Dictionary ========== **Category:** Built-In Types ---------------------------- Brief Description ----------------- Dictionary type. Member Functions ---------------- - void **`clear <#clear>`__** **(** **)** - `bool `__ **`empty <#empty>`__** **(** **)** - void **`erase <#erase>`__** **(** var value **)** - `bool `__ **`has <#has>`__** **(** var value **)** - `int `__ **`hash <#hash>`__** **(** **)** - `Array `__ **`keys <#keys>`__** **(** **)** - `int `__ **`parse\_json <#parse_json>`__** **(** `String `__ json **)** - `int `__ **`size <#size>`__** **(** **)** - `String `__ **`to\_json <#to_json>`__** **(** **)** Description ----------- Dictionary type. Associative container which contains values referenced by unique keys. Dictionaries are always passed by reference. Member Function Description --------------------------- clear ~~~~~ - void **clear** **(** **)** Clear the dictionary, removing all key/value pairs. empty ~~~~~ - `bool `__ **empty** **(** **)** Return true if the dictionary is empty. erase ~~~~~ - void **erase** **(** var value **)** Erase a dictionary key/value pair by key. has ~~~ - `bool `__ **has** **(** var value **)** Return true if the dictionary has a given key. hash ~~~~ - `int `__ **hash** **(** **)** Return a hashed integer value representing the dictionary contents. keys ~~~~ - `Array `__ **keys** **(** **)** Return the list of keys in the dictionary. size ~~~~ - `int `__ **size** **(** **)** Return the size of the dictionary (in pairs).