extends EntityClassData # Copyright Péter Magyar relintai@gmail.com # MIT License, functionality from this class needs to be protable to the entity spell system var _data : Dictionary = { "target_aura_spells": {}, "spells": [] } func _init(): for i in range(get_num_spells()): var spell : Spell = get_spell(i) if spell.get_num_target_aura_applys() > 0: var aura : Aura = spell.get_target_aura_apply(0) if not _data["target_aura_spells"].has(aura.aura_group): _data["target_aura_spells"][aura.aura_group] = [] _data["target_aura_spells"][aura.aura_group].append({ "aura_id": aura.id, "spell_id": spell.id, "rank": spell.rank }) continue _data["spells"].append(spell.id) for key in _data["target_aura_spells"]: var arr : Array = _data["target_aura_spells"][key] arr.sort_custom(self, "sort_spells_by_rank") func _sai_attack(entity): var mob : Entity = entity as Entity var target : Entity = entity.starget if mob != null and target == null: mob.ai_state = EntityEnums.AI_STATE_REGENERATE mob.target_movement_direction = Vector2() return var cast : bool = false if not entity.gets_has_global_cooldown(): var taspellsdict : Dictionary = _data["target_aura_spells"] for taskey in taspellsdict.keys(): for tas in taspellsdict[taskey]: var spell_id : int = tas["spell_id"] if not entity.hass_spell_id(spell_id): continue if taskey == null: if target.sget_aura_by(entity, tas["aura_id"]) == null and not entity.hass_cooldown(spell_id): entity.crequest_spell_cast(spell_id) cast = true break else: if target.sget_aura_with_group_by(entity, taskey) == null and not entity.hass_cooldown(spell_id): entity.crequest_spell_cast(spell_id) cast = true break if cast: break if not cast: var sps : Array = _data["spells"] for spell_id in sps: if not entity.hass_spell_id(spell_id): continue if not entity.hass_cooldown(spell_id): entity.crequest_spell_cast(spell_id) cast = true break if entity.sis_casting(): mob.target_movement_direction = Vector2() return var dir : Vector3 = target.translation - entity.translation mob.target_movement_direction = Vector2(dir.x, dir.z) #func _setup_resources(entity): # var p : EntityResource = ManaResource.new() # # entity.adds_resource(p) func sort_spells_by_rank(a, b): if a == null or b == null: return true return a["rank"] > b["rank"]