tool extends Reference const Commons = preload("res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/common/") #---------------------- #sdarc.mmg #An arc as a signed distance function #"outputs": [ #{ # "longdesc": "The arc as a signed distance function", # "sdf2d": "sdArc($uv-vec2(0.5), mod($a1, 360.0)*0.01745329251, mod($a2, 360.0)*0.01745329251, $r1, $r2)", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" #} #], #"parameters": [ #{ # "control": "Angle1.a", # "default": 0, # "label": "Angle 1", # "longdesc": "The first angle of the arc", # "max": 180, # "min": -180, # "name": "a1", # "shortdesc": "Angle1", # "step": 1, # "type": "float" #}, #{ # "control": "Angle2.a", # "default": 0, # "label": "Angle 2", # "longdesc": "The second angle of the arc", # "max": 180, # "min": -180, # "name": "a2", # "shortdesc": "Angle2", # "step": 1, # "type": "float" #}, #{ # "control": "Radius1.r", # "default": 0.5, # "label": "Radius", # "longdesc": "The radius of the arc", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "r1", # "shortdesc": "Radius", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" #}, #{ # "control": "Radius11.r", # "default": 0.1, # "label": "Width", # "longdesc": "The width of the shape around the arc", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "r2", # "shortdesc": "Width", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" #} #] #---------------------- #sdboolean.mmg #Performs a boolean operation (union, intersection or difference) between two shapes #"inputs": [ #{ # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The first shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in1", # "shortdesc": "Input1", # "type": "sdf2d" #}, #{ # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The second shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in2", # "shortdesc": "Input2", # "type": "sdf2d" #} #], #"outputs": [ #{ # "longdesc": "The shape generated by the boolean operation", # "sdf2d": "$op $in1($uv), $in2($uv))", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" #} #], #"parameters": [ #{ # "default": 2, # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The operation performed by this node", # "name": "op", # "shortdesc": "Operation", # "type": "enum", # "values": [ # { # "name": "Union", # "value": "min(" # }, # { # "name": "Subtraction", # "value": "max(-" # }, # { # "name": "Intersection", # "value": "max(" # } # ] #} #], #---------------------- #sdbox.mmg #A rectangle described as a signed distance function # "code": "vec2 $(name_uv)_d = abs($uv-vec2($cx+0.5, $cy+0.5))-vec2($w, $h);", # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The generated signed distance function", # "sdf2d": "length(max($(name_uv)_d,vec2(0)))+min(max($(name_uv)_d.x,$(name_uv)_d.y),0.0)", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "Rect1.x", # "default": 0.5, # "label": "Width", # "longdesc": "The width of the box", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "w", # "shortdesc": "Width", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "Rect1.y", # "default": 1, # "label": "Height", # "longdesc": "The height of the box", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "h", # "shortdesc": "Height", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P1.x", # "default": 0, # "label": "Center X", # "longdesc": "The position of the center of the box on the X axis", # "max": 1, # "min": -1, # "name": "cx", # "shortdesc": "Center.x", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P1.y", # "default": 0, # "label": "Center Y", # "longdesc": "The position of the center of the box on the Y axis", # "max": 1, # "min": -1, # "name": "cy", # "shortdesc": "Center.y", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #sdcircle.mmg #A circle described as a signed distance function # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The generated signed distance function", # "sdf2d": "length($uv-vec2($cx+0.5, $cy+0.5))-$r", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "Radius1.r", # "default": 0.5, # "label": "Radius", # "longdesc": "The radius of the circle", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "r", # "shortdesc": "Radius", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P1.x", # "default": 0, # "label": "Center X", # "longdesc": "The position of the center on the X axis", # "max": 1, # "min": -1, # "name": "cx", # "shortdesc": "Center.x", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P1.y", # "default": 0, # "label": "Center Y", # "longdesc": "The position of the center on the Y axis", # "max": 1, # "min": -1, # "name": "cy", # "shortdesc": "Center.y", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #sdcirclerepeat.mmg #Repeats its input shape around a circle # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The input shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in", # "shortdesc": "Input", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The shape generated by the repeat operation", # "sdf2d": "$in(circle_repeat_transform_2d($uv-vec2(0.5), $c)+vec2(0.5))", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "None", # "default": 4, # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The number of repetitions of the input shape around the circle", # "max": 32, # "min": 1, # "name": "c", # "shortdesc": "Count", # "step": 1, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #sdelongation.mmg # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "name": "in", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "outputs": [ # { # "sdf2d": "$in($uv-clamp($uv-vec2(0.5), -vec2($x, $y), vec2($x, $y)))", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "Rect1.x", # "default": 0, # "label": "X", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "x", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "Rect1.y", # "default": 0, # "label": "Y", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "y", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # } # ] #---------------------- #sdline.mmg #A line or a capsule shape described as a signed distance function #vec2 $(name_uv)_sdl = sdLine($uv, vec2($ax+0.5, $ay+0.5), vec2($bx+0.5, $by+0.5)); #Outputs #output, sdf2d (float), (output property) #$(name_uv)_sdl.x-$r*$profile($(name_uv)_sdl.y) #Inputs #A, Vector2, min: -1, max: 1, step: 0.01, default: (-0.3, -0.3) #B, Vector2, min: -1, max: 1, step: 0.01, default: (0.3, 