tool extends Spatial export(bool) var generate_on_ready : bool = true export(PropData) var start_room : PropData export(Array, PropData) var rooms : Array export(bool) var generate : bool setget set_generate, get_generate #todo calc aabbs and store in PropData during prop conversion var room_aabbs : Dictionary var portal_map : Dictionary var portals : Array var current_aabbs : Array var debug : bool = true func _enter_tree() -> void: if not Engine.editor_hint && generate_on_ready: call_deferred("generate") func set_up_room_data() -> void: clear_room_data() process_prop(start_room) for r in rooms: process_prop(r) process_portals() func process_prop(room : PropData) -> void: if !room: return if !room.is_room: return if room in room_aabbs: return var ps : PoolVector3Array = room.room_bounds var aabb : AABB = AABB() for p in ps: aabb.expand(p) room_aabbs[room] = aabb for i in range(room.props.size()): var pe : PropDataEntry = room.props[i] if pe is PropDataPortal: portals.append([pe, room, i]) func process_portals() -> void: for i in range(portals.size()): var pe = portals[i] var portal : PropDataPortal = pe[0] var room : PropData = pe[1] var portal_points : PoolVector2Array = portal.points if portal in portal_map: continue var map_data : Array = Array() for j in range(portals.size()): if i == j: continue var pp : Array = portals[j] var cportal : PropDataPortal = pp[0] var cportal_points : PoolVector2Array = cportal.points if (cportal_points.size() != portal_points.size()): continue var eq : bool = true for k in range(portal_points.size()): var p1 : Vector2 = portal_points[k] var p2 : Vector2 = cportal_points[k] if !p1.is_equal_approx(p2): eq = false break if !eq: continue var croom : PropData = pp[1] var cj : int = pp[2] map_data.append([ croom, cportal, cj ]) portal_map[portal] = map_data #print(portal_map) func clear_room_data() -> void: portal_map.clear() portals.clear() room_aabbs.clear() current_aabbs.clear() func generate() -> void: clear() set_up_room_data() spawn_room(Transform(), start_room) func spawn_room(room_lworld_transform : Transform, room : PropData, level : int = 0, current_portal : PropDataPortal = null) -> void: if level > 4: return var sr : PropInstanceMerger = sr.prop_data = room add_child(sr) if current_portal: var lworld_curr_portal : Transform = current_portal.transform #portal center should be precalculated #this will only work with the current portals lworld_curr_portal = lworld_curr_portal.translated(Vector3(-0.5, 0, 0)) lworld_curr_portal.basis = lworld_curr_portal.basis.rotated(Vector3(0, 1, 0), PI) room_lworld_transform = room_lworld_transform * lworld_curr_portal.inverse() sr.transform = room_lworld_transform if Engine.editor_hint and debug: sr.owner = get_tree().edited_scene_root #var caabb : AABB = room_aabbs[room] #caabb.position = tf.xform(Vector3()) #current_aabbs.push_back(caabb) for pe in room.props: if pe is PropDataPortal: if pe == current_portal: continue var current_portal_lworld_position : Transform = room_lworld_transform * pe.transform var d : Array = portal_map[pe] if d.size() == 0: continue randomize() var new_room_data = d[randi() % d.size()] #[ croom, cportal, cj ] var new_room : PropData = new_room_data[0] var new_room_portal : PropDataPortal = new_room_data[1] #todo figure out the transforms var poffset : Vector3 = new_room_portal.transform.xform(Vector3()) #middle of the current portal var offset_current_portal_lworld_position : Transform = current_portal_lworld_position #portal center should be precalculated #this will only work with the current portals offset_current_portal_lworld_position = offset_current_portal_lworld_position.translated(Vector3(-0.5, 0, 0)) #var ab : AABB = room_aabbs[new_room] #ab.position = offsert_ntf.xform(Vector3()) test_spawn_pos(offset_current_portal_lworld_position) var can_spawn : bool = true #for saab in current_aabbs: # if ab.intersects(saab): # #todo implement plugs # can_spawn = false # break if can_spawn: spawn_room(offset_current_portal_lworld_position, new_room, level + 1, new_room_portal) func clear() -> void: if Engine.editor_hint and debug: #don't destroy the user's nodes for c in get_children(): if c.owner == get_tree().edited_scene_root: c.queue_free() else: for c in get_children(): c.queue_free() func test_spawn_pos(lworld_position : Transform): var testspat : ImmediateGeometry = add_child(testspat) testspat.transform = lworld_position testspat.begin(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_LINES) testspat.add_vertex(Vector3(0, -0.5, 0)) testspat.add_vertex(Vector3(0, 0.5, 0)) testspat.add_vertex(Vector3(-0.5, 0, 0)) testspat.add_vertex(Vector3(0.5, 0, 0)) testspat.add_vertex(Vector3(0, 0, -0.5)) testspat.add_vertex(Vector3(0, 0, 0.5)) testspat.end() func set_generate(on) -> void: if on: generate() func get_generate() -> bool: return false