{% from 'method.tmpl.pyx' import render_method, get_method_bind_register_name %} {% macro render_class_gdapi_ptrs_init(cls) %} {% if not cls.singleton %} global __{{ cls.name }}_constructor __{{ cls.name }}_constructor = gdapi10.godot_get_class_constructor("{{ cls.name }}") {% endif %} {% for method in cls.methods %} global {{ get_method_bind_register_name(cls, method) }} {{ get_method_bind_register_name(cls, method) }} = gdapi10.godot_method_bind_get_method("{{ cls.bind_register_name }}", "{{ method.name }}") {% endfor %} {% endmacro %} {# TODO: Handle signals #} {% macro render_class(cls) %} {% if not cls.base_class %} from cpython.object cimport PyObject_GenericGetAttr, PyObject_GenericSetAttr {% endif %} {% if not cls.singleton %} cdef godot_class_constructor __{{ cls.name }}_constructor = NULL {% endif %} {% for method in cls.methods %} cdef godot_method_bind *{{ get_method_bind_register_name(cls, method) }} = NULL {% endfor %} cdef class {{ cls.name }}({{ cls.base_class }}): {% if not cls.base_class %} # free is virtual but this is not marked in api.json :'( def free(self): with nogil: gdapi10.godot_object_destroy(self._gd_ptr) def __init__(self): raise RuntimeError( f"Use `new()` method to instantiate non-refcounted Godot object (and don't forget to free it !)" ) def __repr__(self): return f"<{type(self).__name__} wrapper on 0x{self._gd_ptr:x}>" @staticmethod cdef inline Object cast_from_variant(const godot_variant *p_gdvar): cdef godot_object *ptr = gdapi10.godot_variant_as_object(p_gdvar) # Retreive class cdef GDString classname = GDString.__new__(GDString) with nogil: gdapi10.godot_method_bind_ptrcall( __methbind__Object__get_class, ptr, NULL, &classname._gd_data ) return globals()[str(classname)]._from_ptr(ptr) @staticmethod cdef inline Object cast_from_ptr(godot_object *ptr): # Retreive class cdef GDString classname = GDString.__new__(GDString) with nogil: gdapi10.godot_method_bind_ptrcall( __methbind__Object__get_class, ptr, NULL, &classname._gd_data ) return globals()[str(classname)]._from_ptr(ptr) def __eq__(self, other): try: return self._gd_ptr == (<{{ cls.name }}>other)._gd_ptr except TypeError: return False def __ne__(self, other): try: return self._gd_ptr != (<{{ cls.name }}>other)._gd_ptr except TypeError: return True def __getattr__(self, name): cdef GDString gdname = GDString(name) cdef GDString gdnamefield = GDString("name") # If a script is attached to the object, we expose here it methods if not hasattr(type(self), '__exposed_python_class'): if self.has_method(name): def _call(*args): return {{ cls.name }}.callv(self, gdname, Array(args)) return _call # from functools import partial # return partial(self.call, gdname) elif any(x for x in self.get_property_list() if x[gdnamefield] == gdname): # TODO: Godot currently lacks a `has_property` method return self.get(gdname) raise AttributeError( f"`{type(self).__name__}` object has no attribute `{name}`" ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): cdef GDString gdname = GDString(name) cdef GDString gdnamefield = GDString("name") if hasattr(type(self), '__exposed_python_class'): PyObject_GenericSetAttr(self, name, value) return # Could retrieve the item inside the Godot class, try to look into # the attached script if it has one else: if any(x for x in self.get_property_list() if x[gdnamefield] == gdname): # TODO: Godot currently lacks a `has_property` method self.set(name, value) return raise AttributeError( f"`{type(self).