# Copyright Péter Magyar relintai@gmail.com # MIT License, functionality from this class needs to be protable to the entity spell system # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Péter Magyar # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. extends KinematicBody2D export(float) var MOUSE_SENSITIVITY : float = 0.05 export(String) var world_path : String = "../.." export(NodePath) var model_path : NodePath = "Rotation_Helper/Model" export(NodePath) var character_skeleton_path : NodePath = "Character" const BASE_SPEED = 60.0 const ray_length = 1000 const ACCEL : float = 100.0 const DEACCEL : float = 100.0 const MOUSE_TARGET_MAX_OFFSET : int = 10 var _on : bool = true var y_rot : float = 0.0 var vel : Vector2 = Vector2() var dir : Vector2 = Vector2() var input_dir : Vector2 = Vector2() var mouse_dir : Vector2 = Vector2() var mouse_move_dir : Vector2 = Vector2() var mouse_left_down : bool = false var mouse_right_down : bool = false var touchpad_dir : Vector2 = Vector2() var mouse_down_delta : Vector2 = Vector2() var key_left : bool = false var key_right : bool = false var key_up : bool = false var key_down : bool = false var cursor_grabbed : bool = false var last_cursor_pos : Vector2 = Vector2() var mouse_down_pos : Vector2 = Vector2() var total_down_mouse_delta : Vector2 = Vector2() var target_movement_direction : Vector2 = Vector2() var camera : Camera2D var animation_run : bool = false var moving : bool = false var casting_anim : bool = false var last_mouse_over : Entity = null var world : Node = null var _controlled : bool = false var sleep : bool = false var sleep_recheck_timer : float = 0 var dead : bool = false var death_timer : float = 0 var entity : Entity var character_skeleton : CharacterSkeleton2D var visibility_update_timer : float = randi() func _enter_tree() -> void: world = get_node(world_path) as Node camera = get_node_or_null("Camera") as Camera2D character_skeleton = get_node(character_skeleton_path) entity = get_node("..") entity.set_character_skeleton(character_skeleton) # entity.connect("notification_ccast", self, "on_notification_ccast") entity.connect("diesd", self, "on_diesd") entity.connect("isc_controlled_changed", self, "on_c_controlled_changed") owner = entity on_c_controlled_changed(entity.c_is_controlled) transform = entity.get_transform_2d(true) set_physics_process(true) func _process(delta : float) -> void: if entity.ai_state == EntityEnums.AI_STATE_OFF: return visibility_update_timer += delta if visibility_update_timer < 1: return visibility_update_timer = 0 var vpos : Vector2 = -get_tree().root.canvas_transform.get_origin() + (get_tree().root.get_visible_rect().size / 2) - position var l : float = vpos.length_squared() var rs : float = get_tree().root.size.x * get_tree().root.size.x rs *= 0.3 if l < rs: if not visible: show() set_physics_process(true) else: if visible: hide() set_physics_process(false) func _physics_process(delta : float) -> void: if not _on: return if world.initial_generation: return if entity.sentity_data == null: return if dead: return if entity.c_is_controlled: process_input(delta) process_movement_player(delta) else: if sleep: sleep_recheck_timer += delta if sleep_recheck_timer < 0.5: return sleep_recheck_timer = 0 # if world != null: # if not world.is_position_walkable(transform.origin): # return process_movement_mob(delta) func process_input(delta: float) -> void: var key_dir : Vector2 = Vector2() if key_up: key_dir.y -= 1 if key_down: key_dir.y += 1 if key_left: key_dir.x -= 1 if key_right: key_dir.x += 1 input_dir = key_dir + mouse_dir + touchpad_dir + mouse_move_dir var state : int = entity.getc_state() if state & EntityEnums.ENTITY_STATE_TYPE_FLAG_ROOT != 0 or state & EntityEnums.ENTITY_STATE_TYPE_FLAG_STUN != 0: input_dir = Vector2() return var input_length : float = input_dir.length_squared() if input_length > 0.1: #handle_graphic_facing(abs(dir.dot(Vector2(0, 1))) > 0.9) character_skeleton.update_facing(input_dir) # character_skeleton.get_animation_tree().set("parameters/walking/blend_amount", input_dir.length()) func