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synced 2025-03-25 04:16:34 +01:00
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130 lines
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extends Node
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"
export (int) var _sprite_size
export (int) var _sprite_num
export (int) var _directions
export (bool) var _show_atlas = false
export (bool) var save_texture = false
export (NodePath) var _atlas_show_sprite_path
export (NodePath) var _sprite_path
export (NodePath) var _animation_player_path
export (NodePath) var _player_path
export (NodePath) var _animation_tree_player_path
var _viewport
var _viewport_texture
var _sprite
var _animation_player
var _time = 0
var _animation_tree_player
var _frame = 0
var _rotcount = 0
var _rotation = 0
var _atlas
var _image_texture
var _running = false
var _atlas_sprite_show_node
var _atlas_texture
var _player
var _texture
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
_viewport = get_node(".")
_sprite = get_node(_sprite_path)
_atlas_sprite_show_node = get_node(_atlas_show_sprite_path)
_animation_player = get_node(_animation_player_path)
_player = get_node(_player_path)
_animation_tree_player = get_node(_animation_tree_player_path)
_viewport_texture = _viewport.get_texture()
_texture = Image.new()
var frame = _viewport.get_texture().get_data()
_texture.create(_sprite_size * _sprite_num, _sprite_size * _directions, false, frame.get_format())
yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
_running = true
#_generated_image = Image.new()
#_generated_image.create_from_data(64, 64, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA4444, texture.get_data().get_data())
#texture = _viewport.get_texture()
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta):
#if not _running and Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_K):
# _running = true
if not _running:
var frame = _viewport.get_texture().get_data()
#if _frame == 0 and _rotcount == 0:
_texture.blend_rect(frame, frame.get_used_rect(), Vector2((_frame * _sprite_size), (_rotcount * _sprite_size)))
#_time += 0.3
#_animation_player.seek (_time , true )
_frame += 1
if _frame > _sprite_num - 1:
_frame = 0
_rotcount += 1
if (_rotcount > _sprite_num - 1):
_running = false
#var m3 = Basis()
#m3 = m3.rotated( Vector3(0,1,0), 0.19625 )
#_rotation = _rotcount * 22.5
_animation_player.seek(_frame * (_animation_player.current_animation_length / (_sprite_num - 1)), true)
func create_atlas():
_image_texture = ImageTexture.new()
_image_texture.create_from_image(_texture, 0)
if save_texture:
if _show_atlas: