Compiling for iOS ================= .. highlight:: shell Requirements ------------ - SCons (you can get it from macports, you should be able to run ``scons`` in a terminal when installed) - Xcode with the iOS SDK and the command line tools. Compiling --------- Open a Terminal, go to the root dir of the engine source code and type: :: $ scons p=iphone bin/godot.iphone.debug for a debug build, or: :: $ scons p=iphone bin/godot.iphone.opt target=release for a release build (check platform/iphone/ for the compiler flags used for each configuration). Alternatively, you can run :: $ scons p=isim bin/ for a Simulator executable. Run --- | To run on a device or simulator, follow these instructions: [[Exporting for iOS]]. | Replace or add your executable to the Xcode project, and change the "executable name" property on Info.plist accordingly if you use an alternative build.