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1171 lines
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extends Reference
const Commons = preload("res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/common/commons.gd")
#Outputs: (beehive_1c, beehive_2c, beehive_3c TODO make common code parameters)
#vec2 $(name_uv)_uv = $uv*vec2($sx, $sy*1.73205080757);
#vec4 $(name_uv)_center = beehive_center($(name_uv)_uv);
#Output (float) - Shows the greyscale pattern
#Random color (rgb) - Shows a random color for each hexagonal tile
#rand3(fract($(name_uv)_center.zw/vec2($sx, $sy))+vec2(float($seed)))
#UV map (rgb) - Shows an UV map to be connected to the UV map port of the Custom UV node
#vec3(vec2(0.5)+$(name_uv)_center.xy, rand(fract($(name_uv)_center.zw/vec2($sx, $sy))+vec2(float($seed))))
#size, vector2, default: 2, min: 1, max: 64, step: 1
#Outputs: $(name)_fct($(uv))
#Combiner, enum, default: 0, values (CombinerType): Multiply, Add, Max, Min, Xor, Pow
#Pattern_x_type, enum, default: 5, values (CombinerAxisType): Sine, Triangle, Square, Sawtooth, Constant, Bounce
#Pattern_y_type, enum, default: 5, values (CombinerAxisType): Sine, Triangle, Square, Sawtooth, Constant, Bounce
#Pattern_Repeat, vector2, min: 0, max: 32, default:4, step: 1
#vec4 $(name_uv)_rect = bricks_$pattern($uv, vec2($columns, $rows), $repeat, $row_offset);
#vec4 $(name_uv) = brick($uv, $(name_uv)_rect.xy, $(name_uv)_rect.zw, $mortar*$mortar_map($uv), $round*$round_map($uv), max(0.001, $bevel*$bevel_map($uv)));
#Bricks pattern (float) - A greyscale image that shows the bricks pattern
#Random color (rgb) - A random color for each brick
#brick_random_color($(name_uv)_rect.xy, $(name_uv)_rect.zw, float($seed))
#Position.x (float) - The position of each brick along the X axis",
#Position.y (float) - The position of each brick along the Y axis
#Brick UV (rgb) - An UV map output for each brick, to be connected to the Map input of a CustomUV node
#brick_uv($uv, $(name_uv)_rect.xy, $(name_uv)_rect.zw, float($seed))
#Corner UV (rgb) - An UV map output for each brick corner, to be connected to the Map input of a CustomUV node
#brick_corner_uv($uv, $(name_uv)_rect.xy, $(name_uv)_rect.zw, $mortar*$mortar_map($uv), $corner, float($seed))
#Direction (float) - The direction of each brick (white: horizontal, black: vertical)
#type / Pattern, enum, default: 0, values: Running Bond,Running Bond (2),HerringBone,Basket Weave,Spanish Bond
#repeat, int, min: 1, max: 8, default: 1, step:1
#rows, int, min: 1, max: 64, default: 6, step:1
#columns, int, min: 1, max: 64, default: 6, step:1
#offset, float, min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5, step:0.01
#mortar, float, min: 0, max: 0.5, default: 0.1, step:0.01 (universal input)
#bevel, float, min: 0, max: 0.5, default: 0.1, step:0.01 (universal input)
#round, float, min: 0, max: 0.5, default: 0.1, step:0.01 (universal input)
#corner, float, min: 0, max: 0.5, default: 0.1, step:0.01
#vec4 $(name_uv)_rect = bricks_uneven($uv, int($iterations), $min_size, $randomness, float($seed));
#vec4 $(name_uv) = brick2($uv, $(name_uv)_rect.xy, $(name_uv)_rect.zw, $mortar*$mortar_map($uv), $round*$round_map($uv), max(0.00001, $bevel*$bevel_map($uv)));
#Bricks pattern (float) - A greyscale image that shows the bricks pattern
#Random color (rgb) - A random color for each brick
#Position.x (float) - The position of each brick along the X axis",
#Position.y (float) - The position of each brick along the Y axis
#Brick UV (rgb) - An UV map output for each brick, to be connected to the Map input of a CustomUV node
#brick_uv($uv, $(name_uv)_rect.xy, $(name_uv)_rect.zw, float($seed))
#Corner UV (rgb) - An UV map output for each brick corner, to be connected to the Map input of a CustomUV node
#brick_corner_uv($uv, $(name_uv)_rect.xy, $(name_uv)_rect.zw, $mortar*$mortar_map($uv), $corner, float($seed))
#Direction (float) - The direction of each brick (white: horizontal, black: vertical)
#iterations, int, min: 1, max: 16, default:8, step:1
#min_size, float, min: 0, max: 0.5, default: 0.3, step:0.01
#randomness, float, min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5, step:0.01
#mortar, float, min: 0, max: 0.5, default: 0.1, step:0.01 (universal input)
#bevel, float, min: 0, max: 0.5, default: 0.1, step:0.01 (universal input)
#round, float, min: 0, max: 0.5, default: 0.1, step:0.01 (universal input)
#corner, float, min: 0, max: 0.5, default: 0.1, step:0.01
#runes.mmg (includes sdline.mmg)
#Generates a grid filled with random runes
#Output (float) - A greyscale image showing random runes.
#Rune(vec2($columns, $rows)*$uv, float($seed))
#size, vector2, default: 4, min: 2, max: 32, step: 1
#Draws white scratches on a black background
#Output (float) - Shows white scratches on a black background
#scratches($uv, int($layers), vec2($length, $width), $waviness, $angle, $randomness, vec2(float($seed), 0.0))
#scratch_size (l, w), vector2, min: 0.1, max: 1, default: (0.25, 0.5), step:0.01
#layers, float, min: 1, max: 10, default: 4, step:1
#waviness, float, min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5, step:0.01
#angle, float, min: -180, max: 180, default: 0, step:1
#randomness, float, min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5, step:0.01
#This node generates a grid of random I Ching hexagrams.
