mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 15:57:33 +01:00
560 lines
13 KiB
560 lines
13 KiB
extends Reference
const Commons = preload("res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/common/commons.gd")
#Fills areas defined by white outlines of its input
# "connections": [
# {
# "from": "iterate_buffer",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "gen_outputs",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "iterate_buffer",
# "from_port": 1,
# "to": "fill_iterate",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "fill_iterate",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "iterate_buffer",
# "to_port": 1
# },
# {
# "from": "gen_inputs",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "fill_preprocess",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "fill_preprocess",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "iterate_buffer",
# "to_port": 0
# }
# ],
# "nodes": [
# {
# "name": "iterate_buffer",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -129.307083,
# "y": -370.480591
# },
# "parameters": {
# "iterations": 10,
# "size": 8
# },
# "seed_value": 29168,
# "type": "iterate_buffer"
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_inputs",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -542.307068,
# "y": -370.662445
# },
# "parameters": {
# },
# "ports": [
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "The input image whose white outlines must be filled",
# "name": "port0",
# "shortdesc": "Input",
# "type": "f"
# }
# ],
# "type": "ios"
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_outputs",
# "node_position": {
# "x": 198.267258,
# "y": -362.662445
# },
# "parameters": {
# },
# "ports": [
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "Generates fill data, to be connected to a fill companion node",
# "name": "port0",
# "shortdesc": "Output",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "type": "ios"
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_parameters",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -171.110138,
# "y": -541.509705
# },
# "parameters": {
# "param0": 8,
# "param1": 10
# },
# "type": "remote",
# "widgets": [
# {
# "label": "",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "iterate_buffer",
# "widget": "size"
# },
# {
# "node": "fill_preprocess",
# "widget": "s"
# },
# {
# "node": "fill_iterate",
# "widget": "s"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "The resolution of the inptu image",
# "name": "param0",
# "shortdesc": "Size",
# "type": "linked_control"
# },
# {
# "label": "",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "iterate_buffer",
# "widget": "iterations"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "The number of iterations of the algorithm. The optimal value depends a lot on the input image.",
# "name": "param1",
# "shortdesc": "Iterations",
# "type": "linked_control"
# }
# ]
# },
# {
# "name": "fill_iterate",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -92.913391,
# "y": -290.886963
# },
# "parameters": {
# "s": 8
# },
# "type": "fill_iterate"
# },
# {
# "name": "fill_preprocess",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -110.443481,
# "y": -427.202026
# },
# "parameters": {
# "s": 8
# },
# "type": "fill_preprocess"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": {
# "param0": 8,
# "param1": 10
# },
# "shortdesc": "Fill",
# "type": "graph"
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "0.0",
# "function": true,
# "label": "",
# "name": "in",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "instance": "vec4 $(name)_fill(vec2 uv) {\n\tfloat size = $s;\n\tint iterations = min(int(size), 256);\n\tvec4 color = $in(fract(uv));\n\tif (color.z+color.w < 1.0/size) {\n\t\treturn vec4(0.0);\n\t}\n\tvec2 offsets[8] = { vec2(1.0, 0.0), vec2(-1.0, 0.0), vec2(0.0, 1.0), vec2(0.0, -1.0), vec2(1.0, 1.0), vec2(-1.0, 1.0), vec2(-1.0, 1.0), vec2(-1.0, -1.0) };\n\tfor (int o = 0; o < 8; ++o) {\n\t\tvec2 uv2 = uv;\n\t\tvec2 offset = offsets[o]/size;\n\t\tfor (int i = 1; i < iterations; i += 1) {\n\t\t\tuv2 += offset;\n\t\t\tvec4 color2 = $in(fract(uv2));\n\t\t\tif (color2.z+color2.w == 0.0) {\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tvec2 p1 = color.xy+floor(uv-color.xy);\n\t\t\tvec2 p2 = color2.xy+floor(uv2-color2.xy);\n\t\t\tvec2 p = min(p1, p2);\n\t\t\tvec2 s = max(p1+color.zw, p2+color2.zw)-p;\n\t\t\tcolor = mix(vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), vec4(fract(p), s), step(s.xyxy, vec4(1.0)));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn floor(color*size)/size;\n}\n",
# "outputs": [
# {
# "rgba": "$(name)_fill($uv)",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "default": 9,
# "first": 6,
# "label": "",
# "last": 12,
# "name": "s",
# "type": "size"
# }
# ]
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "0.0",
# "function": true,
# "label": "",
# "name": "in",
# "type": "f"
# }
# ],
# "outputs": [
# {
# "rgba": "flood_fill_preprocess($uv, $in($uv), $s)",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "default": 10,
# "first": 0,
# "label": "",
# "last": 12,
# "name": "s",
# "type": "size"
# }
# ]
#A fill companion node that fills each area with a color taken from a color map image
# "code": "vec4 $(name_uv)_bb = $in($uv);",
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "vec4(0.0)",
# "label": "",
# "longdesc": "The input fill data, to be connected to the output of a Fill node",
# "name": "in",
# "shortdesc": "Input",
# "type": "rgba"
# },
# {
# "default": "vec4(1.0)",
# "label": "",
# "longdesc": "The image from which colors are taken",
# "name": "map",
# "shortdesc": "Color map",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "outputs": [
# {
# "longdesc": "The generated output image",
# "rgba": "mix($edgecolor, $map(fract($(name_uv)_bb.xy+0.5*$(name_uv)_bb.zw)), step(0.0000001, dot($(name_uv)_bb.zw, vec2(1.0))))",
# "shortdesc": "Output",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "default": {
# "a": 1,
# "b": 1,
# "g": 1,
# "r": 1
# },
# "label": "Edge Color",
# "longdesc": "The color used to draw outlines",
# "name": "edgecolor",
# "shortdesc": "Outline color",
# "type": "color"
# }
# ],
#A fill companion node that fills each area with a greyscale value that depends on its position
# "code": "vec2 $(name_uv)_c = fract($in($uv).xy+0.5*$in($uv).zw);",
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "vec4(0.0)",
# "label": "",
# "longdesc": "The input fill data, to be connected to the output of a Fill node",
# "name": "in",
# "shortdesc": "Input",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "outputs": [
# {
# "f": "$axis",
# "longdesc": "The generated output image",
# "shortdesc": "Output",
# "type": "f"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "default": 2,
# "label": "",
# "longdesc": "The position value to be used:\n- X for horizontal axis\n- Y for vertical axis\n- Radial for distance to center",
# "name": "axis",
# "shortdesc": "Position",
# "type": "enum",
# "values": [
# {
# "name": "X",
# "value": "$(name_uv)_c.x"
# },
# {
# "name": "Y",
# "value": "$(name_uv)_c.y"
# },
# {
# "name": "Radial",
# "value": "length($(name_uv)_c-vec2(0.5))"
# }
# ]
# }
# ],
#A fill companion node that fills each area with a random color
# "code": "vec4 $(name_uv)_bb = $in($uv);",
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "vec4(0.0)",
# "label": "",
# "longdesc": "The input fill data, to be connected to the output of a Fill node",
# "name": "in",
# "shortdesc": "Input",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "outputs": [
# {
# "longdesc": "The generated output image",
# "rgb": "mix($edgecolor.rgb, rand3(vec2(float($seed), rand(vec2(rand($(name_uv)_bb.xy), rand($(name_uv)_bb.zw))))), step(0.0000001, dot($(name_uv)_bb.zw, vec2(1.0))))",
# "shortdesc": "Output",
# "type": "rgb"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "default": {
# "a": 1,
# "b": 1,
# "g": 1,
# "r": 1
# },
# "label": "Edge Color",
# "longdesc": "The color used for outlines",
# "name": "edgecolor",
# "shortdesc": "Outline color",
# "type": "color"
# }
# ],
#A fill companion node that fills each area with a random greyscale value
# "code": "vec4 $(name_uv)_bb = $in($uv);",
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "vec4(0.0)",
# "label": "",
# "longdesc": "The input fill data, to be connected to the output of a Fill node",
# "name": "in",
# "shortdesc": "Input",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "outputs": [
# {
# "f": "mix($edgecolor, rand(vec2(float($seed), rand(vec2(rand($(name_uv)_bb.xy), rand($(name_uv)_bb.zw))))), step(0.0000001, dot($(name_uv)_bb.zw, vec2(1.0))))",
# "longdesc": "The generated output image",
# "shortdesc": "Output",
# "type": "f"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 1,
# "label": "Edge color",
# "longdesc": "The value used for the outlines",
# "max": 1,
# "min": 0,
# "name": "edgecolor",
# "shortdesc": "Outline color",
# "step": 0.01,
# "type": "float"
# }
# ],
#A fill companion node that fills each area with a greyscale value that depends on its size
