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import pytest
import json
from godot import Dictionary, Vector2, Array, GDString, Node, Resource, OS
def test_base():
v = Dictionary()
assert type(v) == Dictionary
def test_equal():
arr = Dictionary()
other = Dictionary()
for key, value in [("a", 1), ("b", "foo"), ("c", OS), ("d", Vector2())]:
other[key] = arr[key] = value
assert arr == other
bad = Dictionary({"a": 1})
assert not arr == bad # Force use of __eq__
assert not arr == None # Force use of __eq__
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg", [None, 0, "foo", Vector2(), {"a": 1}, Dictionary({"b": 2})])
def test_bad_equal(arg):
arr = Dictionary({"a": 1})
assert arr != arg
def test_repr():
v = Dictionary()
assert repr(v) == "<Dictionary({})>"
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
assert repr(v).startswith("<Dictionary({")
for item in ["'a': 1", "2: 'foo'", "0.5: <Vector2(x=0.0, y=0.0)>"]:
assert item in repr(v)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg", [42, "dummy", Vector2(), [object()], {object(): 1}, {1: object()}])
def test_bad_instantiate(arg):
with pytest.raises((TypeError, ValueError)):
{"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()},
Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()}),
def test_instantiate_from_copy(arg):
arr = Dictionary(arg)
if hasattr(arg, "_gd_ptr"):
assert arr._gd_ptr != arg._gd_ptr
def test_len():
v = Dictionary()
assert len(v) == 0
v["foo"] = "bar"
assert len(v) == 1
def test_getitem():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
assert v["a"] == 1
assert v[0.5] == Vector2()
# Missing items are stored as None
assert v["dummy"] is None
# Cannot store non Godot types
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_setitem():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
v[0] = GDString("bar")
assert len(v) == 4
assert v[0] == GDString("bar")
v["a"] = 4
assert len(v) == 4
assert v["a"] == 4
# Cannot store non Godot types
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
v[object()] = 4
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
v[4] = object()
def test_delitem():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
del v["a"]
assert len(v) == 2
del v[0.5]
assert len(v) == 1
v[2] == GDString("foo")
# Delete on missing items should raise error
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
del v["missing"]
# Cannot store non Godot types
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
del v[object()]
def test_update():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3})
v.update({"a": "one", "d": "four"})
v.update(Dictionary({"b": "two", "e": "five"}))
assert list(v.keys()) == [
assert list(v.values()) == [
def test_iter():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
items = [GDString("a"), 2, 0.5]
items_from_v = [x for x in v]
assert items_from_v == items
def test_keys():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
keys = v.keys()
assert list(keys) == [GDString("a"), 2, 0.5]
def test_values():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
values = v.values()
assert list(values) == [1, GDString("foo")]
def test_items():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
items = v.items()
assert list(items) == [(GDString("a"), 1), (2, GDString("foo"))]
def test_empty_and_clear():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
assert not v.empty()
assert len(v) == 0
assert v.empty()
def test_in():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
assert "a" in v
assert 2 in v
assert "dummy" not in v
assert None not in v
def test_hash():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
h1 = v.hash()
h2 = v.hash()
assert h1 == h2
v["b"] = 42
h3 = v.hash()
assert h3 != h2
def test_has_all():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", None: None})
elems = Array(["a", None])
assert v.has_all(elems)
bad_elems = Array(["a", 42])
assert not v.has_all(bad_elems)
def test_to_json():
v = Dictionary({"a": 1, "b": "foo"})
jsoned = v.to_json()
v2 = json.loads(str(jsoned))
assert v2 == {"a": 1, "b": "foo"}
assert json
def test_update():
v1 = Dictionary({"a": 1, "b": 2})
v2 = Dictionary({"b": 3, "c": 4})
assert v1 == Dictionary({"a": 1, "b": 3, "c": 4})
assert v2 == Dictionary({"b": 3, "c": 4})
v2.update({"d": 5, "e": 6})
assert v1 == Dictionary({"a": 1, "b": 3, "c": 4})
assert v2 == Dictionary({"b": 3, "c": 4, "d": 5, "e": 6})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg", [None, 0, Vector2(), OS, Array([1, 2])])
def test_bad_update(arg):
v = Dictionary()
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("deep", [False, True])
def test_duplicate(deep):
inner = Dictionary({0: 0})
d1 = Dictionary({0: inner})
d2 = d1.duplicate(deep)
d1[0][1] = 1
d2[0][2] = 2
if deep:
assert d1 == Dictionary({0: Dictionary({0: 0, 1: 1})})
assert d2 == Dictionary({0: Dictionary({0: 0, 2: 2})})
assert d1 == Dictionary({0: Dictionary({0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2})})
assert d2 == d1