Base Aura class. Contains data, and callbacks for aura scripts. Inherit from this to create auras with different functionality.
Override to change the default damage calculation formula. Serverside only.
Override to change the default heal calculation formula. Serverside Only.
Called clientside when this aura is applied to an [Entity]. You can apply visual effects here.
Called clientside when this aura's duration is refreshed on an [Entity].
Called clientside when this aura's is removed from an [Entity].
Called clientside when an [Entity]'s cast fails.
Called clientside when an [Entity]'s cast finsihes.
Called clientside when an [Entity]'s cast starts.
Called clientside when an [Entity]'s cast state changes. Not yet used.
Called clientside when an [Entity] receives a [CategoryCooldown].
Called clientside when an [Entity]'s [CategoryCooldown] is removed / expires.
Called clientside when an [Entity] receives a [Cooldown].
Called clientside when an [Entity]'s [Cooldown] is removed / expires.
Called clientside for an [Entity] receives damage.
Called clientside for an [Entity] who deals damage.
Called clientside for an [Entity] who deals heal.
Called clientside for an [Entity] who dies.
Called clientside for an [Entity] when equipping an item fails.
Called clientside for an [Entity] when equipping an item succeeds.
Called clientside for an [Entity] when a global cooldown finishes.
Called clientside for an [Entity] when a global cooldown starts.
Called clientside for an [Entity] who receives heal.
Called clientside for an [Entity] whos spell cast succeeds.
Called clientside for an [Entity] who gains xp.
Called when this aura wants to deal damage. Serverside only.
Called when this aura wants to deal damage. Serverside only.
Called serverside when this aura gets added to an [Entity].
Called serverside when this aura gets applied to an [Entity].
Called serverside, apply damage passives of the caster [Entity] into the [SpellDamageInfo] in this method.
Called serverside, apply damage passives of the target [Entity] into the [SpellDamageInfo] in this method.
Called serverside, apply heal passives of the caster [Entity] into the [SpellHealInfo] in this method.
Called serverside, apply heal passives of the target [Entity] into the [SpellHealInfo] in this method.
Called when this aura is getting removed from an [Entity].
This method sets up the given [AuraData] based on the given [AuraApplyInfo]. Override it, if you need to do something special. Serverside.
Gets called if an [Entity] wants to equip an [ItemInstance]. Return true, if tou want this [Aura] to prevent the equip. Serverside.
Called before an [Aura] gets applied to the [Entity] this [Aura] is on.
Called serverside before a cast starts by [Entity] this is on.
Called serverside before an [Entity]'s cast starts targeting the [Entity] this is on.
Called serverside before the [Entity] this [Aura] is on receives damage.
Called serverside before the [Entity] this [Aura] is on getting hit by a spell that deals damage.
Called serverside before the [Entity] this [Aura] is on receives heal.
Called serverside before the [Entity] this [Aura] is on getting hit by a spell that deals heal.
Called serverside when the [Entity]'s cast this [Aura] is on fails. (It moved for example, and the [Spell] did not allow it.)
Called serverside when the [Entity]'s cast this [Aura] is on finishes.
Called serverside when an [Entity] finishes a cast targeting the [Entity] this [Aura] is on finishes.
Called serverside when the [Entity]'s cast this [Aura] is on starts.
Called serverside when the [Entity] this [Aura] is on receives a [CategoryCooldown].
Called serverside when a [CategoryCooldown] of the [Entity] this [Aura] is on gets removed.
Called serverside when the [Entity] this [Aura] is on receives a [Cooldown].
Called serverside when a [Cooldown] of the [Entity] this [Aura] is on gets removed.
Called serverside when an [Entity] this [Aura] is dealt damage.
Called serverside when an [Entity] this [Aura] is on receives damage.
Called serverside when an [Entity] deals damage to the [Entity] this [Aura] is on.