.. _doc_configuring_an_ide: Configuring an IDE ================== We assume that you already `cloned `_ and :ref:`compiled ` Godot. Kdevelop -------- It is a free, open source IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and other Unix flavors. You can find a video tutorial `here `_. Or you may follow this text version tutorial. Start by opening Kdevelop and choosing "open project". .. image:: /img/kdevelop_newproject.png Choose the directory where you cloned Godot. .. image:: /img/kdevelop_openproject.png For the build system, choose "custom build system". .. image:: /img/kdevelop_custombuild.png Now that the project has been imported, open the project configuration. .. image:: /img/kdevelop_openconfig.png Add the following includes/imports: :: . // a dot to indicate the root of the Godot project core/ core/os/ core/math/ tools/ drivers/ platform/x11/ // make that platform/osx/ is you're using OS X .. image:: /img/kdevelop_addincludes.png Apply the changes then switch to the "Custom Buildsystem" tab. Leave the build directory blank. Enable build tools and add ``scons`` as the executable and add ``platform=x11 target=debug`` (``platform=osx`` if you're on OS X). .. image:: /img/kdevelop_buildconfig.png Next we need to tell KDevelop where to find the binary. From the "run" menu, choose "Configure Launches". .. image:: /img/kdevelop_configlaunches.png Click "Add new" if no launcher exists. Then add the path to your executable in the executable section. Your executable should be located in the ``bin/`` sub-directory and should be named something like ``godot.x11.tools.64`` (the name could be different depending on your platform and depending on your build options). .. image:: /img/kdevelop_configlaunches2.png That's it! Now you should be good to go :) Eclipse ------- TODO. QtCreator --------- Importing the project ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Choose *New Project* -> *Import Project* -> *Import Existing Project*. - Set the path to your Godot root directory and enter the project name. - Here you can choose which folders and files will be visible to the project. C/C++ files are added automatically. Potentially useful additions: \*.py for buildsystem files, \*.java for Android development, \*.mm for OSX. Click "Next". - Click *Finish*. - Add a line containing ``.`` to *project_name.files* to get working code completion. Build and run ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Build configuration: - Click on *Projects* and open the *Build* tab. - Delete the pre-defined ``make`` build step. - Click *Add Build Step* -> *Custom Process Step*. - Type ``scons`` in the *Command* field. - Fill the *Arguments* field with your compilation options. (e.g.: ``p=x11 target=debug -j 4``) Run configuration: - Open the *Run* tab. - Point the *Executable* to your compiled Godot binary. - If you want to run a specific game or project, point *Working directory* to the game directory. - If you want to run the editor, add ``-e`` to the *Command line arguments* field. Xcode ----- Project Setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Create an |xcode external build| project anywhere - Set the *Build tool* to the path to scons Modify Build Target's |xcode Info Tab|: - Set *Arguments* to something like: platform=osx tools=yes bits=64 target=debug - Set *Directory* to the path to Godot's source folder. Keep it blank if project is already there. - You may uncheck *Pass build settings in environment* Add a Command Line Target: - Go to |xcode File > New > Target...| and add a new |xcode command line target| - Name it something so you know not to compile with this target - e.g. GodotXcodeIndex - Goto the newly created target's *Build Settings* tab and search for *Header Search Paths* - Set *Header Search Paths* to an absolute path to Godot's source folder - Make it recursive by adding two \*'s to the end of the path - e.g. /Users/me/repos/godot-source/\** Add Godot Source to the Project: - Drag and drop godot source into project file browser. - |xcode Uncheck| *Create External Build System* - Click Next - |xcode Select| *create groups* - Check off only your command line target in the *Add to targets* section - Click finish. Xcode will now index the files. - Grab a cup of coffee... Maybe make something to eat, too - You should have jump to definition, auto completion, and full syntax highlighting when it is done. Scheme Setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Edit Build Scheme of External Build Target: - Open scheme editor of external build target - Expand the *Build* menu - Goto *Post Actions* - Add a new script |xcode run action| - Write a script that gives the binary a name that Xcode will recognize - e.g. ln -f "$SRCROOT"/bin/godot.osx.tools.64 "$SRCROOT"/bin/godot - Build the external build target Edit Run Scheme of External Build Target: - Open the scheme editor again - |xcode Click Run| - Set the *Executable* to the file you linked in your post build action script - Check *Debug executable* if it isn't already - You can go to *Arguments* tab and add an -e and a -path to a project to debug the editor not the project selection screen Test It: - set a breakpoint in platform/osx/godot_main_osx.mm - it should break at the point! .. |xcode external build| replace:: :download:`external build ` .. |xcode Info Tab| replace:: :download:`Info Tab ` .. |xcode File > New > Target...| replace:: :download:`File > New > Target... ` .. |xcode command line target| replace:: :download:`command line target ` .. |xcode Uncheck| replace:: :download:`Uncheck ` .. |xcode Select| replace:: :download:`Select ` .. |xcode run action| replace:: :download:`run action ` .. |xcode Click Run| replace:: :download:`Click Run ` Other editors (vim, emacs, Atom...) ----------------------------------- TODO.