extends Resource
class_name GameModule

export(bool) var enabled : bool = true
export(String) var description : String = ""
# You can put onther game modules (path) here, so it's easier to tell when a module depends on an another
# It's for humans at the moment
export(PoolStringArray) var dependencies : PoolStringArray = PoolStringArray()

export(ESSResourceDB) var resource_db : ESSResourceDB

func load_module():
	if resource_db != null:

#		var r : ESSResourceDB = ESS.resource_db
#		for e in r.get_entity_datas():
#			print(e.resource_path)
#			print(e.get_id())

#		for s in r.get_spells():
#			print(s.resource_name)
#			print(s.get_id())

func on_request_instance(what : int, node : Node) -> void: