extends Control # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Péter Magyar # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. var opener_button : BaseButton export(NodePath) var spell_entry_container_path : NodePath export(NodePath) var prev_button_path : NodePath export(NodePath) var next_button_path : NodePath export(NodePath) var spell_points_label_path : NodePath export(bool) var show_not_learned : bool = true export(bool) var show_not_learnable : bool = false var _spell_entry_container : Node var _spell_entries : Array var _prev_button : Button var _next_button : Button var _spell_points_label : Label var _player : Entity var _page : int = 0 var _max_pages : int = 0 var _entity_data : EntityData var _character_class : EntityClassData var _spells : Array func _ready() -> void: connect("visibility_changed", self, "on_visibility_changed") _spell_entries.clear() _spell_entry_container = get_node(spell_entry_container_path) for i in range(_spell_entry_container.get_child_count()): _spell_entries.append(_spell_entry_container.get_child(i)) _prev_button = get_node(prev_button_path) _next_button = get_node(next_button_path) _spell_points_label = get_node(spell_points_label_path) _prev_button.connect("pressed", self, "dec_page") _next_button.connect("pressed", self, "inc_page") if ESS.use_spell_points: _spell_points_label.text = "" connect("visibility_changed", self, "_visibility_changed") func inc_page() -> void: if _character_class == null: return _page += 1 if _page > _max_pages: _page = _max_pages refresh_entries() func dec_page() -> void: if _character_class == null: return _page -= 1 if _page < 0: _page = 0 refresh_entries() func refresh_entries() -> void: if _character_class == null or _player == null: return var i : int = 0 var n : int = 0 # for n in range(len(_spell_entries)): while n < len(_spell_entries): var spindex : int = i + (_page * len(_spell_entries)) if spindex >= _spells.size(): _spell_entries[n].set_spell(_player, null) i += 1 n += 1 continue var spell : Spell = _spells[spindex] if not _player.spell_hasc(spell): if not show_not_learned: i += 1 continue if not show_not_learnable: if spell.training_required_spell and not _player.spell_hasc(spell.training_required_spell): i += 1 continue _spell_entries[n].set_spell(_player, spell) i += 1 n += 1 func refresh_all() -> void: if _player == null: return if _character_class == null: return _max_pages = int(_character_class.get_num_spells() / len(_spell_entries)) if _page > _max_pages: _page = _max_pages if ESS.use_spell_points: _spell_points_label.text = "Free spell points: " + str(_player.free_spell_points_getc()) refresh_entries() func _visibility_changed() -> void: if visible: refresh_all() func set_player(p_player: Entity) -> void: if _player != null: _player.disconnect("cfree_spell_points_changed", self, "cfree_spell_points_changed") _player.disconnect("centity_data_changed", self, "centity_data_changed") _player = p_player _player.connect("cfree_spell_points_changed", self, "cfree_spell_points_changed") _player.connect("centity_data_changed", self, "centity_data_changed") if _player != null: centity_data_changed(_player.centity_data) else: centity_data_changed(null) func cfree_spell_points_changed(entity: Entity, value: int) -> void: _spell_points_label.text = "Free spell points: " + str(_player.free_spell_points_getc()) func centity_data_changed(data: EntityData): _spells.clear() _entity_data = null _character_class = null if data == null: return _entity_data = _player.centity_data _character_class = _entity_data.entity_class_data if _character_class == null: return for i in range(_character_class.get_num_spells()): _spells.append(_character_class.get_spell(i)) _spells.sort_custom(CustomSpellSorter, "sort") class CustomSpellSorter: static func sort(a, b): var res = a.text_name.casecmp_to(b.text_name) if res == 0: if a.rank < b.rank: return true return false elif res == 1: return false return true func on_visibility_changed(): if opener_button: if visible && !opener_button.pressed: opener_button.pressed = true return if !visible && opener_button.pressed: opener_button.pressed = false func _on_button_toggled(button_pressed): if button_pressed: if !visible: show() else: if visible: hide()