[gd_resource type="Spell" load_steps=3 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://scripts/spells/gd_spell_script.gd" type="Script" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://data/icons/naturalist/inner_will.tres" type="Texture" id=2] [resource] resource_name = "Inner Will" id = 25 spell_type = 1 target_type = 2 target_relation_type = -11822355 icon = ExtResource( 2 ) text_name = "Inner Will" text_description = "Cooldown: 1.5 min. Removes any movement impairing effects, stuns, and effects which makes you lose control of your character. This spell is not on the global cooldown." cooldown_cooldown = 90.0 cooldown_global_cooldown = false aoe_targetType = 7 aoe_colliderType = 480 script = ExtResource( 1 )