import os import re import shutil import tempfile import subprocess from pathlib import Path from SCons.Errors import UserError from contextlib import contextmanager Import("env") if env["platform"].startswith("windows"): PYTHON_RELATIVE_PATH = "python.exe" python = f"{env['DIST_PLATFORM']}/{PYTHON_RELATIVE_PATH}" scripts = f"{env['DIST_PLATFORM']}/Scripts" else: PYTHON_RELATIVE_PATH = "bin/python3" python = f"{env['DIST_PLATFORM']}/{PYTHON_RELATIVE_PATH}" scripts = f"{env['DIST_PLATFORM']}/bin" def run_cmd(cmd): if isinstance(cmd, str): cmd = cmd.split() try: return, check=True, capture_output=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: print(f"Error !!! Non-zero return code: {exc.returncode}") print(f"command: {cmd}") print(f"stdout: {exc.stdout.decode()}") print(f"stderr: {exc.stderr.decode()}") raise UserError(f"Test has failed (returncode: {exc.returncode})") from exc @contextmanager def run_cmd_and_handle_errors(cmd): out = run_cmd(cmd) try: yield out except Exception as exc: print(f"Error !!! {str(exc)}") print(f"command: {cmd}") print(f"stdout: {out.stdout.decode()}") print(f"stderr: {out.stderr.decode()}") raise UserError(f"Test has failed ({str(exc)})") from exc def test_factory(target, cmd): if callable(cmd): fn = cmd else: def fn(target, source, env): run_cmd(cmd) fn.__name__ = f"test_{target}" env.Command([target], [], fn, strfunction=lambda target, source, env: f"Test: {target[0]}") env.Depends(target, env["DIST_ROOT"]) env.AlwaysBuild(target) return target test_factory("run_python", f"{python} --version") test_factory( "import_pandemonium_module", [ python, "-c", """ try: import pandemonium except ImportError as exc: assert "Cannot initialize pandemonium module given Godot GDNative API not available." in str(exc) """, ], ) def test_ensurepip_and_run_pip(target, source, env): # ensurepip does modification, so copy dist first with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: pythonscript_path = f"{tmpdirname}/pythonscript" shutil.copytree(str(env["DIST_PLATFORM"].abspath), pythonscript_path, symlinks=True) python = f"{pythonscript_path}/{PYTHON_RELATIVE_PATH}" run_cmd(f"{python} -m ensurepip") with run_cmd_and_handle_errors( f"{python} -m pip --disable-pip-version-check --version" ) as out: # Check pip site-packages location stdout = out.stdout.decode().strip() regex = r"^pip\s+[0-9.]+\s+from\s+(.*)\s+\(python\s+[0-9.+]+\)$" match = re.match(regex, stdout) if match: site_packages_path = Path( dist_platform_path = Path(pythonscript_path) try: site_packages_path.relative_to(dist_platform_path) except ValueError as exc: raise AssertionError( f"pip site-packages is not located inside dist folder `{env['DIST_PLATFORM']}`" ) from exc else: raise AssertionError(f"stdout doesn't match regex `{regex}`") run_cmd( f"{python} -m pip install requests" ) # Basically the most downloaded packages on pypi run_cmd([python, "-c", "import requests"]) test_factory("ensurepip_and_run_pip", test_ensurepip_and_run_pip)