0.3) #width, float, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01, default: 0.1 #points (curve), default: 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 #---------------------- #sdmorph.mmg #Morphs between 2 input shapes # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The first shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in1", # "shortdesc": "Input1", # "type": "sdf2d" # }, # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The second shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in2", # "shortdesc": "Input2", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The generated hybrid shape", # "sdf2d": "mix($in1($uv), $in2($uv), $amount)", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "None", # "default": 0.5, # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The amount of the second input in the result", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "amount", # "shortdesc": "Amount", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #sdngon.mmg (inc sdrotate.mmg, sdcirclerepeat.mmg) #An n-gon described as a signed distance function # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The n-gon as a signed distance function", # "sdf2d": "sdNgon(sdf2d_rotate($uv-vec2($cx, $cy), $rot*0.01745329251-1.57079632679)-vec2(0.5), $r, $n)", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "None", # "default": 3, # "label": "N", # "longdesc": "The number of sides of the n-gon", # "max": 12, # "min": 3, # "name": "n", # "shortdesc": "N", # "step": 1, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "Radius1.r", # "default": 0.5, # "label": "Radius", # "longdesc": "The radius of the n-gon", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "r", # "shortdesc": "Radius", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "Radius1.a", # "default": 0, # "label": "Rotation", # "longdesc": "The rotation of the n-gon", # "max": 180, # "min": -180, # "name": "rot", # "shortdesc": "Rotation", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P1.x", # "default": 0, # "label": "Center X", # "longdesc": "The position of the center on the X axis", # "max": 0.5, # "min": -0.5, # "name": "cx", # "shortdesc": "Center.x", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P1.y", # "default": 0, # "label": "Center Y", # "longdesc": "The position of the center on the Y axis", # "max": 0.5, # "min": -0.5, # "name": "cy", # "shortdesc": "Center.y", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #sdpolygon.mmg #A polygon as a signed distance function #Output: #Out, sdf2d (float) (property) #sdPolygon_$(name)($uv) #Input: #polygon points, default: 0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.7, 0.7, 0.4 #---------------------- #sdrepeat.mmg #Repeats its input shape on a grid.This node does not support overlapping between instances. # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The input shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in", # "shortdesc": "Input", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The shape generated by the repeat operation", # "sdf2d": "$in(repeat_2d($uv, vec2(1.0/$rx, 1.0/$ry), float($seed), $r))", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "None", # "default": 4, # "label": "X", # "longdesc": "The number of columns in the grid", # "max": 32, # "min": 1, # "name": "rx", # "shortdesc": "Columns", # "step": 1, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "None", # "default": 4, # "label": "Y", # "longdesc": "The number of lines in the grid", # "max": 32, # "min": 1, # "name": "ry", # "shortdesc": "Lines", # "step": 1, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "None", # "default": 0.5, # "label": "R", # "longdesc": "The amount of random rotation on each instance of the input shape", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "r", # "shortdesc": "Rotation", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #sdrhombus.mmg #A rhombus described as a signed distance function # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The rhombus as a signed distance function", # "sdf2d": "sdRhombus($uv-vec2($cx+0.5, $cy+0.5), vec2($w, $h))", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "Rect1.x", # "default": 0.5, # "label": "Width", # "longdesc": "The width of the rhombus", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "w", # "shortdesc": "Width", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "Rect1.y", # "default": 1, # "label": "Height", # "longdesc": "The height of the rhombus", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "h", # "shortdesc": "Height", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P1.x", # "default": 0, # "label": "Center X", # "longdesc": "The position of the center on the X axis", # "max": 1, # "min": -1, # "name": "cx", # "shortdesc": "Center.x", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P1.y", # "default": 0, # "label": "Center Y", # "longdesc": "The position of the center on the Y axis", # "max": 1, # "min": -1, # "name": "cy", # "shortdesc": "Center.y", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #sdrotate.mmg #Rotates its input shape described as a signed distance function # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The input shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in", # "shortdesc": "Input", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The rotated shape", # "sdf2d": "$in(sdf2d_rotate($uv, $a*0.01745329251))", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "Radius1.a", # "default": 0, # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The rotation angle", # "max": 180, # "min": -180, # "name": "a", # "shortdesc": "Angle", # "step": 1, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #sdroundedshape.mmg #Dilates an input shape into a rounded shape # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The input shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in", # "shortdesc": "Input", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The shape generated by the operation", # "sdf2d": "$in($uv)-$r", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "None", # "default": 0, # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The length of the dilate operation", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "r", # "shortdesc": "Radius", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #sdscale.mmg #Scales its input shape