#Output (float) - A greyscale image showing random I Ching hexagrams.
#IChing(vec2($columns, $rows)*$uv, float($seed))
#size, vector2, default: 2, min: 2, max: 32, step: 1
#Output (float) - Shows the generated greyscale weave pattern.
#weave($uv, vec2($columns, $rows), $width*$width_map($uv))
#size, vector2, default: 4, min: 2, max: 32, step: 1
#width, float, min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.8, step:0.05 (universal input)
#vec3 $(name_uv) = weave2($uv, vec2($columns, $rows), $stitch, $width_x*$width_map($uv), $width_y*$width_map($uv));
#Output (float) - Shows the generated greyscale weave pattern.
#Horizontal mask (float) - Horizontal mask
#Vertical mask (float) - Mask for vertical stripes
#size, vector2, default: 4, min: 2, max: 32, step: 1
#width, vector2, default: 0.8, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.05
#stitch, float, min: 0, max: 10, default: 1, step:1
#width_map, float, default: 1, (does not need input val (label)) (universal input)
#line: $shape = 1
#circle: $shape = 2
#Output (float) - Shows a greyscale image of the truchet pattern.
#truchet$shape($uv*$size, vec2(float($seed)))
#shape, enum, default: 0, values: line, circle
#size, float, default: 4, min: 2, max: 64, step: 1
#Output (color)
#$in(truchet_generic_uv($uv*$size, vec2(float($seed))))
#in, color, default: color(1.0)
#size, float, default: 4, min: 2, max: 64, step: 1
#Draws a white shape on a black background
# "code": "vec2 $(name_uv)_uv = fract($uv)*vec2($repeat, -1.0);\nvec2 $(name_uv)_seed;\nvec4 $(name_uv)_ap = arc_pavement($(name_uv)_uv, $rows, $bricks, $(name_uv)_seed);\n",
# "outputs": [
# {
# "f": "pavement($(name_uv)_ap.zw, $bevel, 2.0*$mortar)",
# "longdesc": "A greyscale image that shows the bricks pattern",
# "shortdesc": "Bricks pattern",
# "type": "f"
# },
# {
# "longdesc": "A random color for each brick",
# "rgb": "rand3($(name_uv)_seed)",
# "shortdesc": "Random color",
# "type": "rgb"
# },
# {
# "longdesc": "An UV map output for each brick, to be connected to the Map input of a CustomUV node",
# "rgb": "vec3($(name_uv)_ap.zw, 0.0)",
# "shortdesc": "Brick UV",
# "type": "rgb"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 2,
# "label": "Repeat:",
# "longdesc": "The number of repetitions of the whole pattern",
# "max": 4,
# "min": 1,
# "name": "repeat",
# "shortdesc": "Repeat",
# "step": 1,
# "type": "float"
# },
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 8,
# "label": "Rows:",
# "longdesc": "The number of rows",
# "max": 16,
# "min": 4,
# "name": "rows",
# "shortdesc": "Rows",
# "step": 1,
# "type": "float"
# },
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 8,
# "label": "Bricks:",
# "longdesc": "The number of bricks per row",
# "max": 16,
# "min": 4,
# "name": "bricks",
# "shortdesc": "Bricks",
# "step": 1,
# "type": "float"
# },
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 0.1,
# "label": "Mortar:",
# "longdesc": "The width of the space between bricks",
# "max": 0.5,
# "min": 0,
# "name": "mortar",
# "shortdesc": "Mortar",
# "step": 0.01,
# "type": "float"
# },
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 0.1,
# "label": "Bevel:",
# "longdesc": "The width of the edge of each brick",
# "max": 0.5,
# "min": 0,
# "name": "bevel",
# "shortdesc": "Bevel",
# "step": 0.01,
# "type": "float"
# }
# ]
#Draws a greyscale sine wave pattern
#Output, float, Shows a greyscale image of a sine wave
#amplitude, float, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01, default: 0.5
#frequency, float, min: 0, max: 16, default: 1
#phase, float, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01, default: 0.5
enum CombinerAxisType {
enum CombinerType {
#float $(name)_fct(vec2 uv) {
# return mix_$(mix)(wave_$(x_wave)($(x_scale)*uv.x), wave_$(y_wave)($(y_scale)*uv.y));
static func pattern(uv : Vector2, x_scale : float, y_scale : float, ct : int, catx : int, caty : int) -> float:
var x : float = 0
var y : float = 0
if catx == CombinerAxisType.SINE:
x = Commons.wave_sine(x_scale * uv.x)
elif catx == CombinerAxisType.TRIANGLE:
x = Commons.wave_triangle(x_scale * uv.x)
elif catx == CombinerAxisType.SQUARE:
x = Commons.wave_square(x_scale * uv.x)
elif catx == CombinerAxisType.SAWTOOTH:
x = Commons.wave_sawtooth(x_scale * uv.x)
elif catx == CombinerAxisType.CONSTANT:
x = Commons.wave_constant(x_scale * uv.x)
elif catx == CombinerAxisType.BOUNCE:
x = Commons.wave_bounce(x_scale * uv.x)
if caty == CombinerAxisType.SINE:
y = Commons.wave_sine(y_scale * uv.y)
elif caty == CombinerAxisType.TRIANGLE:
y = Commons.wave_triangle(y_scale * uv.y)
elif caty == CombinerAxisType.SQUARE:
y = Commons.wave_square(y_scale * uv.y)