process_movement(delta : float) -> void: var state : int = entity.getc_state() if state & EntityEnums.ENTITY_STATE_TYPE_FLAG_ROOT != 0 or state & EntityEnums.ENTITY_STATE_TYPE_FLAG_STUN != 0: moving = false return if (input_dir.length_squared() > 0.1): moving = true # entity.moved() else: moving = false var hvel = vel var target = dir target *= entity.get_speed().ccurrent var accel if dir.dot(hvel) > 0: accel = ACCEL else: accel = DEACCEL hvel = hvel.linear_interpolate(target, accel*delta) vel = hvel vel = move_and_slide(vel) if multiplayer.has_network_peer(): if not multiplayer.is_network_server(): rpc_id(1, "sset_position", position) else: sset_position(position) func process_movement_player(delta : float) -> void: var state : int = entity.getc_state() if state & EntityEnums.ENTITY_STATE_TYPE_FLAG_ROOT != 0 or state & EntityEnums.ENTITY_STATE_TYPE_FLAG_STUN != 0: moving = false return if (input_dir.length_squared() > 0.1): moving = true # moved() else: moving = false var hvel = vel var target = input_dir.normalized() # target *= 100 target *= entity.getc_speed().current_value / 100.0 * BASE_SPEED var accel if dir.dot(hvel) > 0: accel = ACCEL else: accel = DEACCEL hvel = hvel.linear_interpolate(target, accel*delta) vel = hvel vel = move_and_slide(vel) if multiplayer.has_network_peer(): if not multiplayer.is_network_server(): rpc_id(1, "sset_position", position) else: sset_position(position) func process_movement_mob(delta : float) -> void: var state : int = entity.getc_state() if state & EntityEnums.ENTITY_STATE_TYPE_FLAG_ROOT != 0 or state & EntityEnums.ENTITY_STATE_TYPE_FLAG_STUN != 0: moving = false return if (target_movement_direction.length_squared() > 0.1): moving = true # moved() else: moving = false if not moving and sleep: return if moving and sleep: sleep = false var hvel = vel var target = dir.normalized() target *= entity.getc_speed().current_value / 100.0 * BASE_SPEED var accel if dir.dot(hvel) > 0: accel = ACCEL else: accel = DEACCEL hvel = hvel.linear_interpolate(target, accel*delta) vel = hvel vel = move_and_slide(vel) sset_position(position) if vel.length_squared() < 0.12: sleep = true func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: if not cursor_grabbed: set_process_input(false) return if event is InputEventMouseMotion and event.device != -1: var s : float = ProjectSettings.get("display/mouse_cursor/sensitivity") var relx : float = event.relative.x * s var rely : float = event.relative.y * s mouse_down_delta.x += relx mouse_down_delta.y += rely total_down_mouse_delta.x += relx total_down_mouse_delta.y += rely get_tree().set_input_as_handled() func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void: if event is InputEventKey: var ievkey : InputEventKey = event as InputEventKey if ievkey.scancode == KEY_W: key_up = ievkey.pressed if ievkey.scancode == KEY_S: key_down = ievkey.pressed if ievkey.scancode == KEY_A: key_left = ievkey.pressed if ievkey.scancode == KEY_D: key_right = ievkey.pressed if event is InputEventMouseMotion and not (mouse_right_down or mouse_left_down) and event.device != -1: cmouseover(event) if event is InputEventMouseButton: if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.device != -1: mouse_left_down = event.pressed if mouse_left_down: mouse_dir = (event.position - get_viewport_rect().size / 2).normalized() else: mouse_dir = Vector2() # if event.is_pressed() and event.device != -1: # if event.button_index == BUTTON_WHEEL_UP: # camera_pivot.camera_distance_set_delta(-0.2) # if event.button_index == BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN: # camera_pivot.camera_distance_set_delta(0.2) # if not event.pressed and event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.device != -1: # if mouse_down_delta.length() < MOUSE_TARGET_MAX_OFFSET: # target(event.position) if event.pressed and event.button_index == BUTTON_RIGHT and event.device != -1: target(event.position) if event is InputEventScreenTouch and event.pressed: target(event.position) if event is InputEventMouseMotion and