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.. _doc_gui_tutorial:
GUI tutorial
If there is something that most programmers hate with passion, that is
programming graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It's boring, tedious and
unchallenging. Several aspects make matters worse such as:
- Pixel alignment of UI elements is difficult (so it looks just like
the designer intends).
- UIs are changed constantly due to design and usability issues that
appear during testing.
- Handling proper screen re-sizing for different display resolutions.
- Animating several screen components, to make it look less static.
GUI programming is one of the leading causes of programmer burnout.
During the development of Godot (and previous engine iterations),
several techniques and philosophies for UI development were put in
practice, such as immediate mode, containers, anchors, scripting, etc.
This was always done with the main goal of reducing the stress
programmers had to face while putting together user interfaces.
In the end, the resulting UI subsystem in Godot is an efficient solution
to this problem, and works by mixing together a few different
approaches. While the learning curve is a little steeper than in other
toolkits, developers can put together complex user interfaces in very
little time, by sharing the same set of tools with designers and
The basic node for UI elements is :ref:`Control <class_Control>`
(sometimes called "Widget" or "Box" in other toolkits). Every node that
provides user interface functionality descends from it.
When controls are put in a scene tree as a child of another control,
it's coordinates (position, size) are always relative to the parent.
This sets the basis for editing complex user interface quickly and
Input and drawing
Controls receive input events by means of the
:ref:`Control._input_event() <class_Control__input_event>`
callback. Only one control, the one in focus, will receive
keyboard/joypad events (see
:ref:`Control.set_focus_mode() <class_Control_set_focus_mode>`
and :ref:`Control.grab_focus() <class_Control_grab_focus>`.)
Mouse Motion events are received by the control directly below the mouse
pointer. When a control receives a mouse button pressed event, all
subsequent motion events are received by the pressed control until that
button is released, even if the pointer moves outside the control
Like any class that inherits from :ref:`CanvasItem <class_CanvasItem>`
(Control does), a :ref:`CanvasItem._draw() <class_CanvasItem__draw>`
callback will be received at the beginning and every time the control
needs to be redrawn (programmer needs to call
:ref:`CanvasItem.update() <class_CanvasItem_update>`
to enqueue the CanvasItem for redraw). If the control is not visible
(yet another CanvasItem property), the control does not receive any
In general though, the programmer does not need to deal with drawing and
input events directly when building UIs, (that is more useful when
creating custom controls). Instead, controls emit different kinds of
signals with contextual information for when action occurs. For
example, a :ref:`Button <class_Button>` emits
a "pressed" signal when pressed, a :ref:`Slider <class_Slider>` will
emit a "value_changed" when dragged, etc.
Custom control mini tutorial
Before going into more depth, creating a custom control will be a good
way to get the picture on how controls works, as they are not as
complex as it might seem.
Additionally, even though Godot comes with dozens of controls for
different purposes, it happens often that it's just easier to attain a
specific functionality by creating a new one.
To begin, create a single-node scene. The node is of type "Control" and
has a certain area of the screen in the 2D editor, like this:
.. image:: /img/singlecontrol.png
Add a script to that node, with the following code:
extends Control
var tapped=false
func _draw():
var r = Rect2( Vector2(), get_size() )
if (tapped):
draw_rect(r, Color(1,0,0) )
draw_rect(r, Color(0,0,1) )
func _input_event(ev):
if (ev.type==InputEvent.MOUSE_BUTTON and ev.pressed):
Then run the scene. When the rectangle is clicked/taped, it will go from
blue to red. That synergy between the events and drawing is pretty much
how most controls work internally.
.. image:: /img/ctrl_normal.png
.. image:: /img/ctrl_tapped.png
UI complexity
As mentioned before, Godot includes dozens of controls ready for using
in a user interface. Such controls are divided in two categories. The
first is a small set of controls that work well for creating most game
user interfaces. The second (and most controls are of this type) are
meant for complex user interfaces and uniform skinning through styles. A
description is presented as follows to help understand which one should
be used in which case.
Simplified UI controls
This set of controls is enough for most games, where complex
interactions or ways to present information are not necessary. They can
be skinned easily with regular textures.
- :ref:`Label <class_Label>`: Node used for showing text.
- :ref:`TextureFrame <class_TextureFrame>`: Displays a single texture,
which can be scaled or kept fixed.
- :ref:`TextureButton <class_TextureButton>`: Displays a simple texture
buttons, states such as pressed, hover, disabled, etc. can be set.
- :ref:`TextureProgress <class_TextureProgress>`: Displays a single
textured progress bar.
Additionally, re-positioning of controls is most efficiently done with
anchors in this case (see the :ref:`doc_size_and_anchors` tutorial for more
In any case, it will happen often that even for simple games, more
complex UI behaviors will be required. An example of this is a scrolling
list of elements (for a high score table, for example), which needs a
:ref:`ScrollContainer <class_ScrollContainer>`
and a :ref:`VBoxContainer <class_VBoxContainer>`.
These kind of more advanced controls can be mixed with the regular ones
seamlessly (they are all controls anyway).
Complex UI controls
The rest of the controls (and there are dozens of them!) are meant for
another set of scenarios, most commonly:
- Games that require complex UIs, such as PC RPGs, MMOs, strategy,
sims, etc.
- Creating custom development tools to speed up content creation.
- Creating Godot Editor Plugins, to extend the engine functionality.
Re-positioning controls for these kind of interfaces is more commonly
done with containers (see the :ref:`doc_size_and_anchors` tutorial for more