elif caty == CombinerAxisType.SAWTOOTH:
y = Commons.wave_sawtooth(y_scale * uv.y)
elif caty == CombinerAxisType.CONSTANT:
y = Commons.wave_constant(y_scale * uv.y)
elif caty == CombinerAxisType.BOUNCE:
y = Commons.wave_bounce(y_scale * uv.y)
if ct == CombinerType.MULTIPLY:
return Commons.mix_mul(x, y)
elif ct == CombinerType.ADD:
return Commons.mix_add(x, y);
elif ct == CombinerType.MAX:
return Commons.mix_max(x, y);
elif ct == CombinerType.MIN:
return Commons.mix_min(x, y);
elif ct == CombinerType.XOR:
return Commons.mix_xor(x, y);
elif ct == CombinerType.POW:
return Commons.mix_pow(x, y);
return 0.0
static func truchet1c(uv : Vector2, size : float, pseed : float) -> Color:
var f : float = truchet1(uv * size, Vector2(pseed, pseed))
return Color(f, f, f, 1);
#float truchet1(vec2 uv, vec2 seed) {
# vec2 i = floor(uv);
# vec2 f = fract(uv)-vec2(0.5);
# return 1.0-abs(abs((2.0*step(rand(i+seed), 0.5)-1.0)*f.x+f.y)-0.5);
static func truchet1(uv : Vector2, pseed : Vector2) -> float:
var i : Vector2 = Commons.floorv2(uv);
var f : Vector2 = Commons.fractv2(uv) - Vector2(0.5, 0.5);
return 1.0 - abs(abs((2.0 * Commons.step(Commons.rand(i + pseed), 0.5) - 1.0) * f.x + f.y) - 0.5);
static func truchet2c(uv : Vector2, size : float, pseed : float) -> Color:
var f : float = truchet2(uv * size, Vector2(pseed, pseed))
return Color(f, f, f, 1);
#float truchet2(vec2 uv, vec2 seed) {
# vec2 i = floor(uv);
# vec2 f = fract(uv);
# float random = step(rand(i+seed), 0.5);
# f.x *= 2.0*random-1.0;
# f.x += 1.0-random;
# return 1.0-min(abs(length(f)-0.5), abs(length(1.0-f)-0.5));
static func truchet2(uv : Vector2, pseed : Vector2) -> float:
var i : Vector2 = Commons.floorv2(uv);
var f : Vector2 = Commons.fractv2(uv);
var random : float = Commons.step(Commons.rand(i + pseed), 0.5);
f.x *= 2.0 * random - 1.0;
f.x += 1.0 - random;
return 1.0 - min(abs(f.length() - 0.5), abs((Vector2(1, 1) - f).length() - 0.5));
static func weavec(uv : Vector2, count : Vector2, width : float) -> Color:
var f : float = weave(uv, count, width);
return Color(f, f, f, 1)
#float weave(vec2 uv, vec2 count, float width) {
# uv *= count;
# float c = (sin(3.1415926*(uv.x+floor(uv.y)))*0.5+0.5)*step(abs(fract(uv.y)-0.5), width*0.5);
# c = max(c, (sin(3.1415926*(1.0+uv.y+floor(uv.x)))*0.5+0.5)*step(abs(fract(uv.x)-0.5), width*0.5));
# return c;
static func weave(uv : Vector2, count : Vector2, width : float) -> float:
uv *= count;
var c : float = (sin(3.1415926* (uv.x + floor(uv.y)))*0.5+0.5)*Commons.step(abs(Commons.fract(uv.y)-0.5), width*0.5);
c = max(c, (sin(3.1415926*(1.0+uv.y+floor(uv.x)))*0.5+0.5)*Commons.step(abs(Commons.fract(uv.x)-0.5), width*0.5));
return c;
#vec3 weave2(vec2 uv, vec2 count, float stitch, float width_x, float width_y) {
# uv *= stitch;
# uv *= count;
# float c1 = (sin(3.1415926 / stitch * (uv.x + floor(uv.y) - (stitch - 1.0))) * 0.25 + 0.75 ) *step(abs(fract(uv.y)-0.5), width_x*0.5);
# float c2 = (sin(3.1415926 / stitch * (1.0+uv.y+floor(uv.x) ))* 0.25 + 0.75 )*step(abs(fract(uv.x)-0.5), width_y*0.5);
# return vec3(max(c1, c2), 1.0-step(c1, c2), 1.0-step(c2, c1));
static func weave2(uv : Vector2, count : Vector2, stitch : float, width_x : float, width_y : float) -> Vector3:
uv.x *= stitch
uv.y *= stitch
uv *= count
var c1 : float = (sin(3.1415926 / stitch * (uv.x + floor(uv.y) - (stitch - 1.0))) * 0.25 + 0.75 ) * Commons.step(abs(Commons.fract(uv.y) - 0.5), width_x * 0.5);
var c2 : float = (sin(3.1415926 / stitch * (1.0 + uv.y + floor(uv.x) ))* 0.25 + 0.75 ) * Commons.step(abs(Commons.fract(uv.x)-0.5), width_y * 0.5);
return Vector3(max(c1, c2), 1.0 - Commons.step(c1, c2), 1.0 - Commons.step(c2, c1));
static func sinewavec(uv : Vector2, amplitude : float, frequency : float, phase : float) -> Color:
var f : float = 1.0- abs(2.0 * (uv.y-0.5) - amplitude * sin((frequency* uv.x + phase) * 6.28318530718));
return Color(f, f, f, 1)
static func sinewavef(uv : Vector2, amplitude : float, frequency : float, phase : float) -> float:
return 1.0- abs(2.0 * (uv.y-0.5) - amplitude * sin((frequency* uv.x + phase) * 6.28318530718));
#float scratch(vec2 uv, vec2 size, float waviness, float angle, float randomness, vec2 seed) {
# float subdivide = floor(1.0/size.x);
# float cut = size.x*subdivide;
# uv *= subdivide;
# vec2 r1 = rand2(floor(uv)+seed);
# vec2 r2 = rand2(r1);
# uv = fract(uv);
# vec2 border = 10.0*min(fract(uv), 1.0-fract(uv));
# uv = 2.0*uv-vec2(1.0);
# float a = 6.28318530718*(angle+(r1.x-0.5)*randomness);
# float c = cos(a);
# float s = sin(a);
# uv = vec2(c*uv.x+s*uv.y, s*uv.x-c*uv.y);
# uv.y += 2.0*r1.y-1.0;
# uv.y += 0.5*waviness*cos(2.0*uv.x+6.28318530718*r2.y);
# uv.x /= cut;
# uv.y /= subdivide*size.y;
# return min(border.x, border.y)*(1.0-uv.x*uv.x)*max(0.0, 1.0-1000.0*uv.y*uv.y);
static func scratch(uv : Vector2, size : Vector2, waviness : float, angle : float, randomness : float, pseed : Vector2) -> float:
var subdivide : float = floor(1.0/size.x);
var cut : float = size.x*subdivide;
uv *= subdivide;
var r1 : Vector2 = Commons.rand2(Commons.floorv2(uv) + pseed);
var r2 : Vector2 = Commons.rand2(r1);
uv = Commons.fractv2(uv);
uv = 2.0 * uv - Vector2(1, 1);
var a : float = 6.28*(angle+(r1.x-0.5)*randomness);
var c : float = cos(a);
var s : float = sin(a);
uv = Vector2(c*uv.x+s*uv.y, s*uv.x-c*uv.y);
uv.y += 2.0*r1.y-1.0;
uv.y += 0.5*waviness*cos(2.0*uv.x+6.28*r2.y);
uv.x /= cut;
uv.y /= subdivide*size.y;
return (1.0-uv.x*uv.x)*max(0.0, 1.0-1000.0*uv.y*uv.y);
#float scratches(vec2 uv, int layers, vec2 size, float waviness, float angle, float randomness, vec2 seed) {
# float v = 0.0;
# for (int i = 0; i < layers; ++i) {
# seed = rand2(seed);
# v = max(v, scratch(fract(uv+seed), size, waviness, angle/360.0, randomness, seed));
# }
# return v;
static func scratches(uv : Vector2, layers : int, size : Vector2, waviness : float, angle : float, randomness : float, pseed : Vector2) -> float:
var v : float = 0.0;
for i in range(layers):# (int i = 0; i < layers; ++i) {
pseed = Commons.rand2(pseed);
v = max(v, scratch(Commons.fractv2(uv + pseed), size, waviness, angle/360.0, randomness, pseed));
return v;
static func scratchesc(uv : Vector2, layers : int, size : Vector2, waviness : float, angle : float, randomness : float, pseed : Vector2) -> Color:
var f : float = scratches(uv, layers, size, waviness, angle, randomness, pseed)
return Color(f, f, f, 1)
static func runesc(uv : Vector2, col_row : Vector2, pseed : float) -> Color:
var f : float = rune(col_row * uv, pseed);
return Color(f, f, f, 1)
static func runesf(uv : Vector2, col_row : Vector2, pseed : float) -> float:
return rune(col_row * uv, pseed);
#vec2 sdLine(vec2 p, vec2 a, vec2 b) {
# vec2 pa = p-a, ba = b-a;
# float h = clamp(dot(pa,ba)/dot(ba,ba), 0.0, 1.0);
# return vec2(length(pa-ba*h), h);
#float ThickLine(vec2 uv, vec2 posA, vec2 posB, float radiusInv){
# return clamp(1.1-20.0*sdLine(uv, posA, posB).x, 0.0, 1.0);
#// makes a rune in the 0..1 uv space. Seed is which rune to draw.
#// passes back gray in x and derivates for lighting in yz
#float Rune(vec2 uv, float s) {
# float finalLine = 0.0;
# vec2 seed = floor(uv)-rand2(vec2(s));
# uv = fract(uv);
# for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // number of strokes
# {
# vec2 posA = rand2(floor(seed+0.5));
# vec2 posB = rand2(floor(seed+1.5));
# seed += 2.0;
# // expand the range and mod it to get a nicely distributed random number - hopefully. :)
# posA = fract(posA * 128.0);
# posB = fract(posB * 128.0);
# // each rune touches the edge of its box on all 4 sides
# if (i == 0) posA.y = 0.0;
# if (i == 1) posA.x = 0.999;
# if (i == 2) posA.x = 0.0;
# if (i == 3) posA.y = 0.999;
# // snap the random line endpoints to a grid 2x3
# vec2 snaps = vec2(2.0, 3.0);
# posA = (floor(posA * snaps) + 0.5) / snaps; // + 0.5 to center it in a grid cell
# posB = (floor(posB * snaps) + 0.5) / snaps;
# //if (distance(posA, posB) < 0.0001) continue;
# // eliminate dots.
# // Dots (degenerate lines) are not cross-GPU safe without adding 0.001 - divide by 0 error.
# finalLine = max(finalLine, ThickLine(uv, posA, posB + 0.001, 20.0));
# }
# return finalLine;
# makes a rune in the 0..1 uv space. Seed is which rune to draw.
# passes back gray in x and derivates for lighting in yz
static func rune(uv : Vector2, pseed : float) -> float:
var finalLine : float = 0.0;
var sseed : Vector2 = Commons.floorv2(uv) - Vector2(pseed, pseed);
uv = Commons.fractv2(uv);
for i in range(4):# (int i = 0; i < 4; i++): # // number of strokes
var posA : Vector2 = Commons.rand2(Commons.floorv2(sseed + Vector2(0.5, 0.5)));
var posB : Vector2 = Commons.rand2(Commons.floorv2(sseed + Vector2(1.5, 1.5)));
sseed.x += 2.0;
sseed.y += 2.0;
# expand the range and mod it to get a nicely distributed random number - hopefully. :)
posA = Commons.fractv2(posA * 128.0);
posB = Commons.fractv2(posB * 128.0);
# each rune touches the edge of its box on all 4 sides
if (i == 0):
posA.y = 0.0;
if (i == 1):
posA.x = 0.999;
if (i == 2):
posA.x = 0.0;
if (i == 3):
posA.y = 0.999;
# snap the random line endpoints to a grid 2x3
var snaps : Vector2 = Vector2(2.0, 3.0);
posA = (Commons.floorv2(posA * snaps) + Vector2(0.5, 0.5)) / snaps; # + 0.5 to center it in a grid cell
posB = (Commons.floorv2(posB * snaps) + Vector2(0.5, 0.5)) / snaps;
#if (distance(posA, posB) < 0.0001) continue; // eliminate dots.
# Dots (degenerate lines) are not cross-GPU safe without adding 0.001 - divide by 0 error.
finalLine = max(finalLine, Commons.ThickLine(uv, posA, posB + Vector2(0.001, 0.001), 20.0));
return finalLine;
static func IChingc(uv : Vector2, row_col : Vector2, pseed : int) -> Color:
var f : float = IChing(row_col * uv, float(pseed));
return Color(f, f, f, 1)
#float IChing(vec2 uv, float seed) {
# int value = int(32.0*rand(floor(uv)+vec2(seed)));
# float base = step(0.5, fract(fract(uv.y)*6.5))*step(0.04, fract(uv.y+0.02))*step(0.2, fract(uv.x+0.1));
# int bit = int(fract(uv.y)*6.5);
# return base*step(0.1*step(float(bit & value), 0.5), fract(uv.x+0.55));
static func IChing(uv : Vector2, pseed : float) -> float:
var value : int = int(32.0 * Commons.rand(Commons.floorv2(uv) + Vector2(pseed, pseed)));
var base : float = Commons.step(0.5, Commons.fract(Commons.fract(uv.y)*6.5))*Commons.step(0.04, Commons.fract(uv.y+0.02)) * Commons.step(0.2, Commons.fract(uv.x+0.1));
var bit : int = int(Commons.fract(uv.y)*6.5);
return base * Commons.step(0.1*Commons.step(float(bit & value), 0.5), Commons.fract(uv.x+0.55));
#Beehive output 1
#Shows the greyscale pattern
#vec2 $(name_uv)_uv = $uv*vec2($sx, $sy*1.73205080757);
#vec4 $(name_uv)_center = beehive_center($(name_uv)_uv);
static func beehive_1c(uv : Vector2, size : Vector2, pseed : int) -> Color:
var o80035_0_uv : Vector2 = uv * Vector2(size.x, size.y * 1.73205080757);
var center : Color = beehive_center(o80035_0_uv);
var f : float = 1.0 - 2.0 * beehive_dist(Vector2(center.r, center.g));
return Color(f, f, f, 1)
#Beehive output 2
#Shows a random color for each hexagonal tile
#vec2 $(name_uv)_uv = $uv*vec2($sx, $sy*1.73205080757);
#vec4 $(name_uv)_center = beehive_center($(name_uv)_uv);
#rand3(fract($(name_uv)_center.zw/vec2($sx, $sy))+vec2(float($seed)))
static func beehive_2c(uv : Vector2, size : Vector2, pseed : int) -> Color:
var o80035_0_uv : Vector2 = uv * Vector2(size.x, size.y * 1.73205080757);
var center : Color = beehive_center(o80035_0_uv);
var f : float = 1.0 - 2.0 * beehive_dist(Vector2(center.r, center.g));
var v : Vector3 = Commons.rand3(Commons.fractv2(Vector2(center.b, center.a) / Vector2(size.x, size.y)) + Vector2(float(pseed),float(pseed)));
return Color(v.x, v.y, v.z, 1)
#Beehive output 3
#Shows an UV map to be connected to the UV map port of the Custom UV node
#vec3(vec2(0.5)+$(name_uv)_center.xy, rand(fract($(name_uv)_center.zw/vec2($sx, $sy))+vec2(float($seed))))
#vec2 $(name_uv)_uv = $uv*vec2($sx, $sy*1.73205080757);
#vec4 $(name_uv)_center = beehive_center($(name_uv)_uv);
static func beehive_3c(uv : Vector2, size : Vector2, pseed : int) -> Color:
var o80035_0_uv : Vector2 = uv * Vector2(size.x, size.y * 1.73205080757);
var center : Color = beehive_center(o80035_0_uv);
#var f : float = 1.0 - 2.0 * beehive_dist(Vector2(center.r, center.g));
var v1 : Vector2 = Vector2(0.5, 0.5) + Vector2(center.r, center.g)
var ff : float = Commons.rand(Commons.fractv2(Vector2(center.b, center.a) / Vector2(size.x, size.y)) + Vector2(float(pseed), float(pseed)))
var c : Color = Color(v1.x, v1.y, ff, ff);
return c
#float beehive_dist(vec2 p){
# ec2 s = vec2(1.0, 1.73205080757);
# p = abs(p);
# return max(dot(p, s*.5), p.x);
static func beehive_dist(p : Vector2) -> float:
var s : Vector2 = Vector2(1.0, 1.73205080757);
p = Commons.absv2(p);
return max(p.dot(s*.5), p.x);
#vec4 beehive_center(vec2 p) {
# vec2 s = vec2(1.0, 1.73205080757);
# vec4 hC = floor(vec4(p, p - vec2(.5, 1)) / vec4(s,s)) + .5;
# vec4 h = vec4(p - hC.xy*s, p - (hC.zw + .5)*s);
# return dot(h.xy, h.xy)<dot(h.zw, h.zw) ? vec4(h.xy, hC.xy) : vec4(h.zw, hC.zw + 9.73);
static func beehive_center(p : Vector2) -> Color:
var s : Vector2 = Vector2(1.0, 1.73205080757);
var hC : Color = Color(p.x, p.y, p.x - 0.5, p.y - 1) / Color(s.x, s.y, s.x, s.y);
hC = Commons.floorc(Color(p.x, p.y, p.x - 0.5, p.y - 1) / Color(s.x, s.y, s.x, s.y)) + Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
var v1 : Vector2 = Vector2(p.x - hC.r * s.x, p.y - hC.g * s.y)
var v2 : Vector2 = Vector2(p.x - (hC.b + 0.5) * s.x, p.y - (hC.a + 0.5) * s.y)
var h : Color = Color(v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y);
if Vector2(h.r, h.g).dot(Vector2(h.r, h.g)) < Vector2(h.b, h.a).dot(Vector2(h.b, h.a)):