described as a signed distance function # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The input shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in", # "shortdesc": "Input", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The generated scaled shape", # "sdf2d": "$in(($uv-vec2(0.5))/$s+vec2(0.5))*$s", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "Scale1.x", # "default": 1, # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The scale of the transform", # "max": 5, # "min": 0, # "name": "s", # "shortdesc": "Scale", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #sdshow.mmg #Creates a greyscale image from a shape described as a 2D Signed Distance Function #Output #Output float (color) - Shows the shape as a greyscale image #clamp($base-$in($uv)/max($bevel, 0.00001), 0.0, 1.0) #Input: #Input (sdf - shape), default: 0 - sdf2d - universal input #bevel, float, min 0, max 1, step 0.01, default 0 #base, float, min 0, max 1, step 0.01, default 0 #---------------------- #sdsmoothboolean.mmg #Performs a smooth boolean operation (union, intersection or difference) between two shapes # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The first shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in1", # "shortdesc": "Input1", # "type": "sdf2d" # }, # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The second shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in2", # "shortdesc": "Input2", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The shape generated by the boolean operation", # "sdf2d": "sdSmooth$op($in1($uv), $in2($uv), $k)", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "default": 0, # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The operation performed by this node", # "name": "op", # "shortdesc": "Operation", # "type": "enum", # "values": [ # { # "name": "Union", # "value": "Union" # }, # { # "name": "Subtraction", # "value": "Subtraction" # }, # { # "name": "Intersection", # "value": "Intersection" # } # ] # }, # { # "control": "None", # "default": 0, # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The smoothness of the boolean operation", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "k", # "shortdesc": "Smoothness", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #sdtranslate.mmg #Translates its input shape described as signed distance function # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The input shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in", # "shortdesc": "Input", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The translated shape", # "sdf2d": "$in($uv-vec2($x, $y))", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "P1.x", # "default": 0, # "label": "X", # "longdesc": "The translation along the X axis", # "max": 1, # "min": -1, # "name": "x", # "shortdesc": "Translate.x", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P1.y", # "default": 0, # "label": "Y", # "longdesc": "The translation along the Y axis", # "max": 1, # "min": -1, # "name": "y", # "shortdesc": "Translate.y", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #curve.mmg # "code": "vec2 $(name_uv)_bezier = sdBezier($uv, vec2($ax+0.5, $ay+0.5), vec2($bx+0.5, $by+0.5), vec2($cx+0.5, $cy+0.5));\nvec2 $(name_uv)_uv = vec2($(name_uv)_bezier.x, $(name_uv)_bezier.y/$width+0.5);\nvec2 $(name_uv)_uvtest = step(vec2(0.5), abs($(name_uv)_uv-vec2(0.5)));\n$(name_uv)_uv = mix(vec2(fract($repeat*$(name_uv)_uv.x), $(name_uv)_uv.y), vec2(0.0), max($(name_uv)_uvtest.x, $(name_uv)_uvtest.y));\n", # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "vec4(vec3(step(abs($uv.y-0.5), 0.4999)), 1.0)", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "Input pattern to be drawn along the curve", # "name": "in", # "shortdesc": "Pattern", # "type": "rgba" # } # ], # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "An image showing the specified curve", # "rgba": "$in($(name_uv)_uv)", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "rgba" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "P1.x", # "default": -0.3, # "label": "AX", # "longdesc": "Position on X axis of the first control point", # "max": 0.5, # "min": -0.5, # "name": "ax", # "shortdesc": "A.x", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P1.y", # "default": -0.1, # "label": "AY", # "longdesc": "Position on Y axis of the first control point", # "max": 0.5, # "min": -0.5, # "name": "ay", # "shortdesc": "A.y", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P3.x", # "default": -0, # "label": "BX", # "longdesc": "Position on X axis of the second control point", # "max": 0.5, # "min": -0.5, # "name": "bx", # "shortdesc": "B.x", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P3.y", # "default": 0.2, # "label": "BY", # "longdesc": "Position on Y axis of the second control point", # "max": 0.5, # "min": -0.5, # "name": "by", # "shortdesc": "B.y", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P2.x", # "default": 0.3, # "label": "CX", # "longdesc": "Position on X axis of the third control point", # "max": 0.5, # "min": -0.5, # "name": "cx", # "shortdesc": "C.x", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "P2.y", # "default": -0.1, # "label": "CY", # "longdesc": "Position on Y axis of the third control point", # "max": 0.5, # "min": -0.5, # "name": "cy", # "shortdesc": "C.y", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "None", # "default": 0.1, # "label": "Width", # "longdesc": "Width of the curve pattern", # "max": 0.5, # "min": 0, # "name": "width", # "shortdesc": "Width", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "None", # "default": 1, # "label": "Repeat", # "longdesc": "Number of repetitions of the input pattern", # "max": 16, # "min": 1, # "name": "repeat", # "shortdesc": "Repeat", # "step": 1, # "type": "float" # } # ] #---------------------- #sdannularshape.mmg #Creates an annular shape from a shape described as a signed distance function # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "", # "longdesc": "The input shape, defined as a signed distance function", # "name": "in", # "shortdesc": "Input", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "outputs": [ # { # "longdesc": "The generated layered shape", # "sdf2d": "sdRipples($in($uv), $r, int($ripples))", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "None", # "default": 0, # "label": "Width", # "longdesc": "The width of each generated