mouse_left_down and event.device != -1: mouse_dir = (event.position - get_viewport_rect().size / 2).normalized() #update_cursor_mode() func update_cursor_mode(): if mouse_left_down or mouse_right_down: if not cursor_grabbed: set_process_input(true) total_down_mouse_delta = Vector2() cursor_grabbed = true last_cursor_pos = get_viewport().get_mouse_position() Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) else: if cursor_grabbed: set_process_input(false) cursor_grabbed = false Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE) get_viewport().warp_mouse(last_cursor_pos) if total_down_mouse_delta.length_squared() < 8: target(last_cursor_pos) func target(position : Vector2): var space_state = get_world_2d().direct_space_state var results = space_state.intersect_point(world.make_canvas_position_local(position), 32, [], get_collision_layer()) #var results = space_state.intersect_point(position, 32, [], 2) if results: for result in results: if result.collider and result.collider.owner is Entity: entity.target_crequest_change((result.collider.owner as Node).get_path()) return entity.target_crequest_change(NodePath()) else: entity.target_crequest_change(NodePath()) func cmouseover(event): var space_state = get_world_2d().direct_space_state var results = space_state.intersect_point(world.make_canvas_position_local(position), 32, [], get_collision_layer()) #var results = space_state.intersect_point(position, 32, [], 2) if results: for result in results: if result.collider and result.collider.owner is Entity: var mo : Entity = result.collider.owner as Entity if last_mouse_over != null and last_mouse_over != mo: if is_instance_valid(last_mouse_over): last_mouse_over.notification_cmouse_exit() last_mouse_over = null if last_mouse_over == null: mo.notification_cmouse_enter() last_mouse_over = mo return if last_mouse_over != null: last_mouse_over.notification_cmouse_exit() last_mouse_over = null func analog_force_change(vector, touchpad): if touchpad.padname == "TouchPad": touchpad_dir = vector touchpad_dir.y *= -1 elif touchpad.padname == "TargetPad": #try to target return # #func on_notification_ccast(what : int, info : SpellCastInfo) -> void: # if what == SpellEnums.NOTIFICATION_CAST_STARTED: # if anim_node_state_machine != null and not casting_anim: # anim_node_state_machine.travel("casting-loop") # casting_anim = true # animation_run = false # elif what == SpellEnums.NOTIFICATION_CAST_FAILED: # if anim_node_state_machine != null and casting_anim: # anim_node_state_machine.travel("idle-loop") # casting_anim = false # # if animation_run: # anim_node_state_machine.travel("run-loop") # elif what == SpellEnums.NOTIFICATION_CAST_FINISHED: # if anim_node_state_machine != null: # anim_node_state_machine.travel("cast-end") # casting_anim = false # # if animation_run: # anim_node_state_machine.travel("run-loop") # elif what == SpellEnums.NOTIFICATION_CAST_SUCCESS: # if anim_node_state_machine != null: # anim_node_state_machine.travel("cast-end") # casting_anim = false # # if animation_run: # anim_node_state_machine.travel("run-loop") func on_c_controlled_changed(val): #create camera and pivot if true _controlled = val if val: camera = Camera2D.new() # camera.zoom = Vector2(0.6, 0.6) camera.zoom = get_node("/root/Main").get_world_scale() add_child(camera) camera.current = true var uiscn : PackedScene = ResourceLoader.load("res://ui/player_ui/player_ui.tscn") var ui = uiscn.instance() add_child(ui) set_process_input(true) set_process_unhandled_input(true) else: if camera: camera.queue_free() camera = null set_process_input(false) set_process_unhandled_input(false) var nameplatescn : PackedScene = ResourceLoader.load("res://ui/nameplates/NamePlate.tscn") var nameplate = nameplatescn.instance() get_parent().add_child(nameplate) remote func sset_position(pposition : Vector2) -> void: if multiplayer.network_peer and multiplayer.is_network_server(): entity.vrpc("cset_position", position) if _controlled: cset_position(position) remote func cset_position(pposition : Vector2) -> void: pposition = pposition