return Color(h.r, h.g, hC.r, hC.g)
return Color(h.b, h.a, hC.b + 9.73, hC.a + 9.73)
#return dot(h.xy, h.xy) < dot(h.zw, h.zw) ? Color(h.xy, hC.xy) : Color(h.zw, hC.zw + 9.73);
#vec3 brick_corner_uv(vec2 uv, vec2 bmin, vec2 bmax, float mortar, float corner, float seed) {
# vec2 center = 0.5*(bmin + bmax);
# vec2 size = bmax - bmin;
# float max_size = max(size.x, size.y);
# float min_size = min(size.x, size.y);
# mortar *= min_size;
# corner *= min_size;
# return vec3(clamp((0.5*size-vec2(mortar)-abs(uv-center))/corner, vec2(0.0), vec2(1.0)), rand(fract(center)+vec2(seed)+ceil(vec2(uv-center))));
static func brick_corner_uv(uv : Vector2, bmin : Vector2, bmax : Vector2, mortar : float, corner : float, pseed : float) -> Vector3:
var center : Vector2 = 0.5 * (bmin + bmax)
var size : Vector2 = bmax - bmin
var max_size : float = max(size.x, size.y)
var min_size : float = min(size.x, size.y)
mortar *= min_size
corner *= min_size
var r : Vector3 = Vector3()
r.x = clamp(((0.5 * size.x - mortar) - abs(uv.x - center.x)) / corner, 0, 1)
r.y = clamp(((0.5 * size.y - mortar) - abs(uv.y - center.y)) / corner, 0, 1)
r.z = Commons.rand(Commons.fractv2(center) + Vector2(pseed, pseed))
return r
# return vec3(clamp((0.5*size-vec2(mortar)-abs(uv-center))/corner, vec2(0.0), vec2(1.0)), rand(fract(center)+vec2(seed)));
#vec4 brick(vec2 uv, vec2 bmin, vec2 bmax, float mortar, float round, float bevel) {
# float color;
# vec2 size = bmax - bmin;
# float min_size = min(size.x, size.y);
# mortar *= min_size;
# bevel *= min_size;
# round *= min_size;
# vec2 center = 0.5*(bmin+bmax);
# vec2 d = abs(uv-center)-0.5*(size)+vec2(round+mortar);
# color = length(max(d,vec2(0))) + min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0)-round;
# color = clamp(-color/bevel, 0.0, 1.0);
# vec2 tiled_brick_pos = mod(bmin, vec2(1.0, 1.0));
# return vec4(color, center, tiled_brick_pos.x+7.0*tiled_brick_pos.y);
static func brick(uv : Vector2, bmin : Vector2, bmax : Vector2, mortar : float, pround : float, bevel : float) -> Color:
var color : float
var size : Vector2 = bmax - bmin
var min_size : float = min(size.x, size.y)
mortar *= min_size
bevel *= min_size
pround *= min_size
var center : Vector2 = 0.5 * (bmin + bmax)
var d : Vector2 = Vector2()
d.x = abs(uv.x - center.x) - 0.5 * (size.x) + (pround + mortar)
d.y = abs(uv.y - center.y) - 0.5 * (size.y) + (pround + mortar)
color = Vector2(max(d.x, 0), max(d.y, 0)).length() + min(max(d.x, d.y), 0.0) - pround
color = clamp(-color / bevel, 0.0, 1.0)
# var tiled_brick_pos : Vector2 = Vector2(bmin.x - 1.0 * floor(bmin.x / 1.0), bmin.y - 1.0 * floor(bmin.y / 1.0))
var tiled_brick_pos_x : float = bmin.x - 1.0 * floor(bmin.x / 1.0)
var tiled_brick_pos_y : float = bmin.y - 1.0 * floor(bmin.y / 1.0)
#vec2 tiled_brick_pos = mod(bmin, vec2(1.0, 1.0));
return Color(color, center.x, center.y, tiled_brick_pos_x + 7.0 * tiled_brick_pos_y)
#vec3 brick_random_color(vec2 bmin, vec2 bmax, float seed) {
# vec2 center = 0.5*(bmin + bmax);
# return rand3(fract(center + vec2(seed)));
static func brick_random_color(bmin : Vector2, bmax : Vector2, pseed : float) -> Vector3:
var center : Vector2 = (bmin + bmax)
center.x *= 0.5
center.y *= 0.5
return Commons.rand3(Commons.fractv2(center + Vector2(pseed, pseed)));
#vec3 brick_uv(vec2 uv, vec2 bmin, vec2 bmax, float seed) {
# vec2 center = 0.5*(bmin + bmax);
# vec2 size = bmax - bmin;
# float max_size = max(size.x, size.y);
# return vec3(0.5+(uv-center)/max_size, rand(fract(center)+vec2(seed)));
static func brick_uv(uv : Vector2, bmin : Vector2, bmax : Vector2, pseed : float) -> Vector3:
var center : Vector2 = 0.5 * (bmin + bmax)
var size : Vector2 = bmax - bmin
var max_size : float = max(size.x, size.y)
var x : float = 0.5+ (uv.x - center.x) / max_size
var y : float = 0.5+ (uv.y - center.y) /max_size
return Vector3(x, y, Commons.rand(Commons.fractv2(center) + Vector2(pseed, pseed)))
#vec4 bricks_rb(vec2 uv, vec2 count, float repeat, float offset) {
# count *= repeat;float x_offset = offset*step(0.5, fract(uv.y*count.y*0.5));
# vec2 bmin = floor(vec2(uv.x*count.x-x_offset, uv.y*count.y));
# bmin.x += x_offset;
# bmin /= count;
# return vec4(bmin, bmin+vec2(1.0)/count);
static func bricks_rb(uv : Vector2, count : Vector2, repeat : float, offset : float) -> Color:
count *= repeat