ripple", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "r", # "shortdesc": "Width", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "control": "None", # "default": 1, # "label": "Ripples", # "longdesc": "The number of generated ripples", # "max": 16, # "min": 0, # "name": "ripples", # "shortdesc": "Ripples", # "step": 1, # "type": "float" # } # ], #---------------------- #sd_mask_to_sdf.mmg #{ # "connections": [ # { # "from": "6520", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "gen_outputs", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "edge_detect", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "1823", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "gen_inputs", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "buffer_2", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "buffer_2", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "6520", # "to_port": 1 # }, # { # "from": "buffer_2", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "tones_step", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "tones_step", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "edge_detect", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "1823", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "iterate_buffer", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "2434_8", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "iterate_buffer", # "to_port": 1 # }, # { # "from": "iterate_buffer", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "6520", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "24282_2", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "2434_8", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "iterate_buffer", # "from_port": 1, # "to": "24282_2", # "to_port": 0 # } # ], # "label": "Mask to SDF", # "longdesc": "", # "name": "sd_mask_to_sdf", # "node_position": { # "x": 0, # "y": 0 # }, # "nodes": [ # { # "name": "iterate_buffer", # "node_position": { # "x": 76.700005, # "y": -249.817047 # }, # "parameters": { # "filter": false, # "iterations": 30, # "mipmap": false, # "size": 10 # }, # "seed_value": 29168, # "type": "iterate_buffer" # }, # { # "name": "2434_8", # "node_position": { # "x": 91.099991, # "y": -9.031479 # }, # "parameters": { # "distance": 0, # "size": 10 # }, # "shader_model": { # "code": "", # "global": "", # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "vec3(-1.0)", # "function": true, # "label": "", # "name": "in", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "instance": "vec3 $(name)_jump_flood(vec2 uv, float size) {\n\tivec2 int_uv = ivec2(uv * size);\n\tfloat best_distance = 9999.9;\n\tvec2 best_coord;\n\tfloat iter = $in(uv).b;\n\titer += 0.01;\n\tfloat step_width = size / 4.0 / (iter * 100.0);\n\t\n\tfor (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {\n\t\tfor (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) {\n\t\t\tivec2 offsetUV = int_uv + ivec2(x, y) * int(step_width);\n\t\t\tvec2 float_uv = vec2(offsetUV) / size;\n\t\t\tvec2 offset_pos = $in(float_uv).rg;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (offset_pos.x != 0.0 && offset_pos.y != 0.0) {\n\t\t\t\tvec2 diff = offset_pos - uv;\n\t\t\t\t//float dist = dot(diff, diff);\n\t\t\t\t$distance\n\t\t\t\tif (dist < best_distance) {\n\t\t\t\t\tbest_distance = dist;\n\t\t\t\t\tbest_coord = offset_pos;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\treturn vec3(best_coord, iter);\n}", # "name": "Jump Flood", # "outputs": [ # { # "rgb": "$(name)_jump_flood($uv, $size)", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "default": 10, # "first": 0, # "label": "", # "last": 13, # "name": "size", # "type": "size" # }, # { # "default": 0, # "label": "", # "name": "distance", # "type": "enum", # "values": [ # { # "name": "Euclidean", # "value": "float dist = dot(diff, diff);" # }, # { # "name": "Manhattan", # "value": "float dist = abs(diff.x) + abs(diff.y);" # }, # { # "name": "Chebyshev", # "value": "float dist = abs(diff.x) > abs(diff.y) ? abs(diff.x) : abs(diff.y);" # } # ] # } # ] # }, # "type": "shader" # }, # { # "name": "1823", # "node_position": { # "x": -269.899872, # "y": -18.741766 # }, # "parameters": { # # }, # "shader_model": { # "code": "", # "global": "", # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "1.0", # "label": "", # "name": "in", # "type": "f" # } # ], # "instance": "", # "name": "Mask to UV Mask", # "outputs": [ # { # "rgb": "$in($uv) < .5 ? vec3(0.0) : vec3($uv, 0.0)", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # # ] # }, # "type": "shader" # }, # { # "name": "edge_detect", # "node_position": { # "x": -286.951447, # "y": -137.078964 # }, # "parameters": { # "size": 10, # "threshold": 0.4, # "width": 1 # }, # "type": "edge_detect" # }, # { # "name": "6520", # "node_position": { # "x": 364.156525, # "y": -261.873169 # }, # "parameters": { # "distance": 0, # "tiled": false # }, # "shader_model": { # "code": "", # "global": "", # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "vec3(0.0)", # "function": true, # "label": "", # "name": "in", # "type": "rgb" # }, # { # "default": "0.0", # "function": true, # "label": "", # "name": "mask", # "type": "f" # } # ], # "instance": "float $(name)_distance(vec2 uv, bool tiled) {\n\tif (tiled) {\n\t\tuv = fract(uv);\n\t}\n\tvec2 custom_uv = $in(uv).xy;\n\tvec2 diff = custom_uv != vec2(0.0) ? custom_uv - uv : vec2(1.0);\n\t$distance\n\tif (!tiled) {\n\t\tuv = clamp(uv, 0.0, 1.0);\n\t}\n\treturn $mask(uv) < 0.5 ? distance : -distance;\n}", # "name": "Calculate Distance", # "outputs": [ # { # "sdf2d": "$(name)_distance($uv, $tiled)", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "default": false, # "label": "Tiled", # "name": "tiled", # "type": "boolean" # }, # { # "default": 0, # "label": "", # "name": "distance", # "type": "enum", # "values": [ # { # "name": "Euclidean", # "value": "float distance = length(diff);" # }, # { # "name": "Manhattan", # "value": "float distance = abs(diff.x) + abs(diff.y);" # }, # { # "name": "Chebyshev", # "value": "float distance = abs(diff.x) > abs(diff.y) ? abs(diff.x) : abs(diff.y);" # } # ] # } # ] # }, # "type": "shader" # }, # { # "name": "gen_inputs", # "node_position": { # "x": -735.85144, # "y": -352.006775 # }, # "parameters": { # # }, # "ports": [ # { # "group_size": 0, # "longdesc": "The greyscale mask to be