tool extends CharacterSkeleton3D # Copyright Péter Magyar # MIT License, functionality from this class needs to be protable to the entity spell system # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Péter Magyar # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. export(bool) var refresh_in_editor : bool = false setget editor_build export(bool) var automatic_build : bool = false export(bool) var use_threads : bool = false export(NodePath) var mesh_instance_path : NodePath var mesh_instance : MeshInstance = null export(NodePath) var skeleton_path : NodePath var skeleton : Skeleton export(Material) var material : Material = null var _material : Material = null export (NodePath) var left_hand_attach_point_path : NodePath var left_hand_attach_point : CharacterSkeketonAttachPoint export (NodePath) var right_hand_attach_point_path : NodePath var right_hand_attach_point : CharacterSkeketonAttachPoint export (NodePath) var torso_attach_point_path : NodePath var torso_attach_point : CharacterSkeketonAttachPoint export (NodePath) var root_attach_point_path : NodePath var root_attach_point : CharacterSkeketonAttachPoint export(Array, ItemVisual) var viss : Array var bone_names = { 0: "root", 1: "pelvis", 2: "spine", 3: "spine_1", 4: "spine_2", 5: "neck", 6: "head", 7: "left_clavicle", 8: "left_upper_arm", 9: "left_forearm", 10: "left_hand", 11: "left_thunb_base", 12: "left_thumb_end", 13: "left_fingers_base", 14: "left_fingers_end", 15: "right_clavicle", 16: "right_upper_arm", 17: "right_forearm", 18: "right_hand", 19: "right_thumb_base", 20: "right_thumb_head", 21: "right_fingers_base", 22: "right_fingers_head", 23: "left_thigh", 24: "left_calf", 25: "left_foot", 26: "right_thigh", 27: "right_calf", 28: "right_foot", } var _texture_packer : TexturePacker var _textures : Array var _texture : Texture var mesh : ArrayMesh = null var st : SurfaceTool = null var _thread_done : bool = false var _thread : Thread = null var _editor_built : bool = false func _enter_tree(): st = _texture_packer = _texture_packer.texture_flags = 0 # _texture_packer.texture_flags = Texture.FLAG_FILTER _texture_packer.max_atlas_size = 512 skeleton = get_node(skeleton_path) as Skeleton mesh_instance = get_node(mesh_instance_path) as MeshInstance left_hand_attach_point = get_node(left_hand_attach_point_path) as CharacterSkeketonAttachPoint right_hand_attach_point = get_node(right_hand_attach_point_path) as CharacterSkeketonAttachPoint torso_attach_point = get_node(torso_attach_point_path) as CharacterSkeketonAttachPoint root_attach_point = get_node(root_attach_point_path) as CharacterSkeketonAttachPoint if _material == null: _material = material.duplicate() if not OS.can_use_threads(): use_threads = false set_process(false) # if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): for iv in viss: add_item_visual(iv as ItemVisual) #func _exit_tree(): # if _thread != null: # _thread.wait_to_finish() func _process(delta): if use_threads and _thread_done: _thread.wait_to_finish() _thread = null finish_build_mesh() set_process(false) _thread_done = false func _build_model(): if Engine.is_editor_hint() and not refresh_in_editor: set_process(false) return if not automatic_build: set_process(false) return if use_threads: build_threaded() else: build() set_process(false) model_dirty = false func build(): setup_build_mesh() build_mesh("") finish_build_mesh() func build_threaded(): if _thread == null: _thread = setup_build_mesh() _thread.start(self, "build_mesh") set_process(true) func build_mesh(data) -> void: sort_layers() prepare_textures() st.clear() st.set_material(_material) st.begin(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES) var vertex_count : int = 0 for skele_point in range(EntityEnums.SKELETON_POINTS_MAX): var bone_name : String = get_bone_name(skele_point) if bone_name == "": print("Bone name error") continue var bone_idx : int = skeleton.find_bone(bone_name) for j in range(get_model_entry_count(skele_point)): var entry : SkeletonModelEntry = get_model_entry(skele_point, j) if entry.entry.get_mesh(gender) != null: var bt : Transform = skeleton.get_bone_global_pose(bone_idx) var arrays : Array = entry.entry.get_mesh(gender).array var vertices : PoolVector3Array = arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_VERTEX] as PoolVector3Array var normals : PoolVector3Array = arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_NORMAL] as PoolVector3Array var uvs : PoolVector2Array = arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_TEX_UV] as PoolVector2Array var indices : PoolIntArray = arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_INDEX] as PoolIntArray var bone_array : PoolIntArray = PoolIntArray() bone_array.append(bone_idx) var weights_array : PoolRealArray = PoolRealArray() weights_array.append(1.0) var ta : AtlasTexture = _textures[skele_point] var tx : float = 0 var ty : float = 0 var tw : float = 1 var th : float = 1 if ta != null and _texture != null: var otw : float = _texture.get_width() var oth : float = _texture.get_height() tx = ta.region.position.x / otw ty = ta.region.position.y / oth tw = ta.region.size.x / otw th = ta.region.size.y / oth for i in range(len(vertices)): st.add_normal(bt.basis.xform(normals[i])) var uv : Vector2 = uvs[i] uv.x = tw * uv.x + tx uv.y = th * uv.y + ty st.add_uv(uv) st.add_bones(bone_array) st.add_weights(weights_array) st.add_color(Color(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)) st.add_vertex(bt.xform(vertices[i])) for i in range(len(indices)): st.add_index(vertex_count + indices[i]) vertex_count += len(vertices) mesh = st.commit() mesh.surface_set_material(0, _material) # finish_build_mesh() _thread_done = true func prepare_textures() -> void: _texture_packer.clear() _textures.clear() _textures.resize(EntityEnums.SKELETON_POINTS_MAX) for bone_idx in range(EntityEnums.SKELETON_POINTS_MAX): var texture : Texture for j in range(get_model_entry_count(bone_idx)): var entry : SkeletonModelEntry = get_model_entry(bone_idx, j) if entry.entry.get_texture(gender) != null: texture = _texture_packer.add_texture(entry.entry.get_texture(gender)) # print(texture) break _textures[bone_idx] = texture _texture_packer.merge() var tex : Texture = _texture_packer.get_generated_texture(0) # var mat : SpatialMaterial = _material as SpatialMaterial # mat.albedo_texture = tex var mat : ShaderMaterial = _material as ShaderMaterial mat.set_shader_param("texture_albedo", tex) # mat.albedo_texture = tex _texture = tex func setup_build_mesh() -> void: if get_animation_tree() != null: get_animation_tree().active = false if get_animation_player() != null: get_animation_player().play("rest") get_animation_player().seek(0, true) func finish_build_mesh() -> void: mesh_instance.mesh = mesh if get_animation_tree() != null: get_animation_tree().active = true func clear_mesh() -> void: mesh = null if mesh_instance != null: mesh_instance.mesh = null func editor_build(val : bool) -> void: if not is_inside_tree() or _editor_built: return if st == null: st = skeleton = get_node(skeleton_path) as Skeleton mesh_instance = get_node(mesh_instance_path) as MeshInstance if val: _editor_built = true build() else: clear_mesh() _editor_built = false refresh_in_editor = val func get_bone_name(skele_point : int) -> String: if bone_names.has(skele_point): return bone_names[skele_point] return ""