mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 15:34:18 +01:00
Implemented lod for mobs. Also Updated HEADS to grab a crash fix from Voxelman, and the update to Skeleton3D from ESS.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
{"engine": {"3.2": "da4eb7101d986af0ba6a15efaaed3dee77370d80", "master": "8c73e813134001e575b6f59e3b0100471c007410"}, "world_generator": {"master": "533c25e96fe0e5c46f68e6a532da6583cf86f4e2"}, "entity_spell_system": {"master": "0bc136962658731bac3e9e1b23bd9677f4dea9de"}, "ui_extensions": {"master": "38acc650db260a831dc26ca96fe9d9a087230bdc"}, "voxelman": {"master": "f26fe74fc47bc1c448c9d3888caf67aa53e8f5a4"}, "texture_packer": {"master": "b17c174906f84de93d84aa60d010ffe603efaa28"}, "fastnoise": {"master": "ea3b34d972fb5f76474daabd7c1e192419811348"}, "mesh_data_resource": {"master": "4bda19b12be2c2a79a6121de6d22e48f3934e726"}, "procedural_animations": {"master": "16d0ff1ed1e986202ed7f743d3c70666e0859b28"}, "ess_data": {"master": "3bd637fdd3304b64a18287a49a6b7387acf2f5de"}, "fast_quadratic_mesh_simplifier": {"master": "dc598c59322185032835f964db069964244e58bc"}}
{"engine": {"3.2": "da4eb7101d986af0ba6a15efaaed3dee77370d80", "master": "8c73e813134001e575b6f59e3b0100471c007410"}, "world_generator": {"master": "533c25e96fe0e5c46f68e6a532da6583cf86f4e2"}, "entity_spell_system": {"master": "b5bd583e8ec0bf5160b506a0d90d418191175153"}, "ui_extensions": {"master": "38acc650db260a831dc26ca96fe9d9a087230bdc"}, "voxelman": {"master": "3969e0ba5f64761c893b50103c7efa3a10f06cac"}, "texture_packer": {"master": "b17c174906f84de93d84aa60d010ffe603efaa28"}, "fastnoise": {"master": "ea3b34d972fb5f76474daabd7c1e192419811348"}, "mesh_data_resource": {"master": "4bda19b12be2c2a79a6121de6d22e48f3934e726"}, "procedural_animations": {"master": "16d0ff1ed1e986202ed7f743d3c70666e0859b28"}, "ess_data": {"master": "3bd637fdd3304b64a18287a49a6b7387acf2f5de"}, "fast_quadratic_mesh_simplifier": {"master": "dc598c59322185032835f964db069964244e58bc"}}
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
[gd_resource type="ShaderMaterial" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://data/shaders/7_standard_character_shader_notex.tres" type="Shader" id=1]
shader = ExtResource( 1 )
shader_param/albedo = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=37 format=2]
[gd_scene load_steps=38 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://data/models/armature.dae" type="PackedScene" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://data/materials/3_standard_character_material.tres" type="Material" id=2]
@ -7,69 +7,101 @@
[ext_resource path="res://test_weapons/sword_i.mesh" type="ArrayMesh" id=5]
[ext_resource path="res://data/item_visuals/test_base_v3.tres" type="ItemVisual" id=6]
[ext_resource path="res://test_weapons/shield_d.mesh" type="ArrayMesh" id=7]
[ext_resource path="res://data/materials/9_standard_character_material_notex.tres" type="Material" id=8]
[sub_resource type="Skin" id=1]
bind_count = 31
bind/0/name = ""
bind/0/bone = 0
bind/0/pose = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -0.0010334, -1.32424, 0.004403 )
bind/1/name = ""
