extends CharacterSkeleton class_name CharacterSkeleton2D export (NodePath) var front_node_path : NodePath = "" export (NodePath) var front_animation_player_path : NodePath = "" export (NodePath) var front_animation_tree_path : NodePath = "" export (NodePath) var side_node_path : NodePath = "" export (NodePath) var side_animation_player_path : NodePath = "" export (NodePath) var side_animation_tree_path : NodePath = "" export(CharacterAtlas) var character_atlas : CharacterAtlas setget set_character_atlas var _atlas : CharacterAtlas2D enum CharacterFacing { FACING_FRONT = 0, FACING_BACK = 1, FACING_RIGHT = 2, FACING_LEFT = 3, } var _facing : int = 0 var _front_node : CharacterBones = null var _front_animation_player : AnimationPlayer = null var _front_animation_tree : AnimationTree = null var _side_node : CharacterBones = null var _side_animation_player : AnimationPlayer = null var _side_animation_tree : AnimationTree = null var _active_node : CharacterBones = null var _active_animation_player : AnimationPlayer = null var _active_animation_tree : AnimationTree = null var _is_front_side : bool = false var effects : Array func _ready() -> void: _front_node = get_node(front_node_path) as CharacterBones _front_animation_player = get_node(front_animation_player_path) as AnimationPlayer _front_animation_tree = get_node(front_animation_tree_path) as AnimationTree _side_node = get_node(side_node_path) as CharacterBones _side_animation_player = get_node(side_animation_player_path) as AnimationPlayer _side_animation_tree = get_node(side_animation_tree_path) as AnimationTree set_character_atlas(character_atlas) _front_node.hide() _side_node.show() _active_node = _side_node _active_animation_player = _side_animation_player _active_animation_tree = _side_animation_tree _is_front_side = false func update_facing(input_direction : Vector2) -> void: var front : bool = abs(input_direction.dot(Vector2(0, 1))) > 0.9 if front: if not _is_front_side: _is_front_side = true _side_node.hide() _front_node.show() _active_node = _front_node _active_animation_tree = _front_animation_tree if input_direction.y > 0: set_facing(CharacterFacing.FACING_FRONT) else: set_facing(CharacterFacing.FACING_BACK) else: if _is_front_side: _is_front_side = false _side_node.show() _front_node.hide() _active_node = _side_node _active_animation_tree = _side_animation_tree if input_direction.x > 0.01 and _facing != CharacterFacing.FACING_RIGHT: set_facing(CharacterFacing.FACING_RIGHT) _active_node.transform.x.x = -1 elif input_direction.x < -0.01 and _facing != CharacterFacing.FACING_LEFT: set_facing(CharacterFacing.FACING_LEFT) _active_node.transform.x.x = 1 func add_effect(bone_id : int, effect : PackedScene) -> void: pass func remove_effect(bone_id : int, effect : PackedScene) -> void: pass func get_animation_player() -> AnimationPlayer: return _active_animation_player func get_animation_tree() -> AnimationTree: return _active_animation_tree func set_character_atlas(atlas : CharacterAtlas) -> void: character_atlas = atlas _atlas = atlas as CharacterAtlas2D if _front_node != null: _front_node.set_atlas(_atlas) if _front_node != null: _side_node.set_atlas(_atlas) func set_facing(facing : int) -> void: _facing = facing _active_node.set_facing(facing)