extends Label # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. export(NodePath) var animation_player_path : NodePath = "AnimationPlayer" export(Color) var damage_color : Color = Color.yellow export(Color) var heal_color : Color = Color.green var world_position : Vector3 = Vector3() var animation_player : AnimationPlayer = null var camera : Camera = null func _ready() -> void: animation_player = get_node(animation_player_path) as AnimationPlayer animation_player.connect("animation_finished", self, "animation_finished") set_process(false) func _process(delta): if camera == null: return var cam_pos : Vector3 = camera.global_transform.xform(Vector3()) var dstv : Vector3 = cam_pos - world_position dstv.y = 0 # var dst : float = dstv.length_squared() var cam_facing : Vector3 = -camera.global_transform.basis.z var d : float = cam_facing.dot(dstv) if d > 0: if visible: hide() return else: if not visible: show() var screen_position : Vector2 = camera.unproject_position(world_position) var new_pos : Vector2 = Vector2(screen_position.x + rect_position.x, screen_position.y + rect_position.y - 60) set_position(new_pos) func damage(pos : Vector3, value : int, crit : bool) -> void: setup(pos, damage_color, value, crit) func heal(pos : Vector3, value : int, crit : bool) -> void: setup(pos, heal_color, value, crit) func setup(pos : Vector3, color : Color, value : int, crit : bool) -> void: world_position = pos camera = get_tree().get_root().get_camera() as Camera text = str(value) add_color_override("font_color", color) if crit: animation_player.play("crit") else: animation_player.play("normal") set_process(true) func animation_finished(anim_name : String) -> void: queue_free()