.. _doc_general_spell_enums: :ref:`Spell Enums ` ===================================== Contains Spell-related enums. :ref:`DamageType ` ---------------------------------------------- The type of damage. It's a flag, so you can combine them. Like Melee, Holy, Shadow etc. :ref:`SpellCategory ` ---------------------------------------------------- Helps to filter spells when needed. Like Normal, Alchemy, Cooking etc. :ref:`SpellType ` -------------------------------------------- At the moment contains the same entries as :ref:`DamageType `, also a flag, can be used for interrupt lockouts. :ref:`DiminishingReturnCategory ` ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Categories for diminishing returns. Root, Stun, etc. :ref:`TriggerEvents ` ---------------------------------------------------- Triggen event categories. These are not yet implemented. The ide behind these is to be able to create some reative effects, using Aura's inspector. Think of an aura that gives a 10% chance to stun an enemy (a.k.a apply an aura), when they (ON_HIT) hit the owner. :ref:`AuraType ` ------------------------------------------ Type of an aura. Like None, Magic, Poison etc. You can make these show up in the ui, also some spell can operate on different types. :ref:`ColliderType ` -------------------------------------------------- Collider type for aoes, to intersect with. :ref:`TargetType ` ---------------------------------------------- This is used by WorldSpell, to know where to "aim".