extends ScrollContainer

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export(PackedScene) var talent_row_scene : PackedScene
export(NodePath) var container_path : NodePath

var _container : Node

var _player : Entity
var _spec : CharacterSpec
var _spec_index : int

func _ready() -> void:
	_container = get_node(container_path)

func set_spec(player : Entity, spec : CharacterSpec, spec_index: int) -> void:
	for ch in _container.get_children():
	_player = player
	_spec = spec
	_spec_index = spec_index
	if _player == null or _spec == null:
	for i in range(spec.get_num_talent_rows()):
		var r : Node = talent_row_scene.instance()
		r.owner = self
		r.set_player(player, spec, spec_index, i)