__name__}` object has no attribute `{name}`" ) def call(self, name, *args): return self.callv(name, Array(args)) {% endif %} {% if not cls.singleton and cls.instantiable %} {% if cls.is_reference %} def __init__(self): if __{{ cls.name }}_constructor == NULL: raise NotImplementedError(__ERR_MSG_BINDING_NOT_AVAILABLE) cdef godot_bool __ret with nogil: self._gd_ptr = __{{ cls["name"] }}_constructor() if self._gd_ptr is NULL: raise MemoryError gdapi10.godot_method_bind_ptrcall( __methbind__Reference__init_ref, self._gd_ptr, NULL, &__ret ) {% else %} @staticmethod def new(): if __{{ cls.name }}_constructor == NULL: raise NotImplementedError(__ERR_MSG_BINDING_NOT_AVAILABLE) # Call to __new__ bypasses __init__ constructor cdef {{ cls.name }} wrapper = {{ cls.name }}.__new__({{ cls.name }}) with nogil: wrapper._gd_ptr = __{{ cls.name }}_constructor() if wrapper._gd_ptr is NULL: raise MemoryError return wrapper {% endif %} {% if cls.name == "Reference" %} @classmethod def new(cls): raise RuntimeError(f"Refcounted Godot object must be created with `{ cls.__name__ }()`") def __dealloc__(self): cdef godot_bool __ret if self._gd_ptr == NULL: return with nogil: gdapi10.godot_method_bind_ptrcall( __methbind__Reference__unreference, self._gd_ptr, NULL, &__ret ) if __ret: gdapi10.godot_object_destroy(self._gd_ptr) {% endif %} {% endif %} @staticmethod cdef {{ cls.name }} from_ptr(godot_object *_ptr): # Call to __new__ bypasses __init__ constructor cdef {{ cls.name }} wrapper = {{ cls.name }}.__new__({{ cls.name }}) wrapper._gd_ptr = _ptr {% if cls.is_reference %} # Note we steal the reference from the caller given we # don't call `Reference.reference` here {% endif %} return wrapper {% if not cls.singleton and cls.instantiable %} @classmethod def _new(cls): cdef godot_object* ptr = __{{ cls.name }}_constructor() if ptr is NULL: raise MemoryError return ptr {% endif %} @staticmethod def _from_ptr(ptr): # Call to __new__ bypasses __init__ constructor cdef {{ cls.name }} wrapper = {{ cls.name }}.__new__({{ cls.name }}) # /!\ doing `ptr` would return the address of # the PyObject instead of casting it value ! wrapper._gd_ptr = ptr {% if cls.is_reference %} # Note we steal the reference from the caller given we # don't call `Reference.reference` here {% endif %} return wrapper {% if cls.constants | length %} # Constants {% endif %} {% for key, value in cls.constants.items() %} {{ key }} = {{ value }} {% endfor %} {% if cls.enums | length %} # Enums {% endif %} {% for enum in cls.enums %} {{ enum.name }} = IntFlag("{{ enum.name }}", { {% for key, value in enum.values.items() %} "{{ key }}": {{ value }}, {% endfor %} }) {% endfor %} {% if cls.methods | length %} # Methods {% endif %} {# TODO: Use typing for params&return #} {% for method in cls.methods %} {% if method.name != "free" %} {{ render_method(cls, method) | indent }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if cls.properties | length %} # Properties {% endif %} {# TODO: some properties has / in there name TODO: some properties pass a parameter to the setter/getter TODO: see PinJoint.params/bias for a good example #} {% for prop in cls.properties %} @property def {{ prop.name }}(self): {% if prop.is_supported %} return self.{{ prop.getter }}({% if prop.index is not none %}{{ prop.index }}{% endif %}) {% else %} raise NotImplementedError("{{prop.unsupported_reason}}") {% endif %} {% if prop.setter %} @{{ prop.name }}.setter def {{ prop.name }}(self, val): {% if prop.is_supported %} self.{{ prop.setter }}({% if prop.index is not none %}{{ prop.index }},{% endif %}val) {% else %} raise NotImplementedError("{{prop.unsupported_reason}}") {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endmacro %}