extends Node # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. export(PackedScene) var number_scene func damage(entity_position : Vector3, entity_height : float, value : int, crit : bool) -> void: var scene : Node = number_scene.instance() add_child(scene) scene.owner = self entity_position.y += entity_height + (0.2 * randf()) entity_position.x += entity_height * 0.4 - entity_height * 0.8 * randf() entity_position.z += entity_height * 0.4 - entity_height * 0.8 * randf() scene.damage(entity_position, value, crit) func heal(entity_position : Vector3, entity_height : float, value : int, crit : bool) -> void: var scene : Node = number_scene.instance() add_child(scene) scene.owner = self randomize() entity_position.y += entity_height + (0.3 * randf()) entity_position.x += entity_height * 0.4 - entity_height * 0.8 * randf() entity_position.z += entity_height * 0.4 - entity_height * 0.8 * randf() scene.heal(entity_position, value, crit) func clear() -> void: for child in get_children(): child.queue_free()