import os import argparse import json import re from warnings import warn from functools import partial from keyword import iskeyword from dataclasses import dataclass, replace from collections import defaultdict from itertools import product from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, StrictUndefined from typing import List, Set from type_specs import ( TypeSpec, ALL_TYPES_EXCEPT_OBJECTS, TYPE_RID, TYPE_VECTOR3, TYPE_VECTOR2, TYPE_AABB, TYPE_BASIS, TYPE_COLOR, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_RECT2, TYPE_TRANSFORM2D, TYPE_PLANE, TYPE_QUAT, TYPE_TRANSFORM, TYPE_NODEPATH, TYPE_DICTIONARY, TYPE_ARRAY, ) # TODO: after all, it may not be a great idea to share TypeSpec between builtin and binding scripts... # Bonus types TYPES_SIZED_INT = [ TypeSpec( gdapi_type=f"{signed}int{size}_t", c_type=f"{signed}int{size}_t", cy_type=f"{signed}int{size}_t", py_type="int", is_base_type=True, is_stack_only=True, ) for signed, size in product(["u", ""], [8, 32, 64]) ] ALL_TYPES = [ *ALL_TYPES_EXCEPT_OBJECTS, *TYPES_SIZED_INT, TypeSpec( gdapi_type="pandemonium_object", c_type="pandemonium_object", cy_type="object", py_type="Object", is_object=True, ), TypeSpec( gdapi_type="int", c_type="int", cy_type="int", py_type="int", is_base_type=True, is_stack_only=True, ), TypeSpec( gdapi_type="size_t", c_type="size_t", cy_type="size_t", py_type="int", is_base_type=True, is_stack_only=True, ), # /!\ pandemonium_real is a C float (note py_type is still `float` given that's how Python call all floating point numbers) TypeSpec( gdapi_type="double", c_type="double", cy_type="double", py_type="float", is_base_type=True, is_stack_only=True, ), TypeSpec( gdapi_type="wchar_t", c_type="wchar_t", cy_type="wchar_t", is_base_type=True, is_stack_only=True, ), TypeSpec( gdapi_type="char", c_type="char", cy_type="char", is_base_type=True, is_stack_only=True ), TypeSpec( gdapi_type="schar", c_type="schar", cy_type="signed char", is_base_type=True, is_stack_only=True, ), TypeSpec( gdapi_type="pandemonium_char_string", c_type="pandemonium_char_string", cy_type="pandemonium_char_string", py_type="str", is_builtin=True, ), TypeSpec( gdapi_type="pandemonium_string_name", c_type="pandemonium_string_name", cy_type="pandemonium_string_name", py_type="str", is_builtin=True, ), TypeSpec( gdapi_type="bool", c_type="bool", cy_type="bool", py_type="bool", is_base_type=True, is_stack_only=True, ), ] C_NAME_TO_TYPE_SPEC = {s.c_type: s for s in ALL_TYPES} BUILTINS_TYPES = [s for s in ALL_TYPES if s.is_builtin] TARGET_TO_TYPE_SPEC = { "rid": TYPE_RID, "vector3": TYPE_VECTOR3, "vector2": TYPE_VECTOR2, "aabb": TYPE_AABB, "basis": TYPE_BASIS, "color": TYPE_COLOR, "gdstring": TYPE_STRING, "rect2": TYPE_RECT2, "transform2d": TYPE_TRANSFORM2D, "plane": TYPE_PLANE, "quat": TYPE_QUAT, "transform": TYPE_TRANSFORM, "node_path": TYPE_NODEPATH, "dictionary": TYPE_DICTIONARY, "array": TYPE_ARRAY, } @dataclass class ArgumentSpec: name: str type: TypeSpec is_ptr: bool is_const: bool def __getattr__(self, key): return getattr(self.type, key) @dataclass class BuiltinMethodSpec: # Builtin type this method apply on (e.g. Vector2) klass: TypeSpec # Name of the function in the GDNative C API c_name: str # Basically gd_name without the `pandemonium_<type>_` prefix py_name: str return_type: TypeSpec args: List[ArgumentSpec] gdapi: str def cook_name(name): return f"{name}_" if iskeyword(name) else name BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(f"{BASEDIR}/builtins_templates"), trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=False, extensions=["jinja2.ext.loopcontrols"], undefined=StrictUndefined, ) env.filters["merge"] = lambda x, **kwargs: {**x, **kwargs} def load_builtin_method_spec(func: dict, gdapi: str) -> BuiltinMethodSpec: c_name = func["name"] assert c_name.startswith("pandemonium_"), func for builtin_type in BUILTINS_TYPES: prefix = f"{builtin_type.c_type}_" if c_name.startswith(prefix): py_name = c_name[len(prefix) :] break else: # This function is not part of a builtin class (e.g. pandemonium_print), we can ignore it return def _cook_type(raw_type): # Hack type detection, might need to be improved with api evolutions match = re.match(r"^(const\W+|)([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)(\W*\*|)$", raw_type.strip()) if not match: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsuported type `{raw_type}` in function `{c_name}`") is_const = bool( c_type = is_ptr = bool( for type_spec in ALL_TYPES: if c_type == type_spec.c_type: break else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsuported type `{raw_type}` in function `{c_name}`") return is_const, is_ptr, type_spec args = [] for arg_type, arg_name in func["arguments"]: if arg_name.startswith("p_"): arg_name = arg_name[2:] arg_name = cook_name(arg_name) arg_is_const, arg_is_ptr, arg_type_spec = _cook_type(arg_type) args.append( ArgumentSpec( name=arg_name, type=arg_type_spec, is_ptr=arg_is_ptr, is_const=arg_is_const ) ) ret_is_const, ret_is_ptr, ret_type_spec = _cook_type(func["return_type"]) return_type = ArgumentSpec( name="", type=ret_type_spec, is_ptr=ret_is_ptr, is_const=ret_is_const ) return