converted", # "name": "mask", # "shortdesc": "Mask", # "type": "f" # } # ], # "type": "ios" # }, # { # "name": "gen_outputs", # "node_position": { # "x": 646.256348, # "y": -263.285461 # }, # "parameters": { # # }, # "ports": [ # { # "group_size": 0, # "longdesc": "The genrated distance field", # "name": "sdf", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "sdf2d" # } # ], # "type": "ios" # }, # { # "name": "gen_parameters", # "node_position": { # "x": -47.67952, # "y": -541.979187 # }, # "parameters": { # "param0": 10, # "param1": 30, # "param2": false, # "param3": 0 # }, # "type": "remote", # "widgets": [ # { # "label": "Size", # "linked_widgets": [ # { # "node": "iterate_buffer", # "widget": "size" # }, # { # "node": "2434_8", # "widget": "size" # }, # { # "node": "buffer_2", # "widget": "size" # }, # { # "node": "edge_detect", # "widget": "size" # } # ], # "longdesc": "The resolution used for the operation", # "name": "param0", # "shortdesc": "Size", # "type": "linked_control" # }, # { # "label": "Iterations", # "linked_widgets": [ # { # "node": "iterate_buffer", # "widget": "iterations" # } # ], # "longdesc": "The number of iterations the jump flood algorithm performs to calculate the distances", # "name": "param1", # "shortdesc": "Iterations", # "type": "linked_control" # }, # { # "label": "Tiled", # "linked_widgets": [ # { # "node": "24282_2", # "widget": "tiled" # }, # { # "node": "6520", # "widget": "tiled" # } # ], # "longdesc": "Controls whether the resulting ditance field will be tiled. Useful for patterns that extend over the texture bounds", # "name": "param2", # "shortdesc": "Tiled", # "type": "linked_control" # }, # { # "label": "Distance", # "linked_widgets": [ # { # "node": "2434_8", # "widget": "distance" # }, # { # "node": "6520", # "widget": "distance" # } # ], # "name": "param3", # "shortdesc": "Distance function", # "type": "linked_control" # } # ] # }, # { # "name": "buffer_2", # "node_position": { # "x": -297.702789, # "y": -348.41391 # }, # "parameters": { # "size": 10 # }, # "type": "buffer", # "version": 1 # }, # { # "name": "tones_step", # "node_position": { # "x": -294.947968, # "y": -258.84549 # }, # "parameters": { # "invert": false, # "value": 0.5, # "width": 0 # }, # "type": "tones_step" # }, # { # "name": "24282_2", # "node_position": { # "x": 114.391708, # "y": -90.765732 # }, # "parameters": { # "tiled": false # }, # "shader_model": { # "code": "vec3 $(name_uv)_in = $in(fract($uv));\nvec3 $(name_uv)_tiled = $(name_uv)_in.xy != vec2(0.0) ? $(name_uv)_in + vec3(floor($uv), 0.0) : $(name_uv)_in;", # "global": "", # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "vec3(1.0)", # "function": true, # "label": "", # "name": "in", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "instance": "", # "name": "Tiling", # "outputs": [ # { # "rgb": "$tiled ? $(name_uv)_tiled : $(name_uv)_in", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "default": false, # "label": "Tiled", # "name": "tiled", # "type": "boolean" # } # ] # }, # "type": "shader" # }, # { # "connections": [ # { # "from": "edge_detect", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "1823", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "tones_step", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "edge_detect", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "1823", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "iterate_buffer", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "2434_8", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "iterate_buffer", # "to_port": 1 # }, # { # "from": "iterate_buffer", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "6520", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "24282_2", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "2434_8", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "iterate_buffer", # "from_port": 1, # "to": "24282_2", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "iterate_buffer", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "2153", # "to_port": 1 # }, # { # "from": "buffer_2", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "tones_step", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "gen_inputs", # "from_port": 1, # "to": "2153", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "2153", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "11582", # "to_port": 1 # }, # { # "from": "gen_inputs", # "from_port": 1, # "to": "11582", # "to_port": 2 # }, # { # "from": "11582", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "gen_outputs", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "8064", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "2153", # "to_port": 2 # }, # { # "from": "gen_inputs", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "8064", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "8064", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "buffer_2", # "to_port": 0 # }, # { # "from": "buffer_2", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "6520", # "to_port": 1 # }, # { # "from": "6520", # "from_port": 0, # "to": "11582", # "to_port": 0 # } # ], # "label": "Dilate 2", # "longdesc": "", # "name": "graph_3", # "node_position": { # "x": 515.555786, # "y": -545.049744 # }, # "nodes": [ # { # "name": "iterate_buffer", # "node_position": { # "x": 64.900002, # "y": -259.215881 # }, # "parameters": { # "filter": false, # "iterations": 30, # "mipmap": false, # "size": 9 # }, # "seed_value": 29168, # "type": "iterate_buffer" # }, # { # "name": "2434_8", # "node_position": { # "x": 102.099998, # "y": 15.367363 # }, # "parameters": { # "distance": 0, # "size": 9 # }, # "shader_model": { # "code": "", # "global": "", # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "vec3(-1.0)", # "function": true, # "label": "", # "name": "in", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "instance": "vec3 $(name)_jump_flood(vec2 uv, float size) {\n\tivec2 int_uv = ivec2(uv * size);\n\tfloat best_distance = 9999.9;\n\tvec2 best_coord;\n\tfloat iter = $in(uv).b;\n\titer += 0.01;\n\tfloat step_width = size / 4.0 / (iter * 100.0);\n\t\n\tfor (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {\n\t\tfor (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) {\n\t\t\tivec2 offsetUV = int_uv + ivec2(x, y) * int(step_width);\n\t\t\tvec2 float_uv = vec2(offsetUV) / size;\n\t\t\tvec2 offset_pos = $in(float_uv).rg;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (offset_pos.x != 0.0 && offset_pos.y != 0.0) {\n\t\t\t\tvec2 diff = offset_pos - uv;\n\t\t\t\t//float dist = dot(diff, diff);\n\t\t\t\t//float dist = abs(diff.x) + abs(diff.y);\n\t\t\t\t//float dist = abs(diff.x) > abs(diff.y) ? abs(diff.x) : abs(diff.y);\n\t\t\t\t$distance\n\t\t\t\tif (dist < best_distance) {\n\t\t\t\t\tbest_distance = dist;\n\t\t\t\t\tbest_coord = offset_pos;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\treturn vec3(best_coord, iter);\n}", # "name": "Jump Flood", # "outputs": [ # { # "rgb": "$(name)_jump_flood($uv, $size)", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "default": 10, # "first": 0, # "label": "", # "last": 13, # "name": "size", # "type": "size" # }, # { # "default": 2, # "label": "", # "name": "distance", # "type": "enum", # "values": [ # { # "name": "Euclidean", # "value": "float dist = dot(diff, diff);" # }, # { # "name": "Manhattan", # "value": "float dist = abs(diff.x) + abs(diff.y);" # }, # { # "name": "Chebyshev", # "value": "float dist = abs(diff.x) > abs(diff.y) ? abs(diff.x) : abs(diff.y);" # } # ] # } # ] # }, # "type": "shader" # }, # { # "name": "1823", # "node_position": { # "x": -269.899872, # "y": -17.741766 # }, # "parameters": { # # }, # "shader_model": { # "code": "", # "global": "", # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "1.0", # "label": "", # "name": "in", # "type": "f" # } # ], # "instance": "", # "name": "Mask to UV Mask", # "outputs": [ # { # "rgb": "$in($uv) < .5 ? vec3(0.0) : vec3($uv, 0.0)", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # # ] # }, # "type": "shader" # }, # { # "name": "edge_detect", # "node_position": { # "x": -286.951447, # "y": -137.078964 # }, # "parameters": { # "size": 9, # "threshold": 0.4, # "width": 1 # }, # "type": "edge_detect" # }, # { # "name": "6520", # "node_position": { # "x": 347.356567, # "y": -346.449127 # }, # "parameters": { # "distance": 0, # "length": 0.1 # }, # "shader_model": { # "code": "", # "global": "", # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "vec3(0.0)", # "function": true, # "label": "", # "name": "in", # "type": "rgb" # }, # { # "default": "0.0", # "function": true, # "label": "", # "name": "mask", # "type": "f" # } # ], # "instance": "float $(name)_distance(vec2 uv, float length) {\n\tvec2 custom_uv = $in(fract(uv)).xy;\n\tvec2 diff = custom_uv != vec2(0.0) ? custom_uv - fract(uv) : vec2(1.0);\n\t//float distance = length(diff);\n\t//float distance = abs(diff.x) + abs(diff.y);\n\t//float distance = abs(diff.x) > abs(diff.y) ? abs(diff.x) : abs(diff.y);\n\t$distance\n\tif (length >= 0.0) {\n\t\treturn $mask(uv) < 0.5 ? clamp(1.0 - (distance / length), 0.0, 1.0) : 1.0;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn $mask(uv) > 0.5 ? clamp((distance / -length), 0.0, 1.0) : 0.0;\n\t}\n}", # "name": "Calculate Distance", # "outputs": [ # { # "f": "$(name)_distance($uv, $length)", # "type": "f" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "None", # "default": 0.1, # "label": "Length", # "max": 1, # "min": -1, # "name": "length", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # }, # { # "default": 2, # "label": "", # "name": "distance", # "type": "enum", # "values": [ # { # "name": "Euclidean", # "value": "float distance = length(diff);" # }, # { # "name": "Manhattan", # "value": "float distance = abs(diff.x) + abs(diff.y);" # }, # { # "name": "Chebyshev", # "value": "float distance = abs(diff.x) > abs(diff.y) ? abs(diff.x) : abs(diff.y);" # } # ] # } # ] # }, # "type": "shader" # }, # { # "name": "gen_inputs", # "node_position": { # "x": -793.451477, # "y": -236.812195 # }, # "parameters": { # # }, # "ports": [ # { # "group_size": 0, # "longdesc": "The greyscale mask to be converted", # "name": "mask", # "shortdesc": "Mask", # "type": "f" # }, # { # "group_size": 0, # "longdesc": "", # "name": "source", # "shortdesc": "Source", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "type": "ios" # }, # { # "name": "gen_outputs", # "node_position": { # "x": 885.056335, # "y": -247.896317 # }, # "parameters": { # # }, # "ports": [ # { # "group_size": 0, # "longdesc": "Shows the dilated image", # "name": "out", # "shortdesc": "Output", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "type": "ios" # }, # { # "name": "gen_parameters", # "node_position": { # "x": 61.520477, # "y": -639.339172 # }, # "parameters": { # "param0": 9, # "param1": 0.1, # "param2": 0, # "param3": 0, # "param4": 30 # }, # "type": "remote", # "widgets": [ # { # "label": "", # "linked_widgets": [ # { # "node": "iterate_buffer", # "widget": "size" # }, # { # "node": "2434_8", # "widget": "size" # }, # { # "node": "buffer_2", # "widget": "size" # }, # { # "node": "edge_detect", # "widget": "size" # } # ], # "longdesc": "The resolution of the input images", # "name": "param0", # "shortdesc": "Size", # "type": "linked_control" # }, # { # "label": "", # "linked_widgets": [ # { # "node": "6520", # "widget": "length" # } # ], # "longdesc": "The length of the dilate effect", # "name": "param1", # "shortdesc": "Length", # "type": "linked_control" # }, # { # "label": "", # "linked_widgets": [ # { # "node": "11582", # "widget": "fill" # } # ], # "longdesc": "0 to generate a gradient to black while dilating, 1 to fill with input color", # "name": "param2", # "shortdesc": "Fill", # "type": "linked_control" # }, # { # "label": "", # "linked_widgets": [ # { # "node": "2434_8", # "widget": "distance" # }, # { # "node": "6520", # "widget": "distance" # } # ], # "name": "param3", # "shortdesc": "Distance Function", # "type": "linked_control" # }, # { # "label": "", # "linked_widgets": [ # { # "node": "iterate_buffer", # "widget": "iterations" # } # ], # "longdesc": "The number of iterations the jump flood algorithm performs to calculate the distances", # "name": "param4", # "shortdesc": "Iterations", # "type": "linked_control" # } # ] # }, # { # "name": "buffer_2", # "node_position": { # "x": -294.502808, # "y": -340.816589 # }, # "parameters": { # "size": 9 # }, # "type": "buffer", # "version": 1 # }, # { # "name": "tones_step", # "node_position": { # "x": -285.347992, # "y": -253.248215 # }, # "parameters": { # "invert": false, # "value": 0.5, # "width": 0 # }, # "type": "tones_step" # }, # { # "name": "24282_2", # "node_position": { # "x": 109.591705, # "y": -88.567284 # }, # "parameters": { # "tiled": true # }, # "shader_model": { # "code": "vec3 $(name_uv)_in = $in(fract($uv));\nvec3 $(name_uv)_tiled = $(name_uv)_in.xy != vec2(0.0) ? $(name_uv)_in + vec3(floor($uv), 0.0) : $(name_uv)_in;", # "global": "", # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "vec3(1.0)", # "function": true, # "label": "", # "name": "in", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "instance": "", # "name": "Tiling", # "outputs": [ # { # "rgb": "$tiled ? $(name_uv)_tiled : $(name_uv)_in", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "default": false, # "label": "Tiled", # "name": "tiled", # "type": "boolean" # } # ] # }, # "type": "shader" # }, # { # "name": "2153", # "node_position": { # "x": 368.85202, # "y": -157.100906 # }, # "parameters": { # # }, # "shader_model": { # "code": "", # "global": "", # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "vec3(1.0)", # "label": "Source", # "name": "source", # "type": "rgb" # }, # { # "default": "$uv", # "label": "Custom UV", # "name": "custom_uv", # "type": "rgb" # }, # { # "default": "0.0", # "label": "Mask", # "name": "mask", # "type": "f" # } # ], # "instance": "", # "name": "Dilate UV", # "outputs": [ # { # "rgb": "$mask($uv) < 0.5 ? $source($custom_uv($uv).xy) : $source($uv)", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # # ] # }, # "type": "shader" # }, # { # "name": "11582", # "node_position": { # "x": 609.343445, # "y": -239.746399 # }, # "parameters": { # "fill": 0 # }, # "shader_model": { # "code": "float $(name_uv)_dist = $distance($uv);\nvec3 $(name_uv)_color = mix($source(fract($uv)), $fill_raw(fract($uv)), float( $(name_uv)_dist != 0.0 ) );\nvec3 $(name_uv)_mix = mix($(name_uv)_color * $(name_uv)_dist, $(name_uv)_color, $fill);", # "global": "", # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "0.0", # "function": true, # "label": "Distance", # "name": "distance", # "type": "f" # }, # { # "default": "vec3(1.0)", # "function": true, # "label": "Fill Raw", # "name": "fill_raw", # "type": "rgb" # }, # { # "default": "vec3(1.0)", # "function": true, # "label": "Source", # "name": "source", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "instance": "", # "name": "Dilate Combine", # "outputs": [ # { # "rgb": "$(name_uv)_mix", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # { # "control": "None", # "default": 0, # "label": "Fill", # "max": 1, # "min": 0, # "name": "fill", # "step": 0.01, # "type": "float" # } # ] # }, # "type": "shader" # }, # { # "name": "8064", # "node_position": { # "x": -282.533325, # "y": -433.011169 # }, # "parameters": { # # }, # "shader_model": { # "code": "", # "global": "", # "inputs": [ # { # "default": "vec3(0.0)", # "label": "", # "name": "in", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "instance": "", # "name": "Default Value", # "outputs": [ # { # "rgb": "$in($uv)", # "type": "rgb" # } # ], # "parameters": [ # # ] # }, # "type": "shader" # } # ], # "parameters": { # "param0": 9, # "param1": 0.1, # "param2": 0, # "param3": 0, # "param4": 30 # }, # "shortdesc": "", # "type": "graph" # } # ], # "parameters": { # "param0": 10, # "param1": 30, # "param2": false, # "param3": 0 # }, # "shortdesc": "", # "type": "graph" #} static func sdf_show(val : float, bevel : float) -> Color: var f : float = clamp(-val / max(bevel, 0.00001), 0.0, 1.0); return Color(f, f, f, 1) static func sdf_circle(uv : Vector2, c : Vector2, r : float) -> float: c.x += 0.5 c.y += 0.5 return (uv - c).length() - r; static func sdf_box(uv : Vector2, c : Vector2, wh : Vector2) -> float: c.x += 0.5 c.y += 0.5 var d : Vector2 = Commons.absv2(uv - c) - wh return Commons.maxv2(d, Vector2(0, 0)).length() + min(max(d.x, d.y), 0.0) #vec2 $(name_uv)_sdl = sdLine($uv, vec2($ax+0.5, $ay+0.5), vec2($bx+0.5, $by+0.5)); static func sdf_line(uv : Vector2, a : Vector2, b : Vector2, r : float) -> Vector2: a.x += 0.5 a.y += 0.5 b.x += 0.5 b.y += 0.5 return sdLine(uv, a, b) static func sdf_rhombus(uv : Vector2, c : Vector2, wh : Vector2) -> float: c.x += 0.5 c.y += 0.5 return sdRhombus(uv - c, wh); static func sdf_arc(uv : Vector2, a : Vector2, r : Vector2) -> float: return sdArc(uv - Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Commons.modf(a.x, 360.0) * 0.01745329251, Commons.modf(a.y, 360.0)*0.01745329251, r.x, r.y) #float sdr_ndot(vec2 a, vec2 b) { # return a.x*b.x - a.y*b.y; #} static func sdr_ndot(a : Vector2, b : Vector2) -> float: return a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y; #float sdRhombus(in vec2 p, in vec2 b) { # vec2 q = abs(p); # float h = clamp((-2.0*sdr_ndot(q,b)+sdr_ndot(b,b))/dot(b,b),-1.0,1.0); # float d = length( q - 0.5*b*vec2(1.0-h,1.0+h) ); # return d * sign( q.x*b.y + q.y*b.x - b.x*b.y ); #} static func sdRhombus(p : Vector2, b : Vector2) -> float: var q : Vector2 = Commons.absv2(p); var h : float = clamp((-2.0 * sdr_ndot(q,b) + sdr_ndot(b,b)) /, -1.0, 1.0); var d : float = ( q - 0.5*b * Vector2(1.0-h, 1.0+h)).length() return d * sign(q.x*b.y + q.y*b.x - b.x*b.y) #float sdArc(vec2 p, float a1, float a2, float ra, float rb) { # float amid = 0.5*(a1+a2)+1.6+3.14*step(a1, a2); # float alength = 0.5*(a1-a2)-1.6+3.14*step(a1, a2); # # vec2 sca = vec2(cos(amid), sin(amid)); # vec2 scb = vec2(cos(alength), sin(alength)); # p *= mat2(vec2(sca.x,sca.y),vec2(-sca.y,sca.x)); # p.x = abs(p.x); # # float k = (scb.y*p.x>scb.x*p.y) ? dot(p.xy,scb) : length(p.xy); # return sqrt( dot(p,p) + ra*ra - 2.0*ra*k ) - rb; #} static func sdArc(p : Vector2, a1 : float, a2 : float, ra : float, rb : float) -> float: var amid : float = 0.5*(a1+a2)+1.6+3.14 * Commons.step(a1, a2); var alength : float = 0.5*(a1-a2)-1.6+3.14 * Commons.step(a1, a2); var sca : Vector2 = Vector2(cos(amid), sin(amid)); var scb : Vector2 = Vector2(cos(alength), sin(alength)); #p *= Matrix(Vector2(sca.x , sca.y), Vector2(-sca.y, sca.x)); var pt : Vector2 = p p.x = pt.x * sca.x + pt.y * sca.y p.y = pt.x * -sca.y + pt.y * sca.x p.x = abs(p.x); var k : float if (scb.y * p.x > scb.x * p.y): k = else: k = p.length(); return sqrt( + ra * ra - 2.0 * ra * k ) - rb; static func sdf_boolean_union(a : float, b : float) -> float: return min(a, b) static func sdf_boolean_substraction(a : float, b : float) -> float: return max(-a, b) static func sdf_boolean_intersection(a : float, b : float) -> float: return max(a, b) static func sdf_smooth_boolean_union(d1 : float, d2 : float, k : float) -> float: var h : float = clamp( 0.5 + 0.5 * (d2 - d1) / k, 0.0, 1.0) return lerp(d2, d1, h) - k * h * (1.0 - h) static func