tool extends VoxelWorld # Copyright Péter Magyar # MIT License, might be merged into the Voxelman engine module # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Péter Magyar # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. export(Array, MeshDataResource) var meshes : Array export(bool) var editor_generate : bool = false setget set_editor_generate, get_editor_generate export(bool) var show_loading_screen : bool = true export(bool) var generate_on_ready : bool = false var initial_generation : bool = true var spawned : bool = false var _editor_generate : bool var _player_file_name : String var _player : Entity const VIS_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 5 var vis_update : float = 0 var _max_frame_chunk_build_temp : int func _enter_tree(): for ch in get_children(): if ch is VoxelChunk: var c : VoxelChunk = ch as VoxelChunk c.set_voxel_world(self) c.set_library(library) c.set_size(c.size_x, c.size_y, c.size_z, c.margin_start, c.margin_end) # c.is_build_threaded = false add_chunk(c, c.position_x, c.position_y, c.position_z) c.build_deferred() if generate_on_ready and not Engine.is_editor_hint(): if level_generator != null: level_generator.setup(self, 80, false, library) spawn() func _process(delta): if initial_generation: return if _player == null: set_process(false) return vis_update += delta if vis_update >= VIS_UPDATE_INTERVAL: vis_update = 0 var ppos : Vector3 = _player.get_body().transform.origin var cpos : Vector3 = ppos var ppx : int = int(cpos.x / (chunk_size_x * voxel_scale)) var ppy : int = int(cpos.y / (chunk_size_y * voxel_scale)) var ppz : int = int(cpos.z / (chunk_size_z * voxel_scale)) cpos.x = ppx cpos.y = ppy cpos.z = ppz var count : int = get_chunk_count() var i : int = 0 while i < count: var c : VoxelChunk = get_chunk_index(i) var l : float = (Vector2(cpos.x, cpos.z) - Vector2(c.position_x, c.position_z)).length() if l > chunk_spawn_range + 2: # print("despawn " + str(Vector3(c.position_x, c.position_y, c.position_z))) remove_chunk_index(i) c.queue_free() i -= 1 count -= 1 else: var dx : int = abs(ppx - c.position_x) var dy : int = abs(ppy - c.position_y) var dz : int = abs(ppz - c.position_z) var mr : int = max(max(dx, dy), dz) if mr <= 1: c.current_lod_level = 0 elif mr == 2: c.current_lod_level = 1 elif mr == 3 or mr == 4: c.current_lod_level = 2 else: c.current_lod_level = 3 i += 1 for x in range(-chunk_spawn_range + int(cpos.x), chunk_spawn_range + int(cpos.x)): for z in range(-chunk_spawn_range + int(cpos.z), chunk_spawn_range + int(cpos.z)): for y in range(-1, 2): if not has_chunk(x, y, z): # print("spawn " + str(Vector3(x, y, z))) create_chunk(x, y, z) #func _process(delta : float) -> void: # if not generation_queue.empty(): # var chunk : VoxelChunk = generation_queue.front() # refresh_chunk_lod_level_data(chunk) # level_generator.generate_chunk(chunk) # generation_queue.remove(0) # # if generation_queue.empty(): # emit_signal("generation_finished") # initial_generation = false # # if show_loading_screen and not Engine.editor_hint: # get_node("..").hide_loading_screen() func _generation_finished(): if not Engine.editor_hint: max_frame_chunk_build_steps = _max_frame_chunk_build_temp initial_generation = false # for i in range(get_chunk_count()): # get_chunk_index(i).draw_debug_voxels(555555) if show_loading_screen and not Engine.editor_hint: get_node("..").hide_loading_screen() #TODO hack, do this properly if _player: _player.set_physics_process(true) func _prepare_chunk_for_generation(chunk): refresh_chunk_lod_level_data(chunk) func refresh_chunk_lod_level_data(chunk : VoxelChunk) -> void: var cpx : int = chunk.position_x var cpy : int = chunk.position_y var cpz : int = chunk.position_z var chunk_lod : int = chunk.lod_size var carr : Array = [ get_chunk_lod_level(cpx, cpy + 1, cpz, chunk_lod), #CHUNK_INDEX_UP get_chunk_lod_level(cpx, cpy - 1, cpz, chunk_lod), #CHUNK_INDEX_DOWN get_chunk_lod_level(cpx + 1, cpy, cpz, chunk_lod), #CHUNK_INDEX_LEFT get_chunk_lod_level(cpx - 1, cpy, cpz, chunk_lod), #CHUNK_INDEX_RIGHT get_chunk_lod_level(cpx, cpy, cpz - 1, chunk_lod), #CHUNK_INDEX_FRONT get_chunk_lod_level(cpx, cpy, cpz + 1, chunk_lod) #CHUNK_INDEX_BACK ] chunk.lod_data = carr func get_chunk_lod_level(x : int, y : int, z : int, default : int) -> int: # var key : String = str(x) + "," + str(y) + "," + str(z) var ch : VoxelChunk = get_chunk(x, y, z) if ch == null: return default return ch.lod_size func _create_chunk(x : int, y : int, z : int, pchunk : Node) -> VoxelChunk: var chunk : VoxelChunk = #chunk.meshing_create_collider = false chunk.lod_size = 1 # print("added " + str(Vector3(x, y, z))) return ._create_chunk(x, y, z, chunk) func spawn() -> void: if not Engine.editor_hint: _max_frame_chunk_build_temp = max_frame_chunk_build_steps max_frame_chunk_build_steps = 0 for x in range(-chunk_spawn_range, chunk_spawn_range): for z in range(-chunk_spawn_range, chunk_spawn_range): for y in range(-1, 2): create_chunk(x, y, z) set_process(true) func get_editor_generate() -> bool: return _editor_generate func set_editor_generate(value : bool) -> void: if value: library.refresh_rects() level_generator.setup(self, current_seed, false, library) spawn() # else: # spawned = false # clear() _editor_generate = value func add_light(x : int, y : int, z : int, size : int, color : Color) -> void: var chunkx : int = int(x / chunk_size_x) var chunky : int = int(y / chunk_size_y) var chunkz : int = int(z / chunk_size_z) var light : VoxelLight = light.color = color light.size = size light.set_world_position(x, y, z) for xx in range(chunkx - 1, chunkx + 1): for yy in range(chunky - 1, chunky + 1): for zz in range(chunkz - 1, chunkz + 1): var chunk : VoxelChunk = get_chunk(xx, yy, zz) if chunk == null: continue chunk.add_voxel_light(light) func setup_client_seed(pseed : int) -> void: # _player_file_name = "" # _player = null Server.sset_seed(pseed) if level_generator != null: level_generator.setup(self, pseed, false, library) spawn() func load_character(file_name : String) -> void: _player_file_name = file_name _player = Entities.load_player(file_name, Vector3(5, 30, 5), 1) as Entity #TODO hack, do this properly _player.set_physics_process(false) Server.sset_seed(_player.sseed) if level_generator != null: level_generator.setup(self, _player.sseed, true, library) spawn() set_process(true) func needs_loading_screen() -> bool: return show_loading_screen func save() -> void: if _player == null or _player_file_name == "": return Entities.save_player(_player, _player_file_name)