Compiling for Linux =================== .. highlight:: shell Requirements ------------ For compiling under Linux or other Unix variants, the following is required: - GCC or LLVM - Python 2.7+ (3.0 is untested as of now). - SCons build system. - X11 and MESA development Libraries - Xinerama Libraries - ALSA development libraries - Freetype (for the editor) - OpenSSL (for HTTPS and TLS) - pkg-config (used to detect the above three) - libevdev-dev and libudev-dev (for facultative joypad support) For Ubuntu users: :: apt-get install scons pkg-config libx11-dev libxcursor-dev build-essential libasound2-dev libfreetype6-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu-dev libssl-dev libxinerama-dev If you wish to have Joypad support, libevdev-dev and libudev-dev are required. :: apt-get install libevdev-dev libudev-dev Compiling --------- Start a terminal, go to the root dir of the engine source code and type: :: user@host:~/godot$ scons platform=x11 If all goes well, the resulting binary executable will be placed in the "bin" subdirectory. This executable file contains the whole engine and runs without any dependencies. Executing it will bring up the project manager. Building export templates ------------------------- To build Linux export templates, run the build system with the following parameters: (32 bits) :: user@host:~/godot$ scons platform=x11 tools=no target=release bits=32 user@host:~/godot$ scons platform=x11 tools=no target=release_debug bits=32 (64 bits) :: user@host:~/godot$ scons platform=x11 tools=no target=release bits=64 user@host:~/godot$ scons platform=x11 tools=no target=release_debug bits=64 Note that cross compiling for the opposite bits (64/32) as your host platform in linux is quite difficult and might need a chroot environment. In Ubuntu, compilation works without a chroot but some libraries (.so) might be missing from /usr/lib32. Symlinking the missing .so files from /usr/lib results in a working build. To create standard export templates, the resulting files must be copied to: :: /home/youruser/.godot/templates and named like this: :: linux_x11_32_debug linux_x11_32_release linux_x11_64_debug linux_x11_64_release However, if you are writing your custom modules or custom C++ code, you might instead want to configure your binaries as custom export templates here: .. image:: /img/lintemplates.png You don't even need to copy them, you can just reference the resulting files in the bin/ directory of your Godot source folder, so the next time you build you automatically have the custom templates referenced.