.. _doc_list_of_classes_and_documenters: List of classes and documenters =============================== Status list : Not started, Started, Finished, Removed | \| Class name \| Assigned to \| Status \| Start date \| Notes \| | \| @GDScript \| \| \| | \| @Global Scope \| \| \| | \| AABB \| bojidar_bg \| Finished \| | \| AcceptDialog \| \| \| | \| AnimatedSprite \| \| \| | \| AnimatedSprite3D \| \| \| | \| Animation \| \| \| | \| AnimationPlayer \| \| \| | \| AnimationTreePlayer \| \| \| | \| Area \| \| \| | \| Area2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| 2015/12/22 \| \| | \| Array \| vnen \| Started \| 10/10/2015 \| | \| AtlasTexture \| \| \| | \| AudioServer \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| AudioServerSW \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| AudioStream \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| AudioStreamMPC \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| AudioStreamOGGVorbis \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| AudioStreamPlayback \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| AudioStreamSpeex \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| BackBufferCopy \| \| \| | \| BakedLight \| \| \| | \| BakedLightInstance \| \| \| | \| BakedLightSampler \| \| \| | \| BaseButton \| \| \| | \| BitMap \| \| \| | \| BoneAttachment \| \| \| | \| BoxContainer \| \| \| | \| BoxShape \| \| \| | \| Button \| \| \| | \| ButtonArray \| \| \| | \| ButtonGroup \| \| \| | \| Camera \| \| \| | \| Camera2D \| \| \| | \| CanvasItem \| \| \| | \| CanvasItemMaterial \| \| \| | \| CanvasItemShader \| \| \| | \| CanvasItemShaderGraph \| \| \| | \| CanvasLayer \| \| \| | \| CanvasModulate \| \| \| | \| CapsuleShape \| \| \| | \| CapsuleShape2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| \| | \| CenterContainer \| \| \| | \| CheckBox \| \| \| | \| CheckButton \| \| \| | \| CircleShape2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| \| | \| CollisionObject \| \| \| | \| CollisionObject2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| 2015/12/22 \| \| | \| CollisionPolygon \| \| \| \| | \| CollisionPolygon2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| \| | \| CollisionShape \| \| \| | \| CollisionShape2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| \| | \| Color \| \| \| | \| ColorArray \| \| \| | \| ColorPicker \| \| \| | \| ColorPickerButton \| \| \| | \| ColorRamp \| \| \| | \| ConcavePolygonShape \| \| \| | \| ConcavePolygonShape2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| \| | \| ConeTwistJoint \| \| \| | \| ConfigFile \| \| \| | \| ConfirmationDialog \| \| \| | \| Container \| \| \| | \| Control \| \| \| | \| ConvexPolygonShape \| \| \| | \| ConvexPolygonShape2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| \| | \| CubeMap \| \| \| | \| Curve2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| | \| Curve3D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| | \| DampedSpringJoint2D \| \| \| | \| Dictionary \| \| \| | \| DirectionalLight \| \| \| | \| Directory \| vnen \| Started \| 11/10/2015 \| | \| EditorFileDialog \| \| \| | \| EditorImportPlugin \| \| \| | \| EditorPlugin \| \| \| | \| EditorScenePostImport \| \| \| | \| EditorScript \| \| \| | \| Environment \| \| \| | \| EventPlayer \| \| \| | \| EventStream \| \| \| | \| EventStreamChibi \| \| \| | \| File \| \| \| | \| FileDialog \| \| \| | \| FixedMaterial \| \| \| | \| Font \| \| \| | \| FuncRef \| \| \| | \| GDFunctionState \| \| \| | \| GDNativeClass \| \| \| | \| GDScript \| \| \| | \| Generic6DOFJoint \| \| \| | \| Geometry \| \| \| | \| GeometryInstance \| \| \| | \| Globals \| \| \| | \| GraphEdit \| StraToN \| Finished \| \| may need a tutorial. I'll think about it. \| | \| GraphNode \| StraToN \| Finished \| \| may need a tutorial. I'll think about it. \| | \| GridContainer \| \| \| | \| GridMap \| \| \| | \| GrooveJoint2D \| \| \| | \| HBoxContainer \| \| \| | \| HButtonArray \| \| \| | \| HScrollBar \| \| \| | \| HSeparator \| \| \| | \| HSlider \| \| \| | \| HSplitContainer \| \| \| | \| HTTPClient \| \| \| | \| HingeJoint \| \| \| | \| IP \| \| \| | \| IP_Unix \| \| \| | \| Image \| \| \| | \| ImageTexture \| \| \| | \| ImmediateGeometry \| \| \| | \| Input \| \| \| | \| InputDefault \| \| \| | \| InputEvent \| \| \| | \| InputEventAction \| \| \| | \| InputEventJoyButton \| \| \| | \| InputEventJoyMotion \| \| \| | \| InputEventKey \| \| \| | \| InputEventMouseButton \| \| \| | \| InputEventMouseMotion \| \| \| | \| InputEventScreenDrag \| \| \| | \| InputEventScreenTouch \| \| \| | \| InputMap \| \| \| | \| IntArray \| \| \| | \| InterpolatedCamera \| \| \| | \| ItemList \| \| \| | \| Joint \| \| \| | \| Joint2D \| \| \| | \| KinematicBody \| \| \| | \| KinematicBody2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Started \| 2015/11/23 \| \| | \| Label \| \| \| | \| LargeTexture \| \| \| | \| Light \| \| \| | \| Light2D \| \| \| | \| LightOccluder2D \| \| \| | \| LineEdit \| \| \| | \| LineShape2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| \| | \| MainLoop \| \| \| | \| MarginContainer \| \| \| | \| Marshalls \| \| \| | \| Material \| \| \| | \| MaterialShader \| \| \| | \| MaterialShaderGraph \| \| \| | \| Matrix3 \| \| \| | \| Matrix32 \| \| \| | \| MenuButton \| \| \| | \| Mesh \| \| \| | \| MeshDataTool \| \| \| | \| MeshInstance \| \| \| | \| MeshLibrary \| \| \| | \| MultiMesh \| \| \| | \| MultiMeshInstance \| \| \| | \| Mutex \| \| \| | \| Navigation \| \| \| | \| Navigation2D \| \| \| | \| NavigationMesh \| \| \| | \| NavigationMeshInstance \| \| \| | \| NavigationPolygon \| \| \| | \| NavigationPolygonInstance \| \| \| | \| Nil \| \| \| | \| Node \| \| \| | \| Node2D \| \| \| | \| NodePath \| \| \| | \| OS \| \| \| | \| Object \| \| \| | \| OccluderPolygon2D \| \| \| | \| OmniLight \| \| \| | \| OptionButton \| \| \| | \| PCKPacker \| \| \| | \| PHashTranslation \| \| \| | \| PackedDataContainer \| \| \| | \| PackedDataContainerRef \| \| \| | \| PackedScene \| \| \| | \| PacketPeer \| \| \| | \| PacketPeerStream \| \| \| | \| PacketPeerUDP \| \| \| | \| Panel \| \| \| | \| PanelContainer \| \| \| | \| ParallaxBackground \| \| \| | \| ParallaxLayer \| \| \| | \| ParticleAttractor2D \| \| \| | \| Particles \| \| \| | \| Particles2D \| \| \| | \| Patch9Frame \| \| \| | \| Path \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| | \| Path2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| | \| PathFollow \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| | \| PathFollow2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| | \| PathRemap \| \| \| | \| Performance \| \| \| | \| Physics2DDirectBodyState \| \| \| | \| Physics2DDirectBodyStateSW \| \| \| | \| Physics2DDirectSpaceState \| \| \| | \| Physics2DServer \| \| \| | \| Physics2DServerSW \| \| \| | \| Physics2DShapeQueryParameters \| \| \| | \| Physics2DShapeQueryResult \| \| \| | \| Physics2DTestMotionResult \| \| \| | \| PhysicsBody \| \| \| | \| PhysicsBody2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| 2015/12/22 \| \| | \| PhysicsDirectBodyState \| \| \| | \| PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW \| \| \| | \| PhysicsDirectSpaceState \| \| \| | \| PhysicsServer \| \| \| | \| PhysicsServerSW \| \| \| | \| PhysicsShapeQueryParameters \| \| \| | \| PhysicsShapeQueryResult \| \| \| | \| PinJoint \| \| \| | \| PinJoint2D \| \| \| | \| Plane \| \| \| | \| PlaneShape \| \| \| | \| Polygon2D \| \| \| | \| PolygonPathFinder \| \| \| | \| Popup \| \| \| | \| PopupDialog \| \| \| | \| PopupMenu \| \| \| | \| PopupPanel \| \| \| | \| Portal \| \| \| | \| Position2D \| \| \| | \| Position3D \| \| \| | \| ProgressBar \| \| \| | \| ProximityGroup \| \| \| | \| Quad \| \| \| | \| Quat \| \| \| | \| RID \| \| \| | \| Range \| \| \| | \| RawArray \| \| \| | \| RayCast \| \| \| | \| RayCast2D \| eska \| Started \| 2015-10-16 \| | \| RayShape \| \| \| | \| RayShape2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| \| | \| RealArray \| \| \| | \| Rect2 \| bojidar_bg \| Finished \| | \| RectangleShape2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| \| | \| Reference \| \| \| | \| ReferenceFrame \| \| \| | \| RegEx \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| 2015-11-03 \| | \| RemoteTransform2D \| eska \| Started \| 2015-10-16 \| | \| RenderTargetTexture \| \| \| | \| Resource \| \| \| | \| ResourceImportMetadata \| \| \| | \| ResourceInteractiveLoader \| \| \| | \| ResourceLoader \| \| \| | \| ResourcePreloader \| \| \| | \| ResourceSaver \| \| \| | \| RichTextLabel \| \| \| | \| RigidBody \| \| \| | \| RigidBody2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Started \| 2015/11/23 \| \| | \| Room \| \| \| | \| RoomBounds \| \| \| | \| Sample \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| SampleLibrary \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| SamplePlayer \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| SamplePlayer2D \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| SceneTree \| \| \| | \| Script \| \| \| | \| ScrollBar \| \| \| | \| ScrollContainer \| \| \| | \| SegmentShape2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| \| | \| Semaphore \| \| \| | \| Separator \| \| \| | \| Shader \| \| \| | \| ShaderGraph \| \| \| | \| ShaderMaterial \| \| \| | \| Shape \| \| \| | \| Shape2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Finished \| \| | \| Skeleton \| \| \| | \| Slider \| \| \| | \| SliderJoint \| \| \| | \| SoundPlayer2D \| Akien \| Not started \| | \| SoundRoomParams \| Akien \| Not started \| | \| Spatial \| Akien \| Not started \| | \| SpatialPlayer \| Akien \| Not started \| | \| SpatialSamplePlayer \| Akien \| Not started \| | \| SpatialSound2DServer \| Akien \| Not started \| | \| SpatialSound2DServerSW \| Akien \| Not started \| | \| SpatialSoundServer \| Akien \| Not started \| | \| SpatialSoundServerSW \| Akien \| Not started \| | \| SpatialStreamPlayer \| Akien \| Not started \| | \| SphereShape \| \| \| | \| SpinBox \| \| \| | \| SplitContainer \| \| \| | \| SpotLight \| \| \| | \| Sprite \| \| \| | \| Sprite3D \| \| \| | \| SpriteBase3D \| \| \| | \| SpriteFrames \| \| \| | \| StaticBody \| \| \| | \| StaticBody2D \| Ovnuniarchos \| Started \| 2015/11/23 \| \| | \| StreamPeer \| \| \| | \| StreamPeerSSL \| \| \| | \| StreamPeerTCP \| \| \| | \| StreamPlayer \| \| \| | \| String \| \| \| | \| StringArray \| \| \| | \| StyleBox \| \| \| | \| StyleBoxEmpty \| \| \| | \| StyleBoxFlat \| \| \| | \| StyleBoxImageMask \| \| \| | \| StyleBoxTexture \| \| \| | \| SurfaceTool \| \| \| | \| TCP_Server \| \| \| | \| TabContainer \| \| \| | \| Tabs \| \| \| | \| TestCube \| \| \| | \| TextEdit \| \| \| | \| Texture \| \| \| | \| TextureButton \| \| \| | \| TextureFrame \| \| \| | \| TextureProgress \| \| \| | \| Theme \| \| \| | \| Thread \| \| \| | \| TileMap \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| TileSet \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| Timer \| Akien \| Finished \| | \| ToolButton \| \| \| | \| TouchScreenButton \| \| \| | \| Transform \| \| \| | \| Translation \| \| \| | \| TranslationServer \| \| \| | \| Tree \| \| \| | \| TreeItem \| \| \| | \| Tween \| \| \| | \| UndoRedo \| \| \| | \| VBoxContainer \| \| \| | \| VButtonArray \| \| \| | \| VScrollBar \| \| \| | \| VSeparator \| \| \| | \| VSlider \| \| \| | \| VSplitContainer \| \| \| | \| Vector2 \| bojidar_bg \| Finished \| | \| Vector2Array \| bojidar_bg \| Finished \| | \| Vector3 \| bojidar_bg \| Finished \| | \| Vector3Array \| bojidar_bg \| Finished \| | \| VehicleBody \| \| \| | \| VehicleWheel \| \| \| | \| VideoPlayer \| \| \| | \| VideoStream \| \| \| | \| Viewport \| \| \| | \| ViewportSprite \| \| \| | \| VisibilityEnabler \| \| \| | \| VisibilityEnabler2D \| \| \| | \| VisibilityNotifier \| \| \| | \| VisibilityNotifier2D \| \| \| | \| VisualInstance \| \| \| | \| VisualServer \| \| \| | \| WeakRef \| \| \| | \| WindowDialog \| \| \| | \| World \| \| \| | \| World2D \| \| \| | \| WorldEnvironment \| \| \| | \| XMLParser \| \| \| | \| YSort \| eska \| Started \| 2015-10-16 \| | \| bool \| \| \| | \| float \| \| \| | \| int \| \| \|