tool extends Control signal inspect_data export(PackedScene) var resource_row_scene : PackedScene export(PackedScene) var history_row_scene : PackedScene export(NodePath) var entry_container_path : NodePath export(NodePath) var name_popup_path : NodePath export(NodePath) var create_popup_path : NodePath export(NodePath) var delete_popup_path : NodePath export(NodePath) var history_container_path : NodePath var _filter_term : String var _entry_container : Node var _name_popup : Node var _create_popup : ConfirmationDialog var _delete_popup : ConfirmationDialog var _history_container : Node var _folder : String var _resource_type : String var _queue_deleted : Resource var _state : Dictionary var _states : Dictionary func _ready(): _history_container = get_node(history_container_path) _entry_container = get_node(entry_container_path) _name_popup = get_node(name_popup_path) _name_popup.connect("ok_pressed", self, "ok_pressed") _create_popup = get_node(create_popup_path) _delete_popup = get_node(delete_popup_path) func set_resource_type(folder : String, resource_type : String) -> void: if folder == _folder and _resource_type == resource_type: return _states[_folder + "," + _resource_type] = _state if _states.has(folder + "," + resource_type): _state = _states[folder + "," + resource_type] else: _state = Dictionary() _folder = folder _resource_type = resource_type # _filter_term = "" _create_popup.set_resource_type(resource_type) refresh() func refresh() -> void: for ch in _entry_container.get_children(): ch.queue_free() var d : Directory = if == OK: d.list_dir_begin() var data_array : Array = Array() var file_name = d.get_next() while (file_name != ""): if not d.current_is_dir(): if ResourceLoader.exists(_folder + file_name, _resource_type): var res = ResourceLoader.load(_folder + file_name, _resource_type) if _filter_term != "": var ftext : String = "" if res.has_method("get_text_name"): ftext = res.get_text_name() if ftext == "": if res.resource_name != "": ftext = res.resource_name else: ftext = res.resource_path ftext = ftext.to_lower() if ftext.find(_filter_term) == -1: file_name = d.get_next() continue var id : int = 0 if res.has_method("get_id"): id = res.get_id() data_array.append({ "id": id, "resource": res }) file_name = d.get_next() data_array.sort_custom(self, "sort_entries") for d in data_array: var resn : Node = resource_row_scene.instance() _entry_container.add_child(resn) resn.owner = _entry_container resn.set_resource(d["resource"]) resn.connect("inspect_data", self, "inspect_data") resn.connect("duplicate", self, "duplicate_data") resn.connect("delete", self, "delete") func inspect_data(var data : Resource) -> void: var found : bool = false for ch in _history_container.get_children(): if == data: found = true _history_container.move_child(ch, 0) break if not found: var n : Node = history_row_scene.instance() _history_container.add_child(n) _history_container.move_child(n, 0) n.owner = _history_container = data n.connect("history_entry_selected", self, "inspect_data") if _history_container.get_child_count() > 20: var ch : Node = _history_container.get_child(_history_container.get_child_count() - 1) ch.queue_free() emit_signal("inspect_data", data) func ok_pressed(res_name: String, pclass_name: String) -> void: var d : Directory = if == OK: d.list_dir_begin() var file_name = d.get_next() var max_ind : int = 0 while (file_name != ""): if not d.current_is_dir(): var curr_ind : int = int(file_name.split("_")[0]) if curr_ind > max_ind: max_ind = curr_ind file_name = d.get_next() max_ind += 1 var newfname : String = str(res_name) newfname = newfname.replace(" ", "_") newfname = newfname.to_lower() newfname = str(max_ind) + "_" + newfname + ".tres" var res : Resource = null if ClassDB.class_exists(pclass_name) and ClassDB.can_instance(pclass_name): res = ClassDB.instance(pclass_name) else: var gsc : Array = ProjectSettings.get("_global_script_classes") for i in range(gsc.size()): var gsce : Dictionary = gsc[i] as Dictionary if gsce["class"] == pclass_name: var script : Script = load(gsce["path"]) res = break if res == null: print("ESSData: Error in creating resource type " + pclass_name) return if res.has_method("set_id"): res.set_id(max_ind) if res.has_method("set_text_name"): res.set_text_name(str(res_name)) + newfname, res) refresh() func duplicate_data(data): if not data is Resource: return var d : Directory = if == OK: d.list_dir_begin() var file_name = d.get_next() var max_ind : int = 0 while (file_name != ""): if not d.current_is_dir(): var curr_ind : int = int(file_name.split("_")[0]) if curr_ind > max_ind: max_ind = curr_ind file_name = d.get_next() max_ind += 1 var res_name : String = "" if data.has_method("get_text_name"): res_name = data.get_text_name() var newfname : String = res_name newfname = newfname.replace(" ", "_") newfname = newfname.to_lower() newfname = str(max_ind) + "_" + newfname + ".tres" var res : Resource = data.duplicate() if res.has_method("set_id"): res.set_id(max_ind) if res.has_method("set_text_name"): res.set_text_name(str(res_name)) + newfname, res) refresh() func delete(data): if data == null or data as Resource == null: return _queue_deleted = data as Resource _delete_popup.popup_centered() func delete_confirm(): if _queue_deleted == null: return var d : Directory = d.remove(_queue_deleted.resource_path) _queue_deleted = null refresh() func clear_history() -> void: for ch in _history_container.get_children(): ch.queue_free() func search(text : String) -> void: _filter_term = text.to_lower() refresh() func sort_entries(a, b): return a["id"] < b["id"]