bind/1/bone = 1
bind/1/pose = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 3.23883e-05, -0.000216131, 0 )
bind/2/name = ""
bind/2/bone = 2
bind/2/pose = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 4.71856e-07, 1, 0, -1, 4.71856e-07, 0, -3.6933e-07, 0.782716 )
bind/3/name = ""
bind/3/bone = 3
bind/3/pose = Transform( 0.999745, -0.00621639, 0.0217112, -0.0215977, 0.0177767, 0.999609, -0.00659991, -0.999823, 0.0176379, 0.0051749, -0.0147984, 0.832313 )
bind/4/name = ""
bind/4/bone = 4
bind/4/pose = Transform( 1, -9.35914e-10, 1.36474e-09, -3.07044e-09, -0.00336038, 0.999994, 1.03179e-11, -0.999994, -0.00336038, -0.00103352, 0.00608556, 0.989014 )
bind/5/name = ""
bind/5/bone = 5
bind/5/pose = Transform( 1, 6.39974e-07, -8.89245e-07, 8.80181e-07, 0.0113912, 0.999935, 6.50979e-07, -0.999935, 0.0113912, -0.00103425, -0.0106821, 1.13661 )
bind/6/name = ""
bind/6/bone = 6
bind/6/pose = Transform( 1, -0.000269678, 0.00012004, -9.65309e-05, 0.0855512, 0.996334, -0.000278958, -0.996334, 0.0855512, -0.000675752, -0.108904, 1.31976 )
bind/7/name = ""
bind/7/bone = 7
bind/7/pose = Transform( 1, 8.17762e-05, -0.000263342, 0.000258866, 0.0505959, 0.998719, 9.49964e-05, -0.998719, 0.0505959, -0.00116505, -0.0605734, 1.38071 )
bind/8/name = ""
bind/8/bone = 8
bind/8/pose = Transform( 0.0070114, 0.0774383, 0.996973, 0.0774384, 0.993961, -0.077749, -0.996973, 0.0777491, 0.00097251, -0.089079, -1.27734, -0.0279526 )
bind/9/name = ""
bind/9/bone = 9
bind/9/pose = Transform( -0.0450563, 0.0440544, 0.998013, 0.0597335, 0.997358, -0.0413288, -0.997197, 0.0577527, -0.0475687, -0.0365657, -1.27782, 0.120299 )
bind/10/name = ""
bind/10/bone = 10
bind/10/pose = Transform( 0.018514, 0.0309238, 0.99935, 0.0309247, 0.999025, -0.0314866, -0.99935, 0.0314876, 0.0175398, -0.0484489, -1.26707, 0.406214 )
bind/11/name = ""
bind/11/bone = 11
bind/11/pose = Transform( -0.0261653, 0.130666, -0.991081, 0.130703, -0.982463, -0.132981, -0.991077, -0.133017, 0.00862807, -0.147772, 1.13499, 0.846311 )
bind/12/name = ""
bind/12/bone = 12
bind/12/pose = Transform( -0.475656, 0.00430247, 0.879621, 0.00321757, 0.99999, -0.0031513, -0.879626, 0.00133118, -0.475665, 0.317761, -1.25084, 0.691578 )
bind/13/name = ""
bind/13/bone = 13
bind/13/pose = Transform( -0.000220652, -0.000277915, 1, -0.000336948, 1, 0.000277923, -1, -0.000336983, -0.000220542, -0.0614699, -1.24824, 0.794416 )
bind/14/name = ""
bind/14/bone = 14
bind/14/pose = Transform( 0.00944622, 0.00316354, 0.999951, 0.0031337, 0.99999, -0.00319322, -0.999951, 0.00316365, 0.00943635, -0.00773189, -1.26399, 0.790859 )
bind/15/name = ""
bind/15/bone = 15
bind/15/pose = Transform( -0.00970715, 0.0022499, 0.999951, 0.00216274, 0.999995, -0.00222896, -0.999951, 0.00214093, -0.00971181, 0.00940531, -1.26319, 0.831785 )
bind/16/name = ""
bind/16/bone = 16
bind/16/pose = Transform( 0.00658963, -0.0806899, -0.996717, -0.0806899, 0.993446, -0.0809585, 0.996717, 0.0809585, 3.54564e-05, 0.0931853, -1.27701, -0.0320576 )
bind/17/name = ""
bind/17/bone = 17
bind/17/pose = Transform( -0.0392234, -0.0752374, -0.996394, -0.0366487, 0.996599, -0.0738102, 0.998558, 0.0336214, -0.0418474, 0.0773441, -1.27236, 0.151474 )