var x_offset : float = offset * Commons.step(0.5, Commons.fractf(uv.y * count.y * 0.5))
var bmin : Vector2
bmin.x = floor(uv.x * count.x - x_offset)
bmin.y = floor(uv.y * count.y)
bmin.x += x_offset;
bmin /= count
var bmc : Vector2 = bmin + Vector2(1.0, 1.0) / count
return Color(bmin.x, bmin.y, bmc.x, bmc.y)
#vec4 bricks_rb2(vec2 uv, vec2 count, float repeat, float offset) {
# count *= repeat;
# float x_offset = offset*step(0.5, fract(uv.y*count.y*0.5));
# count.x = count.x*(1.0+step(0.5, fract(uv.y*count.y*0.5)));
# vec2 bmin = floor(vec2(uv.x*count.x-x_offset, uv.y*count.y));
# bmin.x += x_offset;
# bmin /= count;
# return vec4(bmin, bmin+vec2(1.0)/count);
static func bricks_rb2(uv : Vector2, count : Vector2, repeat : float, offset : float) -> Color:
count *= repeat
var x_offset : float = offset * Commons.step(0.5, Commons.fractf(uv.y * count.y * 0.5))
count.x = count.x * (1.0+Commons.step(0.5, Commons.fractf(uv.y * count.y * 0.5)))
var bmin : Vector2 = Vector2()
bmin.x = floor(uv.x * count.x - x_offset)
bmin.y = floor(uv.y * count.y)
bmin.x += x_offset
bmin /= count
var b : Vector2 = bmin + Vector2(1, 1) / count
return Color(bmin.x, bmin.y, b.x, b.y)
#vec4 bricks_hb(vec2 uv, vec2 count, float repeat, float offset) {
# float pc = count.x+count.y;
# float c = pc*repeat;
# vec2 corner = floor(uv*c);
# float cdiff = mod(corner.x-corner.y, pc);
# if (cdiff < count.x) {
# return vec4((corner-vec2(cdiff, 0.0))/c, (corner-vec2(cdiff, 0.0)+vec2(count.x, 1.0))/c);
# } else {
# return vec4((corner-vec2(0.0, pc-cdiff-1.0))/c, (corner-vec2(0.0, pc-cdiff-1.0)+vec2(1.0, count.y))/c);
# }
static func bricks_hb(uv : Vector2, count : Vector2, repeat : float, offset : float) -> Color:
var pc : float = count.x + count.y
var c : float = pc * repeat
var corner : Vector2 = Vector2(floor(uv.x * c), floor(uv.y * c))
var cdiff : float = Commons.modf(corner.x - corner.y, pc)
if (cdiff < count.x):
var col : Color = Color()
col.r = (corner.x - cdiff) / c
col.g = corner.y / c
col.b = (corner.x - cdiff + count.x) / c
col.a = (corner.y + 1.0) / c
return col
var col : Color = Color()
col.r = corner.x / c
col.g = (corner.y - (pc - cdiff - 1.0)) / c
col.b = (corner.x + 1.0) / c
col.a = (corner.y - (pc - cdiff - 1.0) + count.y) / c
return col
#vec4 bricks_bw(vec2 uv, vec2 count, float repeat, float offset) {
# vec2 c = 2.0*count*repeat;
# float mc = max(c.x, c.y);
# vec2 corner1 = floor(uv*c);
# vec2 corner2 = count*floor(repeat*2.0*uv);
# float cdiff = mod(dot(floor(repeat*2.0*uv), vec2(1.0)), 2.0);
# vec2 corner;
# vec2 size;
# if (cdiff == 0.0) {
# orner = vec2(corner1.x, corner2.y);
# size = vec2(1.0, count.y);
# } else {
# corner = vec2(corner2.x, corner1.y);
# size = vec2(count.x, 1.0);
# }
# return vec4(corner/c, (corner+size)/c);
static func bricks_bw(uv : Vector2, count : Vector2, repeat : float, offset : float) -> Color:
var c : Vector2 = 2.0 * count * repeat
var mc : float = max(c.x, c.y)
var corner1 : Vector2 = Vector2(floor(uv.x * c.x), floor(uv.y * c.y))
var corner2 : Vector2 = Vector2(count.x * floor(repeat* 2.0 * uv.x), count.y * floor(repeat * 2.0 * uv.y))
var tmp : Vector2 = Vector2(floor(repeat * 2.0 * uv.x), floor(repeat * 2.0 * uv.y))
var cdiff : float = Commons.modf(tmp.dot(Vector2(1, 1)), 2.0)
var corner : Vector2
var size : Vector2
if cdiff == 0:
corner = Vector2(corner1.x, corner2.y)
size = Vector2(1.0, count.y)
corner = Vector2(corner2.x, corner1.y)
size = Vector2(count.x, 1.0)
return Color(corner.x / c.x, corner.y / c.y, (corner.x + size.x) / c.x, (corner.y + size.y) / c.y)
#vec4 bricks_sb(vec2 uv, vec2 count, float repeat, float offset) {
# vec2 c = (count+vec2(1.0))*repeat;
# float mc = max(c.x, c.y);
# vec2 corner1 = floor(uv*c);
# vec2 corner2 = (count+vec2(1.0))*floor(repeat*uv);
# vec2 rcorner = corner1 - corner2;
# vec2 corner;
# vec2 size;
# if (rcorner.x == 0.0 && rcorner.y < count.y) {
# corner = corner2;
# size = vec2(1.0, count.y);
# } else if (rcorner.y == 0.0) {
# corner = corner2+vec2(1.0, 0.0);
# size = vec2(count.x, 1.0);
# } else if (rcorner.x == count.x) {
# corner = corner2+vec2(count.x, 1.0);
# size = vec2(1.0, count.y);
# } else if (rcorner.y == count.y) {
# corner = corner2+vec2(0.0, count.y);
# size = vec2(count.x, 1.0);
# } else {
# corner = corner2+vec2(1.0);
# size = vec2(count.x-1.0, count.y-1.0);
# }
# return vec4(corner/c, (corner+size)/c);
static func bricks_sb(uv : Vector2, count : Vector2, repeat : float, offset : float) -> Color:
