.. _doc_general_item_enums: :ref:`Item Enums ` =================================== Contains item-related enums. :ref:`ItemRarity ` --------------------------------------------- Yout can set the visual rarity representation with this. :ref:`ItemRarityFlag ` ----------------------------------------------------- For generated items. You can set with it which rarities can happen. :ref:`ItemType ` ----------------------------------------- Main item type / category. Contains things like equipment, weapont, potion, herb, etc. :ref:`ItemSubtype ` ----------------------------------------------- Subtype. Like axe, mace, quest item etc. :ref:`ItemSubSubtype ` ----------------------------------------------------- SubSubtype. Like One hand, Two Hand etc. .. note:: I don't like this setup, I'll try to make this better. :ref:`EquipSlots ` --------------------------------------------- The equipslots you want for your character. Head, Neck, Shoulders etc. .. note:: I don't like this setup, I'll try to make this better (Somehow make it easily changeable). Maybe make it customiyable with a macro from a central file somehow. TODO (Same will be applied, to any enum which should be customizable) :ref:`ArmorType ` ------------------------------------------- Armor types. Cloth, Leather, etc. :ref:`EntityTextureLayers ` --------------------------------------------------------------- Texture Layers for merging equipment textures, so you can color skins, eyes etc, and then merge (and also possibly color) equipment textures. Think of equipment coloring in Diablo 3.