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.. _doc_shadow_mapping:
Shadow mapping
Simply throwing a light is not enough to realistically illuminate a
scene. It should be, in theory, but given the way video hardware
works, parts of objects that should not be reached by light are lit
Most people (including artists), see shadows as something projected by
light, as if they were created by the light itself by darkening places
that are hidden from the light source.
This is actually not correct and it's important to understand that
shadows are places where light simply does not reach. As a rule (and
without counting indirect light) if a light is turned off, the places
where shadow appear should remain the same. In other words, shadows
should not be seen as something "added" to the scene, but as an area
that "remains dark".
All light types in Godot can use shadow mapping, and all support several
different techniques that trade quality by performance. Shadow mapping
uses a texture storing the "depth view" of the light and checks against
it in real-time for each pixel it renders.
The bigger the resolution of the shadow map texture, the more detail the
shadow has, but more video memory and bandwidth consumed (which means
frame-rate goes down).
Shadows by light type
Directional light shadows
Directional lights can affect a really big area. The bigger the scene,
the bigger the affected area. Given the shadow map resolution stays the
same, the same amount of shadow pixels cover a bigger area, resulting in
blocky shadows. Multiple techniques exist to deal with resolution
problems, but the most common one is PSSM (Parallel Split Shadow Maps):
.. image:: /img/shadow_directional.png
These techniques divide the view in 2 or 4 sections, and a shadow is
rendered for each. This way, close obects can use larger shadow while
further away objects will use one in less detail, but in proportion this
seems to make the shadow map size increase while it's actually kept thr
same. Of course, this technique is not free, the more splits the more
the performance goes down. On mobile, generally it is convenient to not
sure more tan 2 splits.
An alternative technique is PSM (Perspective Shadow Mapping). This
technique is much cheaper than PSSM (as cheap as orthogonal), but it
only really works for a few camera angles respect to the light. In other
words, PSM is only useful for games where the camera direction and light
direction are both fixed, and the light is not parallel to the camera
(which is when PSM completely breaks).
Omni light shadows
Omnidirectional lights are also troubesome. How to represent 360 degrees
of light with a single texture? There are two alternatives, the first
one is to use DPSM (Dual Paraboloid Shadow Mapping). This technique is
fast, but it requires DISCARD to be used (which makes it not very usable
on mobile). DPSM can also look rather bad if the geometry is not
tesselated enough, so more vertices might be necessary if it doesnt'r
look tight. The second option is to simply not use a shadow map, and use
a shadow cubemap. This is faster, but requires six passes to render all
directions and is not supported on the current (GLES2) renderer.
.. image:: /img/shadow_omni.png
As few considerations when using DPSM shadow maps:
- Keep Slope-Scale on 0.
- Use a small value for Z-Offset, if thigs look wrong, make it smaller.
- ESM filtering can improve the look.
- The seams between the two halfs of the shadow are generally
noticeable, so rotate the light to make them show less.
Spot light shadows
Spot light shadows are generally the simpler, just needing a single
texture and no special techniques.
.. image:: /img/shadow_spot.png
Shadows parameters
The fact that shadows are actually a texture can generate several
problems. The most common is Z fighting (lines at the edge of the
objects that cast the shadows. There are two ways to fix this, the first
is to tweak the offset parameters, and the second is to use a filtered
shadow algorithm, which generally looks better and has not as many
glitches, but consumes more GPU time.
Adjusting z-offset
So, you have decided to go with non-filtered shadows because they are
faster, you want a little more detail or maybe you just like the sexy
saw-like shadow outlines because they remind you of your favorite
previous-gen games. Truth is this can kind of be a pain, but most of the
time it can be solved to nice results. There is no magic number and
whathever resut you come up will be different from scene to scene, it
just takes a while of tweaking. Let's go step by step.
First step is to turn on the shadows, let's assume that both Z-Offset
and Z-Slope-Scale are at 0. You will be greeted by this:
.. image:: /img/shadow_offset_1.png
Holy crap, shadow is all around the place and extremely glitchy! this
happens because the shadow is fighting with the same geometry that is
casting it. This is called "self-shadowing". To avoid this meaningless
fight, you realize you need to make peace between the shadow and the
geometry, so you push back the shadow a little by adjusting the shadow
Z-Offset. This improves things a lot:
.. image:: /img/shadow_offset_2.png
But it's not quite perfect, self shadowing did not disappear completely.
So close to perfection but still not there.. so in a turn of greed you
increase the Z-Offset even more!
.. image:: /img/shadow_offset_3.png
And it gets rid of those self-shadowings! hooray! except something is
wrong.. oh, right. Being pushed back too much, the shadows start
disconnecting from their casters, which looks pretty awful. Ok, you go
back to the previous Z-offset.
This is when Z-Slope-Scale comes to save the day. This setting makes
shadow caster objects thinner, so the borders don't self-shadow:
.. image:: /img/shadow_offset_4.png
Aha! Finally something that looks acceptable. It's perfectly acceptable
and you can perfectly ship a game that looks like this (imagine you are
looking at Final Fantasy quality art btw, not this horribe attempt at 3D
modelling). There may be very tiiny bits left of self shadowing that no
one cares about, so your inextinguishable greed kicks in again and you
raise the Z-Slope Scale again:
.. image:: /img/shadow_offset_5.png
Well, that was too much, shadows casted are way too thin and don't look
good anymore. Well, though luck, the previous setting was good anyway,
let's accept that perfection does not exist and move on to something
If you are using shadow maps with directional lights, make sure that
the *view distance* of the *camera* is set to an *optimal range*. This
means, if the distance between your camera and the visible end of the
scene is 100, then set the view distance to that value. If a greater
than necessary value is used, the shadow maps will lose detail as they
will try to cover a bigger area.
So, always make sure to use the optimal range!
Shadow filtering
Raw shadows are blocky. Increasing their resolution just makes smaller
blocks, but they are still blocks.
Godot offers a few ways to filter them (shadow in the example is
low-resolution on purpose!):
.. image:: /img/shadow_filter_options.png
PCF5 and PCF13 are simple texture-space filtering. Will make the texture
a little more acceptable but still needs considerable resolution for it
to look good.
ESM is a more complex filter and has a few more tweaking parameters. ESM
uses shadow blurring (amount of blur passes and multiplier can be