, outlines and
shadows in fonts, as well as changing all the inter-spaces available :).
The options which will be explained in the next section.
Extra spacing
It is possible to add more space for:
- **Characters**, the space between them can be varied.
- **"space" character**, so the distance between words is bigger.
- **Top and Bottom margins**, this changes the spacing between lines as
well as the space between the top and bottom lines and the borders.
.. image:: /img/fontspacing.png
Shadows & outline
Fonts can be added a shadow. For this, the font is drawn again below on
a different color and the blurred with a gaussian kernel of different
sizes. The resulting shadow can be adjusted with an exponential function
to make it softer or more like an outline. A second shadow is also
provided to create some added effects, like a bump or outline+shadow.
.. image:: /img/shadowoutline.png
Gradients are also another of the visual effects that graphic designers
often use. To show how much we love them, we added those too. Gradients
can be provided as a simple curve between two colors, or a special png
file with a hand drawn gradient.
.. image:: /img/fontgradients.png
Colors, shadows and gradients are beautiful, but it's time we get to
serious business. Developing games for Asian markets is a common
practice in today's globalized world and app stores.
Here's when things get tricky with using bitmap fonts. Asian alphabets
(Chinese, Japanese and Korean) contains dozens of thousands of
characters. Generating bitmap fonts with every single of them is pretty
expensive, as the resulting textures are huge. If the font size is small
enough, it can be done without much trouble, but when the fonts become
bigger, we run out of video ram pretty quickly!
To solve this, Godot allows the user to specify a text file (in UTF-8
format) where it expects to find all the characters that will be used in
the project. This seems difficult to provide at first, and more to keep
up to date, but it becomes rather easy when one realizes that the .csv
with the translations can be used as such source file (see the
:ref:`doc_importing_translations` section). As Godot re-imports assets when
their dependencies change, both the translation and font files will be
updated and re-imported automatically if the translation csv changes.
Another cool trick for using a text file as limit of which characters
can be imported is when using really large fonts. For example, the user
might want to use a super large font, but only to show numbers. For
this, he or she writes a numbers.txt file that contains "1234567890",
and Godot will only limit itself to import data, thus saving a lot of
video memory.