# "code": "vec4 $(name_uv)_bb = $in($uv);",
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "vec4(0.0)",
# "label": "",
# "longdesc": "The input fill data, to be connected to the output of a Fill node",
# "name": "in",
# "shortdesc": "Input",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "outputs": [
# {
# "f": "$formula",
# "longdesc": "The generated output image",
# "shortdesc": "Output",
# "type": "f"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "default": 0,
# "label": "",
# "longdesc": "The size value to be used (area, width, height or maximum between width and height)",
# "name": "formula",
# "shortdesc": "Size",
# "type": "enum",
# "values": [
# {
# "name": "Area",
# "value": "sqrt($(name_uv)_bb.z*$(name_uv)_bb.w)"
# },
# {
# "name": "Width",
# "value": "$(name_uv)_bb.z"
# },
# {
# "name": "Height",
# "value": "$(name_uv)_bb.w"
# },
# {
# "name": "max(W, H)",
# "value": "max($(name_uv)_bb.z, $(name_uv)_bb.w)"
# }
# ]
# }
# ],
#A fill companion node that generated an UV map that follows each filled area
# "code": "vec4 $(name_uv)_bb = $in($uv);",
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "vec4(0.0)",
# "label": "",
# "longdesc": "The input fill data, to be connected to the output of a Fill node",
# "name": "in",
# "shortdesc": "Input",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "outputs": [
# {
# "longdesc": "The generated output UV map, to be connected to a Custom UV node",
# "rgb": "fill_to_uv_$mode($uv, $(name_uv)_bb, float($seed))",
# "shortdesc": "Output",
# "type": "rgb"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "default": 0,
# "label": "",
# "longdesc": "The mode decides how the UVs are layed out on each bounding box:\n- Stretch mode where the UV layout is stretched to the bounding box. \n- Square mode where the UV layout is even and centerered based on the longest axis of the bounding box.",
# "name": "mode",
# "shortdesc": "Mode",
# "type": "enum",
# "values": [
# {
# "name": "Stretch",
# "value": "stretch"
# },
# {
# "name": "Square",
# "value": "square"
# }
# ]
# }
# ],
#vec4 flood_fill_preprocess(vec2 uv, float c, float s) {
# if (c > 0.5) {
# return vec4(0.0);
# } else {
# return vec4(floor(uv*s)/s, vec2(1.0/s));
# }
static func flood_fill_preprocess(uv : Vector2, c : float, s : float) -> Color:
if (c > 0.5):
return Color(0, 0, 0, 0)
uv = Commons.floorv2(uv * s) / s
var f : float = 1.0 / s
return Color(uv.x, uv.y, f, f)
#vec3 fill_to_uv_stretch(vec2 coord, vec4 bb, float seed) {
# vec2 uv_islands = fract(coord-bb.xy)/bb.zw;
# float random_value = rand(vec2(seed)+bb.xy+bb.zw);
# return vec3(uv_islands, random_value);
static func fill_to_uv_stretch(coord : Vector2, bb : Color, pseed : float) -> Vector3:
var uv_islands : Vector2 = Commons.fractv2(coord - Vector2(bb.r, bb.g)) / Vector2(bb.b, bb.a)
var random_value : float = Commons.rand(Vector2(pseed, pseed) + Vector2(bb.r, bb.g) + Vector2(bb.b, bb.a))
return Vector3(uv_islands.x, uv_islands.y, random_value)
#vec3 fill_to_uv_square(vec2 coord, vec4 bb, float seed) {
# vec2 uv_islands;
# if (bb.z > bb.w) {
# vec2 adjusted_coord = coord + vec2(0.0, (bb.z - bb.w) / 2.0);
# uv_islands = fract(adjusted_coord-bb.xy)/bb.zz;
# } else {
# vec2 adjusted_coord = coord + vec2((bb.w - bb.z) / 2.0, 0.0);
# uv_islands = fract(adjusted_coord-bb.xy)/bb.ww;
# }
# float random_value = rand(vec2(seed)+bb.xy+bb.zw);
# return vec3(uv_islands, random_value);
static func fill_to_uv_square(coord : Vector2, bb : Color, pseed : float) -> Vector3:
var uv_islands : Vector2 = Vector2()
if (bb.b > bb.a):
var adjusted_coord : Vector2 = coord + Vector2(0.0, (bb.b - bb.a) / 2.0);
uv_islands = Commons.fractv2(adjusted_coord - Vector2(bb.r, bb.g)) / Vector2(bb.b, bb.b)
var adjusted_coord : Vector2 = coord + Vector2((bb.a - bb.b) / 2.0, 0.0);
uv_islands = Commons.fractv2(adjusted_coord - Vector2(bb.r, bb.g)) / Vector2(bb.a, bb.a)
var random_value : float = Commons.rand(Vector2(pseed, pseed) + Vector2(bb.r, bb.g) + Vector2(bb.b, bb.a))
return Vector3(uv_islands.x, uv_islands.y, random_value)