<Attributions> <Module> <Name>Icons</Name> <URL></URL> <Description></Description> <Licenses> MIT </Licenses> </Module> <Attribution> <Name>Skill, item and spell icons</Name> <URL>https://opengameart.org/content/skill-item-and-spell-icons</URL> <Description> The original assets have been modified! All graphics in this folder is under CCO license, that means you can do whatever you want with them. The sources is not included because i lost them. I would be greatful if you email me at DustyChest@gmail.com and infoem where are you using these graphics. :) Good luck with your projects! :) My website(blog): http://dustychest.blogspot.com/ Contact: DustyChest@gmail.com </Description> <Licenses> CCO </Licenses> <Files> icons-1/* </Files> </Attribution> <Attribution> <Name>Painterly Spell Icons part 1</Name> <URL>https://opengameart.org/content/painterly-spell-icons-part-1</URL> <Description> The original assets have been modified! This is the first installment of a set of magic icons. Each spell comes in three power levels. Additionally most spells have several (up to nine) color variations. The colors were chosen for their distinctness, and to support and wide range of possible classes of magic and or damage types. For instance the red version of the "enchant weapon" spell could be used to add fire damage to weapons. Game designers can figure out how to best apply these art assets to their system. Enchant Weapon: 9 colors Protect: 9 colors Evil Eye: 2 colors Fireball: 4 colors Heal: 3 colors All icons are 256x256, but have been designed to be easily recognizable down to 32x32. Look for more in January... J. W. Bjerk (eleazzaar) -- www.jwbjerk.com/art -- find this and other open art at: http://opengameart.org </Description> <Licenses> CC-BY 3.0 CC-BY-SA 3.0 GPL 3.0 GPL 2.0 </Licenses> <Files> icons-2/* </Files> </Attribution> <Attribution> <Name>Painterly Spell Icons part 2</Name> <URL>https://opengameart.org/content/painterly-spell-icons-part-2</URL> <Description> The original assets have been modified! This is the second installment of a set of magic icons. Each spell comes in three power levels. Additionally most spells have several (up to nine) color variations. The colors were chosen for their distinctness, and to support and wide range of possible classes of magic and or damage types. For instance the red version of the "enchant weapon" spell could be used to add fire damage to weapons. Game designers can figure out how to best apply these art assets to their system. Beam of Light: 9 colors Haste: 3 colors Ice Shards: 3 colors Lightning: 9 colors Hurl Rock: 5 colors Entangling Vines: 4 colors All icons are 256x256, but have been designed to be easily recognizable down to 32x32. Part 3 is planned to be: Runes Explosion Wind Horror Beast Frames for each color After part 3 I will be available for commissioning to further extend or expand the set. Copyright/Attribution Notice: J. W. Bjerk (eleazzaar) -- www.jwbjerk.com/art -- find this and other open art at: http://opengameart.org </Description> <Licenses> CC-BY 3.0 CC-BY-SA 3.0 GPL 2.0 </Licenses> <Files> icons-3/* </Files> </Attribution> <Attribution> <Name>Painterly Spell Icon set part 3</Name> <URL>https://opengameart.org/content/painterly-spell-icons-part-3</URL> <Description> The original assets have been modified! This is the Third installment of a set of magic icons. Each spell comes in three power levels. Additionally most spells have several (up to nine) color variations. The colors were chosen for their distinctness, and to support and wide range of possible classes of magic and or damage types. For instance the red version of the "enchant weapon" spell could be used to add fire damage to weapons. Game designers can figure out how to best apply these art assets to their system. This installment adds frames, in 10 styles, and several colors each. Frames can be added over the icons to indicate magic class, spell type or whatever works for your project. Explosion: 5 colors Horror: 3 colors Leaf: 4 colors Runes: 4 colors Wild: 4 colors Wind: 4 colors Frames: 10 colors, 10 styles (not all styles have all colors) All icons are 256x256, but have been designed to be easily recognizable down to 32x32. If you find these icons useful, I'd appreciate it if you send me a line, with a link to your project -- just to satisfy my curiosity. Also I can probably be commissioned to extend or expand this set at a reasonable rate. Copyright/Attribution Notice: J. W. Bjerk (eleazzaar) -- www.jwbjerk.com/art -- find this and other open art at: http://opengameart.org </Description> <Licenses> GNU GPL 2.0 GNU GPL 3.0 CC-BY 3.0 CC-BY-SA 3.0 </Licenses> <Files> icons-4/* </Files> </Attribution> <Attribution> <Name>Painterly Spell Icon set part 4</Name> <URL>https://opengameart.org/content/painterly-spell-icons-part-4</URL> <Description> The original assets have been modified! This is the Fourth installment of a set of magic icons. Each spell comes in three power levels. Additionally most spells have several (up to nine) color variations. The colors were chosen for their distinctness, and to support and wide range of possible classes of magic and or damage types. For instance the red version of the "enchant weapon" spell could be used to add fire damage to weapons. Game designers can figure out how to best apply these art assets to their system. This set was made in cooperation with the Weaver Project, so different colors variations are sometimes used used. Air Burst: 4 colors Fire Arrows: 5 colors Fog: 7 colors Light: 7 colors Link: 4 colors Ice Needles: 5 colors Rip: 5 colors Shielding: 4 colors Slice: 4 colors Wind grasp: 5 colors All icons are 256x256, but have been designed to be easily recognizable down to 32x32. If you find these icons useful, I'd appreciate it if you send me a line, with a link to your project -- just to satisfy my curiosity. Also I can probably be commissioned to extend or expand this set at a reasonable rate. Copyright/Attribution Notice: J. W. Bjerk (eleazzaar) -- www.jwbjerk.com/art -- find this and other open art at: http://opengameart.org </Description> <Licenses> GNU GPL 2.0 GNU GPL 3.0 CC-BY 3.0 CC-BY-SA 3.0 </Licenses> <Files> icons-5/* </Files> </Attribution> </Attributions>