.. _doc_general_spell_enums: :ref:`Spell Enums ` ===================================== Contains Spell-related enums. :ref:`DamageType ` ---------------------------------------------- The type of damage. It's a flag, so you can combine them. Like Melee, Holy, Shadow etc. :ref:`SpellCategory ` ---------------------------------------------------- Helps to filter spells when needed. Like Normal, Alchemy, Cooking etc. :ref:`SpellType ` -------------------------------------------- At the moment contains the same entries as :ref:`DamageType `, also a flag, can be used for interrupt lockouts. :ref:`DiminishingReturnCategory ` ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Categories for diminishing returns. Root, Stun, etc. :ref:`TriggerEvents ` ---------------------------------------------------- Triggen event categories. These are not yet implemented. The ide behind these is to be able to create some reative effects, using Aura's inspector. Think of an aura that gives a 10% chance to stun an enemy (a.k.a apply an aura), when they (ON_HIT) hit the owner. :ref:`AuraType ` ------------------------------------------ Type of an aura. Like None, Magic, Poison etc. You can make these show up in the ui, also some spell can operate on different types. They can also be used as flags. :ref:`ColliderType ` -------------------------------------------------- Collider type for aoes, to intersect with. :ref:`TargetType ` ---------------------------------------------- This is used by WorldSpell, to know where to "aim".