extends Entity # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. var _timer : float = randf() * 2.0 var _query : PhysicsShapeQueryParameters var _shape : SphereShape func _ready(): _shape = SphereShape.new() _shape.radius = 50 _query = PhysicsShapeQueryParameters.new() _query.collision_mask = 2 _query.exclude = [ self ] _query.shape_rid = _shape.get_rid() set_physics_process(true) func _physics_process(delta): # if (multiplayer.has_network_peer() and multiplayer.is_network_server()) or not multiplayer.has_network_peer(): if multiplayer.has_network_peer() and multiplayer.is_network_server(): _timer += delta if _timer > 3: _timer -= 3 update_visibility() func update_visibility() -> void: _query.transform = Transform(Basis(), translation) var res : Array = get_world().direct_space_state.intersect_shape(_query) #warning-ignore:unassigned_variable var currenty_sees : Array = Array() for collision in res: var collider = collision["collider"] if collider is Entity and not currenty_sees.has(collider): currenty_sees.append(collider) #warning-ignore:unassigned_variable var used_to_see : Array = Array() for i in range(gets_sees_count()): var ent : Entity = gets_sees(i) used_to_see.append(ent) #warning-ignore:unassigned_variable var currenty_sees_filtered : Array = Array() for e in currenty_sees: currenty_sees_filtered.append(e) for e in currenty_sees: if used_to_see.has(e): used_to_see.erase(e) currenty_sees_filtered.erase(e) for e in used_to_see: var ent : Entity = e as Entity if self.get_network_master() != 1: Entities.despawn_for(self, ent) removes_sees(ent) for e in currenty_sees_filtered: var ent : Entity = e as Entity if self.get_network_master() != 1: Entities.spawn_for(self, ent) adds_sees(ent)