extends Button # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. export(NodePath) var container_path : NodePath export(NodePath) var status_label_path : NodePath export(NodePath) var use_websockets_checkbox_path : NodePath export(NodePath) var ip_line_edit_path : NodePath export(NodePath) var port_line_edit_path : NodePath var _container : Control var _status : Label var _use_websockets_checkbox : CheckBox var _ip_line_edit : LineEdit var _port_line_edit : LineEdit func _ready(): _container = get_node(container_path) as Control get_tree().connect("connected_to_server", self, "connected_to_server") _status = get_node(status_label_path) as Label _status.text = "" _use_websockets_checkbox = get_node(use_websockets_checkbox_path) as CheckBox _ip_line_edit = get_node(ip_line_edit_path) as LineEdit _port_line_edit = get_node(port_line_edit_path) as LineEdit func _exit_tree(): get_tree().disconnect("connected_to_server", self, "connected_to_server") func _pressed(): var ip : String = _ip_line_edit.text var port : String = _port_line_edit.text var portint : int = int(port) _status.text = "Connecting..." var err : int = 0 if _use_websockets_checkbox.pressed: err = Server.connect_to_server_websocket(ip, portint) else: err = Server.connect_to_server(ip, portint) if err != OK: _status.text = "Error: " + str(err) func connected_to_server(): _container.hide()