var c : Vector2 = (count + Vector2(1, 1)) * repeat
var mc : float = max(c.x, c.y)
var corner1 : Vector2 = Vector2(floor(uv.x * c.x), floor(uv.y * c.y))
var corner2 : Vector2 = (count + Vector2(1, 1)) * Vector2(floor(repeat * uv.x), floor(repeat * uv.y))
var rcorner : Vector2 = corner1 - corner2
var corner : Vector2
var size : Vector2
if (rcorner.x == 0.0 && rcorner.y < count.y):
corner = corner2
size = Vector2(1.0, count.y)
elif (rcorner.y == 0.0):
corner = corner2 + Vector2(1.0, 0.0)
size = Vector2(count.x, 1.0)
elif (rcorner.x == count.x):
corner = corner2 + Vector2(count.x, 1.0)
size = Vector2(1.0, count.y)
elif (rcorner.y == count.y):
corner = corner2 + Vector2(0.0, count.y)
size = Vector2(count.x, 1.0)
corner = corner2 + Vector2(1, 1)
size = Vector2(count.x-1.0, count.y-1.0)
return Color(corner.x / c.x, corner.y / c.y, (corner.x + size.x) / c.x, (corner.y + size.y) / c.y)
#vec4 brick2(vec2 uv, vec2 bmin, vec2 bmax, float mortar, float round, float bevel) {
# float color;
# vec2 size = bmax - bmin;
# vec2 center = 0.5*(bmin+bmax);
# vec2 d = abs(uv-center)-0.5*(size)+vec2(round+mortar);
# color = length(max(d,vec2(0))) + min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0)-round;
# color = clamp(-color/bevel, 0.0, 1.0);
# vec2 tiled_brick_pos = mod(bmin, vec2(1.0, 1.0));
# return vec4(color, center, tiled_brick_pos.x+7.0*tiled_brick_pos.y);
static func brick2(uv : Vector2, bmin : Vector2, bmax : Vector2, mortar : float, pround : float, bevel : float) -> Color:
return Color()
#vec4 bricks_uneven(vec2 uv, int iterations, float min_size, float randomness, float seed) {
# vec2 a = vec2(0.0);
# vec2 b = vec2(1.0);
# for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
# vec2 size = b-a;
# if (max(size.x, size.y) < min_size) {
# break;
# }
# float x = rand(rand2(vec2(rand(a+b), seed)))*randomness+(1.0-randomness)*0.5;
# if (size.x > size.y) {
# x *= size.x;
# if (uv.x > a.x+x) {
# a.x += x;
# } else {
# b.x = a.x + x;
# }
# } else {
# x *= size.y;
# if (uv.y > a.y+x) {
# a.y += x;
# } else {
# b.y = a.y + x;
# }
# }
# }
# return vec4(a, b);
static func bricks_uneven(uv : Vector2, iterations : int, min_size : float, randomness : float, pseed : float) -> Color:
return Color()
#vec2 truchet_generic_uv(vec2 uv, vec2 seed) {
# vec2 i = floor(uv);
# vec2 f = fract(uv);
# vec2 invert = step(rand2(seed+i), vec2(0.5));
# return f*(vec2(1.0)-invert)+(vec2(1.0)-f)*invert;
static func truchet_generic_uv(uv : Vector2, pseed : float) -> Vector2:
return Vector2()
#float pavement(vec2 uv, float bevel, float mortar) {\n\t
# uv = abs(uv-vec2(0.5));\n\t
# return clamp((0.5*(1.0-mortar)-max(uv.x, uv.y))/max(0.0001, bevel), 0.0, 1.0);
#vec4 arc_pavement(vec2 uv, float acount, float lcount, out vec2 seed) {\n\t
# float PI = 3.141592654;\n\t
# float radius = (0.5/sqrt(2.0));\n
# float uvx = uv.x;\n
# uv.x = 0.5*fract(uv.x+0.5)+0.25;\n
# float center = (uv.x-0.5)/radius;\n
# center *= center;\n
# center = floor(acount*(uv.y-radius*sqrt(1.0-center))+0.5)/acount;\n
# vec2 v = uv-vec2(0.5, center);\n
# float cornerangle = 0.85/acount+0.25*PI;\n
# float acountangle = (PI-2.0*cornerangle)/(lcount+floor(mod(center*acount, 2.0)));\n
# float angle = mod(atan(v.y, v.x), 2.0*PI);\n\t
# float base_angle;\n\t
# float local_uvy = 0.5+acount*(length(v)-radius)*(1.54-0.71*cos(1.44*(angle-PI*0.5)));\n\t
# vec2 local_uv;\n
# if (angle < cornerangle) {\n
# base_angle = 0.25*PI;\n\t\t
# local_uv = vec2((angle-0.25*PI)/cornerangle*0.38*acount+0.5, 1.0-local_uvy);\n\t\t
# seed = vec2(fract(center), 0.0);\n
# } else if (angle > PI-cornerangle) {\n
# base_angle = 0.75*PI;\n\t\t
# local_uv = vec2(local_uvy, 0.5-(0.75*PI-angle)/cornerangle*0.38*acount);\n\t\t
# seed = vec2(fract(center), 0.0);\n
# } else {\n
# base_angle = cornerangle+(floor((angle-cornerangle)/acountangle)+0.5)*acountangle;\n\t\t
# local_uv = vec2((angle-base_angle)/acountangle+0.5, 1.0-local_uvy);\n\t\t
# seed = vec2(fract(center), base_angle);\n
# }\n
# vec2 brick_center = vec2(0.5, center)+radius*vec2(cos(base_angle), sin(base_angle));\n
# return vec4(brick_center.x+uvx-uv.x, brick_center.y, local_uv);\n