BuiltinMethodSpec( klass=builtin_type, c_name=c_name, py_name=py_name, return_type=return_type, args=args, gdapi=gdapi, ) def pre_cook_patch_stuff(gdnative_api): revision = gdnative_api["core"] while revision: for func in revision["api"]: # `signed char` is used in some string methods to return comparison # information (see `pandemonium_string_casecmp_to`). # The type in two word messes with our (poor) type parsing. if func["return_type"] == "signed char": func["return_type"] = "int8_t" revision = revision["next"] def load_builtins_specs_from_gdnative_api_json(gdnative_api: dict) -> List[BuiltinMethodSpec]: pre_cook_patch_stuff(gdnative_api) revision = gdnative_api["core"] specs = [] while revision: revision_gdapi = f"gdapi{revision['version']['major']}{revision['version']['minor']}" for func in revision["api"]: assert func["name"] not in specs # Ignore pandemonium pool (generate by another script) if func["name"].startswith("pandemonium_pool_") or func["name"].startswith("pandemonium_variant_"): continue spec = load_builtin_method_spec(func, gdapi=revision_gdapi) if spec: specs.append(spec) revision = revision["next"] return specs def generate_builtins( no_suffix_output_path: str, methods_specs: List[BuiltinMethodSpec] ) -> Set[str]: methods_c_name_to_spec = {s.c_name: s for s in methods_specs} # Track the methods used in the templates to enforce they are in sync with the gdnative_api.json rendered_methods = set() def _mark_rendered(method_c_name): rendered_methods.add(method_c_name) return "" # Return empty string to not output anything when used in a template def _render_target_to_template(render_target): assert isinstance(render_target, str) return f"{render_target}.tmpl.pxi" def _get_builtin_method_spec(method_c_name): assert isinstance(method_c_name, str) try: _mark_rendered(method_c_name) return methods_c_name_to_spec[method_c_name] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown method `{method_c_name}`") def _get_type_spec(py_type): assert isinstance(py_type, str) try: return next(t for t in ALL_TYPES if t.py_type == py_type) except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown type `{py_type}`") def _get_target_method_spec_factory(render_target): assert isinstance(render_target, str) try: type_spec = TARGET_TO_TYPE_SPEC[render_target] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown target `{render_target}`") def _get_target_method_spec(method_py_name): return _get_builtin_method_spec(f"{type_spec.c_type}_{method_py_name}") return _get_target_method_spec context = { "render_target_to_template": _render_target_to_template, "get_builtin_method_spec": _get_builtin_method_spec, "get_type_spec": _get_type_spec, "get_target_method_spec_factory": _get_target_method_spec_factory, "force_mark_rendered": _mark_rendered, } template = env.get_template("builtins.tmpl.pyx") pyx_output_path = f"{no_suffix_output_path}.pyx" print(f"Generating {pyx_output_path}") out = template.render(**context) with open(pyx_output_path, "w") as fd: fd.write(out) pyi_output_path = f"{no_suffix_output_path}.pyi" print(f"Generating {pyi_output_path}") template = env.get_template("builtins.tmpl.pyi") out = template.render(**context) with open(pyi_output_path, "w") as fd: fd.write(out) pxd_output_path = f"{no_suffix_output_path}.pxd" print(f"Generating {pxd_output_path}") template = env.get_template("builtins.tmpl.pxd") out = template.render(**context) with open(pxd_output_path, "w") as fd: fd.write(out) return rendered_methods def ensure_all_methods_has_been_rendered( methods_specs: List[BuiltinMethodSpec], rendered_methods: Set[str] ): all_methods = {s.c_name for s in methods_specs} unknown_rendered_methods = rendered_methods - all_methods for method in sorted(unknown_rendered_methods): print(f"ERROR: `{method}` is used in the templates but not present in gnative_api.json") not_rendered_methods = all_methods - rendered_methods for method in sorted(not_rendered_methods): print(f"ERROR: `{method}` is listed in gnative_api.json but not used in the templates") return not unknown_rendered_methods and not not_rendered_methods if __name__ == "__main__": def _parse_output(val): suffix = ".pyx" if not val.endswith(suffix): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"Must have a `{suffix}` suffix") return val[: -len(suffix)] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate pandemonium builtins bindings files (except pool arrays)" ) parser.add_argument( "--input", "-i", required=True, metavar="GDNATIVE_API_PATH", type=argparse.FileType("r", encoding="utf8"), help="Path to Pandemonium gdnative_api.json file", ) parser.add_argument( "--output", "-o", required=True, metavar="BUILTINS_PYX", type=_parse_output, help="Path to store the generated builtins.pyx (also used to determine .pxd/.pyi output path)", ) args = parser.parse_args() gdnative_api_json = json.load(args.input) methods_specs = load_builtins_specs_from_gdnative_api_json(gdnative_api_json) rendered_methods = generate_builtins(args.output, methods_specs) if not ensure_all_methods_has_been_rendered(methods_specs, rendered_methods): raise SystemExit( "Generated builtins are not in line with the provided gdnative_api.json :'(" )