sdf_smooth_boolean_substraction(d1 : float, d2 : float, k : float) -> float: var h : float = clamp( 0.5 - 0.5 * (d2 + d1) / k, 0.0, 1.0) return lerp(d2, -d1, h) + k * h * (1.0 - h) static func sdf_smooth_boolean_intersection(d1 : float, d2 : float, k : float) -> float: var h : float = clamp( 0.5 - 0.5 * (d2 - d1) / k, 0.0, 1.0) return lerp(d2, d1, h) + k * h * (1.0 - h) static func sdf_rounded_shape(a : float, r : float) -> float: return a - r static func sdf_annular_shape(a : float, r : float) -> float: return abs(a) - r static func sdf_morph(a : float, b : float, amount : float) -> float: return lerp(a, b, amount) #vec2 sdLine(vec2 p, vec2 a, vec2 b) { # vec2 pa = p-a, ba = b-a; # float h = clamp(dot(pa,ba)/dot(ba,ba), 0.0, 1.0); # return vec2(length(pa-ba*h), h); #} static func sdLine(p : Vector2, a : Vector2, b : Vector2) -> Vector2: var pa : Vector2 = p - a var ba : Vector2 = b - a var h : float = clamp( /, 0.0, 1.0); return Vector2((pa - (ba * h)).length(), h) #Needs thought #func sdf_translate(a : float, x : float, y : float) -> float: # return lerp(a, b, amount) #vec2 sdf2d_rotate(vec2 uv, float a) { # vec2 rv; # float c = cos(a); # float s = sin(a); # uv -= vec2(0.5); # rv.x = uv.x*c+uv.y*s; # rv.y = -uv.x*s+uv.y*c; # return rv+vec2(0.5); #} static func sdf2d_rotate(uv : Vector2, a : float) -> Vector2: var rv : Vector2; var c : float = cos(a); var s : float = sin(a); uv -= Vector2(0.5, 0.5); rv.x = uv.x*c+uv.y*s; rv.y = -uv.x*s+uv.y*c; return rv+Vector2(0.5, 0.5); #float cross2( in vec2 a, in vec2 b ) { # return a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x; #} #// signed distance to a quadratic bezier\n #vec2 sdBezier( in vec2 pos, in vec2 A, in vec2 B, in vec2 C ) { \n # vec2 a = B - A;\n # vec2 b = A - 2.0*B + C;\n # vec2 c = a * 2.0;\n # vec2 d = A - pos;\n\n # float kk = 1.0/dot(b,b);\n # float kx = kk * dot(a,b);\n # float ky = kk * (2.0*dot(a,a)+dot(d,b))/3.0;\n # float kz = kk * dot(d,a); \n\n # float res = 0.0;\n # float sgn = 0.0;\n\n # float p = ky - kx*kx;\n # float p3 = p*p*p;\n # float q = kx*(2.0*kx*kx - 3.0*ky) + kz;\n # float h = q*q + 4.0*p3;\n\t # float rvx;\n\n # # if( h>=0.0 ) { # // 1 root\n # h = sqrt(h);\n # vec2 x = (vec2(h,-h)-q)/2.0;\n # vec2 uv = sign(x)*pow(abs(x), vec2(1.0/3.0));\n\t\trvx = uv.x+uv.y-kx;\n # float t = clamp(rvx, 0.0, 1.0);\n # vec2 q2 = d+(c+b*t)*t;\n # res = dot(q2, q2);\n \t # sgn = cross2(c+2.0*b*t, q2);\n # } else { # // 3 roots\n # float z = sqrt(-p);\n # float v = acos(q/(p*z*2.0))/3.0;\n # float m = cos(v);\n # float n = sin(v)*1.732050808;\n # vec3 t = clamp(vec3(m+m,-n-m,n-m)*z-kx, 0.0, 1.0);\n # vec2 qx=d+(c+b*t.x)*t.x; # float dx=dot(qx, qx), sx = cross2(c+2.0*b*t.x,qx);\n # vec2 qy=d+(c+b*t.y)*t.y; # float dy=dot(qy, qy), sy = cross2(c+2.0*b*t.y,qy);\n # # if( dx Vector2: var a : Vector2 = B - A; var b : Vector2 = A - 2.0*B + C; var c : Vector2 = a * 2.0; var d : Vector2 = A - pos; var kk : float = 1.0 /; var kx : float = kk *; var ky : float = kk * (2.0* + / 3.0; var kz : float = kk *; var res : float = 0.0; var sgn : float = 0.0; var p : float = ky - kx * kx; var p3 : float = p*p*p; var q : float = kx*(2.0*kx*kx - 3.0*ky) + kz; var h : float = q*q + 4.0*p3; var rvx : float; if(h >= 0.0):# // 1 root h = sqrt(h); var x : Vector2 = Vector2(h,-h); x.x -= q x.y -= q x.x /= 2.0 x.y /= 2.0 var uv : Vector2 = Vector2() uv.x = sign(x.x) * pow(abs(x.x), 1); uv.x = sign(x.y) * pow(abs(x.y), 3); rvx = uv.x+uv.y-kx; var t : float = clamp(rvx, 0.0, 1.0); var q2 : Vector2 = d+(c+b*t)*t; res =; var tmp2 : Vector2 = c tmp2.x += 2 tmp2.y += 2 tmp2 *= b*t sgn = tmp2.cross(q2) else: # // 3 roots var z : float = sqrt(-p); var v : float = acos(q/(p*z*2.0))/3.0; var m : float = cos(v); var n : float = sin(v)*1.732050808; # var t : Vector3 = clamp(Vector3(m+m,-n-m,n-m)*z-kx, 0.0, 1.0); # # # var qx : Vector2 = d+(c+b*t.x)*t.x; # var dx : float = dot(qx, qx) # sx = cross2(c+2.0*b*t.x,qx); # var qy : Vector2 = d+(c+b*t.y)*t.y; # var dy : float = dot(qy, qy) # sy = cross2(c+2.0*b*t.y,qy); # if dx Vector2: return Vector2() #float sdNgon(vec2 p, float r, float n) { # float PI = 3.1415926535; # p = circle_repeat_transform_2d(p, n); # vec2 d = abs(p)-vec2(r*tan(3.14159265359/n), r); # return p.y < r ? p.y-r : length(max(d,vec2(0)))+min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0); #} static func sdNgon(pos : Vector2, r : float, n : float) -> Vector2: return Vector2() #vec2 repeat_2d(vec2 p, vec2 r, float seed, float randomness) { # p -= vec2(0.5); # float a = (rand(floor(mod((p.xy+0.5*r.xy)/r.xy, 1.0/r.xy)+vec2(seed)))-0.5)*6.28*randomness; # p = mod(p+0.5*r,r)-0.5*r; # vec2 rv; # float c = cos(a); # float s = sin(a); # rv.x = p.x*c+p.y*s; # rv.y = -p.x*s+p.y*c; # return rv+vec2(0.5); #} static func repeat_2d(pos : Vector2, r : Vector2, pseed : float, randomness : float) -> Vector2: return Vector2() #float sdSmoothUnion( float d1, float d2, float k ) { # float h = clamp( 0.5 + 0.5*(d2-d1)/k, 0.0, 1.0 ); # return mix( d2, d1, h ) - k*h*(1.0-h); #} static func sdSmoothUnion(d1 : float, d2 : float, k : float) -> float: return 0.0 #float sdSmoothSubtraction( float d1, float d2, float k ) { # float h = clamp( 0.5 - 0.5*(d2+d1)/k, 0.0, 1.0 ); # return mix( d2, -d1, h ) + k*h*(1.0-h); #} static func sdSmoothSubtraction(d1 : float, d2 : float, k : float) -> float: return 0.0 #float sdSmoothIntersection( float d1, float d2, float k ) { # float h = clamp( 0.5 - 0.5*(d2-d1)/k, 0.0, 1.0 ); # return mix( d2, d1, h ) + k*h*(1.0-h); #} static func sdSmoothIntersection(d1 : float, d2 : float, k : float) -> float: return 0.0 #float sdRipples(float d, float w, int r) {\n\t # for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) {\n\t\t # d = abs(d)-w;\n\t # }\n\t # # return d;\n #} #$polygon = { p1(vec2), p2(vec2), p3(vec2) ... } #float sdPolygon_$(name)(vec2 p) { # vec2 v[] = $polygon; # int l = v.length(); # float d = dot(p-v[0],p-v[0]); # float s = 1.0; # int j = l-1; # # for(int i=0; i=v[i].y,*w.x); # # if(all(c) || all(not(c))) { # s *= -1.0; # } # # j = i; # } # # return s*sqrt(d); #} static func sdPolygon(p : Vector2, v : PoolVector2Array) -> float: var l : int = v.size() var pmv0 : Vector2 = p - v[0] var d : float = var s : float = 1.0 var j : int = l - 1 for i in range(l): #for(int i=0; i= v[i].y var b2 : bool = p.y < v[j].y var b3 : bool = e.x * w.y > e.y * w.x if((b1 && b2 && b3) || (!b1 && !b2 && !b3)): s *= -1.0 j = i return s * sqrt(d)