rem This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at @echo off IF NOT EXIST ./engine ( git clone ./engine ) ELSE ( cd engine rmdir /s /q modules git reset --hard git pull origin master git checkout master git reset --hard cd .. ) IF EXIST ./modules GOTO DONE mkdir modules :DONE cd modules IF NOT EXIST ./fastnoise ( git clone fastnoise ) ELSE ( cd fastnoise git reset --hard git pull origin master git checkout master git reset --hard cd .. ) xcopy "fastnoise" "../engine/modules/fastnoise" /e /i /h /y GOTO VIOFF IF NOT EXIST ./voxel_importer ( git clone voxel_importer ) ELSE ( cd voxel_importer git reset --hard git pull origin master git checkout master git reset --hard cd .. ) xcopy "voxel_importer" "../engine/modules/voxel_importer" /e /i /h /y :VIOFF IF NOT EXIST ./ui_extensions ( git clone ui_extensions ) ELSE ( cd ui_extensions git reset --hard git pull origin master git checkout master git reset --hard cd .. ) xcopy "ui_extensions" "../engine/modules/ui_extensions" /e /i /h /y GOTO IMOFF IF NOT EXIST ./input_manager ( git clone input_manager ) ELSE ( cd input_manager git reset --hard git pull origin master git checkout master git reset --hard cd .. ) xcopy "input_manager" "../engine/modules/input_manager" /e /i /h /y :IMOFF IF NOT EXIST ./entity_spell_system ( git clone entity_spell_system ) ELSE ( cd entity_spell_system git reset --hard git pull origin master git checkout master git reset --hard cd .. ) xcopy "entity_spell_system" "../engine/modules/entity_spell_system" /e /i /h /y IF NOT EXIST ./voxelman ( git clone voxelman ) ELSE ( cd voxelman git reset --hard git pull origin master git checkout master git reset --hard cd .. ) xcopy "voxelman" "../engine/modules/voxelman" /e /i /h /y IF NOT EXIST ./world_generator ( git clone world_generator ) ELSE ( cd world_generator git reset --hard git pull origin master git checkout master git reset --hard cd .. ) xcopy "world_generator" "../engine/modules/world_generator" /e /i /h /y IF NOT EXIST ./texture_packer ( git clone texture_packer ) ELSE ( cd texture_packer git reset --hard git pull origin master git checkout master git reset --hard cd .. ) xcopy "texture_packer" "../engine/modules/texture_packer" /e /i /h /y cd .. pause