tool extends Continent export(PackedScene) var dungeon_teleporter : PackedScene export(PropData) var prop_tree : PropData export(PropData) var prop_tree2 : PropData var voxel_scale : float = 1 var current_seed : int = 0 func get_editor_rect_border_color() -> Color: return Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) func get_editor_rect_color() -> Color: return Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.9) func get_editor_rect_border_size() -> int: return 2 func get_editor_font_color() -> Color: return Color(0, 0, 0, 1) func get_editor_class() -> String: return "TestContinent" func get_editor_additional_text() -> String: return "TestContinent" func _setup_terra_library(library : TerramanLibrary, pseed : int) -> void: pass func _generate_terra_chunk(chunk: TerraChunk, pseed : int, spawn_mobs: bool, stack : Array, stack_index : int) -> void: voxel_scale = chunk.voxel_scale current_seed = pseed # #todo generate this properly # var entrance_position : Vector3 = Vector3(7, 5, 7) # # for i in range(get_building_count()): # var d : Building = get_building(i) # # if d.has_method("has_entrance_position"): # d.entrance_position.origin = entrance_position # # entrance_position = d.next_level_teleporter_position_data_space # entrance_position *= voxel_scale var cx : int = chunk.get_position_x() var cz : int = chunk.get_position_z() var chunk_seed : int = 123 + (cx * 231) + (cz * 123) var rng : RandomNumberGenerator = rng.seed = chunk_seed #terrarin_gen.generate_simple_terrarin(chunk, spawn_mobs) gen_terra_chunk(chunk, rng) if chunk.position_x == 0 && chunk.position_z == 0: #test spawn_dungeon(chunk, chunk_seed, spawn_mobs) else: if rng.randi() % 10 == 0: spawn_dungeon(chunk, chunk_seed, spawn_mobs) # for i in range(get_building_count()): # get_building(i).generate_terra_chunk(chunk, spawn_mobs) if not Engine.editor_hint and spawn_mobs and rng.randi() % 4 == 0: var level : int = 1 if chunk.get_voxel_world().has_method("get_mob_level"): level = chunk.get_voxel_world().get_mob_level() ESS.entity_spawner.spawn_mob(0, level, \ Vector3(chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x * chunk.voxel_scale + chunk.size_x / 2,\ 100, \ chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z * chunk.voxel_scale + chunk.size_z / 2)) func gen_terra_chunk(chunk: TerraChunk, rng : RandomNumberGenerator) -> void: chunk.channel_ensure_allocated(TerraChunkDefault.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE, 1) chunk.channel_ensure_allocated(TerraChunkDefault.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL, 0) var s : FastNoise = s.set_noise_type(FastNoise.TYPE_SIMPLEX) s.set_seed(current_seed) var sdet : FastNoise = sdet.set_noise_type(FastNoise.TYPE_SIMPLEX) sdet.set_seed(current_seed) for x in range(-chunk.margin_start, chunk.size_x + chunk.margin_end): for z in range(-chunk.margin_start, chunk.size_x + chunk.margin_end): var vx : int = x + (chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x) var vz : int = z + (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z) var val : float = (s.get_noise_2d(vx * 0.05, vz * 0.05) + 2) val *= val val *= 20.0 val += abs(sdet.get_noise_2d(vx * 0.8, vz * 0.8)) * 20 chunk.set_voxel(val, x, z, TerraChunkDefault.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL) if val < 50: chunk.set_voxel(2, x, z, TerraChunkDefault.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE) elif val > 90: chunk.set_voxel(4, x, z, TerraChunkDefault.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE) else: if chunk.position_x == 0 && chunk.position_z == 0: continue if rng.randf() > 0.992: var tr : Transform = Transform() tr = tr.rotated(Vector3(0, 1, 0), rng.randf() * PI) tr = tr.rotated(Vector3(1, 0, 0), rng.randf() * 0.2 - 0.1) tr = tr.rotated(Vector3(0, 0, 1), rng.randf() * 0.2 - 0.1) tr = tr.scaled(Vector3(0.9 + rng.randf() * 0.2, 0.9 + rng.randf() * 0.2, 0.9 + rng.randf() * 0.2)) tr.origin = Vector3((x + chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x), ((val - 2) / 255.0) * chunk.world_height, (z + chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z)) chunk.voxel_world.prop_add(tr, prop_tree) # Uncomment to test the prop texture merger system: # if randf() > 0.5: # chunk.voxel_world.prop_add(tr, prop_tree) # else: # chunk.voxel_world.prop_add(tr, prop_tree2) func spawn_dungeon(chunk: TerraChunk, dungeon_seed : int, spawn_mobs : bool) -> void: var x : float = chunk.position_x * chunk.voxel_scale * chunk.size_x var z : float = chunk.position_z * chunk.voxel_scale * chunk.size_z var vh : int = chunk.get_voxel(6, 6, TerraChunkDefault.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL) var vwh : float = chunk.get_voxel_scale() * chunk.get_world_height() * (vh / 256.0) var dt : Spatial = dungeon_teleporter.instance() chunk.voxel_world.add_child(dt) dt.owner_chunk = chunk var level : int = 2 if chunk.get_voxel_world().has_method("get_mob_level"): level = chunk.get_voxel_world().get_mob_level() dt.min_level = level - 1 dt.max_level = level + 1 dt.dungeon_seed = dungeon_seed dt.spawn_mobs = spawn_mobs dt.transform = Transform(Basis().scaled(Vector3(chunk.voxel_scale, chunk.voxel_scale, chunk.voxel_scale)), Vector3(x, vwh, z))