bind/18/name = ""
bind/18/bone = 18
bind/18/pose = Transform( 0.0229175, -0.0602779, -0.997918, -0.0474641, 0.99699, -0.0613119, 0.99861, 0.0487704, 0.0199873, 0.0862036, -1.27767, 0.383885 )
bind/19/name = ""
bind/19/bone = 19
bind/19/pose = Transform( 0.0297753, 0.082978, -0.996106, 0.0950469, 0.991797, 0.0854601, 0.995027, -0.0972214, 0.0216441, -0.0879441, -1.17267, 0.804474 )
bind/20/name = ""
bind/20/bone = 20
bind/20/pose = Transform( -0.487887, -0.0560934, -0.871102, -0.0378187, 0.998354, -0.043106, 0.872087, 0.0119131, -0.489205, -0.265874, -1.2737, 0.672265 )
bind/21/name = ""
bind/21/bone = 21
bind/21/pose = Transform( 0.00472639, -0.0569537, -0.998365, -0.0438079, 0.997406, -0.0571064, 0.999029, 0.0440062, 0.00221883, 0.134012, -1.27645, 0.738441 )
bind/22/name = ""
bind/22/bone = 22
bind/22/pose = Transform( -0.00289686, -0.0125321, -0.999917, 0.000557578, 0.999921, -0.0125338, 0.999995, -0.00059385, -0.00288976, 0.00631499, -1.25873, 0.795846 )
bind/23/name = ""
bind/23/bone = 23
bind/23/pose = Transform( 0.00643236, -0.0318082, -0.999473, -0.0188087, 0.999313, -0.0319242, 0.999802, 0.0190041, 0.00582956, 0.0383794, -1.27427, 0.810817 )
bind/24/name = ""
bind/24/bone = 24
bind/24/pose = Transform( 0.997079, 0.0643905, 0.0415419, 0.0406052, 0.0156588, -0.999053, -0.0649775, 0.997802, 0.0129985, -0.124325, -0.0162939, -0.795408 )
bind/25/name = ""
bind/25/bone = 25
bind/25/pose = Transform( 0.998221, 0.051846, 0.0300808, 0.0276995, 0.0458923, -0.998563, -0.053149, 0.9976, 0.0443741, -0.118691, -0.0290485, -0.456133 )
bind/26/name = ""
bind/26/bone = 26
bind/26/pose = Transform( 0.998432, 0.0379936, -0.0415485, 0.0267438, -0.969472, -0.243743, -0.0495496, 0.242244, -0.968951, -0.119631, 0.0441252, -0.0300586 )
bind/27/name = ""
bind/27/bone = 27
bind/27/pose = Transform( 0.997517, -0.0648327, -0.0280864, -0.0272037, 0.0143568, -0.999527, 0.0652032, 0.997793, 0.0125575, 0.124711, -0.0142854, -0.795383 )
bind/28/name = ""
bind/28/bone = 28
bind/28/pose = Transform( 0.998496, -0.0523874, -0.0171451, -0.0147558, 0.0455334, -0.998855, 0.0531055, 0.997589, 0.0446915, 0.119101, -0.0275243, -0.456326 )
bind/29/name = ""
bind/29/bone = 29
bind/29/pose = Transform( 0.997795, 0.00782497, 0.066146, 0.0235858, -0.970258, -0.240925, 0.0623004, 0.241949, -0.968288, 0.117675, 0.0501108, -0.0285344 )
bind/30/name = ""
bind/30/bone = 30
bind/30/pose = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -2.84217e-14, 0, -4.98108e-09, 1, 0, -0.832461, 2.76188e-08 )
@ -189,7 +221,7 @@ automatic_build = true
use_threads = true
mesh_instance_path = NodePath("armature/Armature/Skeleton/MeshInstance")
skeleton_path = NodePath("armature/Armature/Skeleton")
material = ExtResource( 2 )
materials = [ ExtResource( 2 ), ExtResource( 2 ), ExtResource( 8 ) ]
left_hand_attach_point_path = NodePath("armature/Armature/Skeleton/LeftHandAttachment/LeftHandAP")
right_hand_attach_point_path = NodePath("armature/Armature/Skeleton/RightHandAttachment/RightHandAP")
torso_attach_point_path = NodePath("armature/Armature/Skeleton/NeckAttachment/TorsoAP")
@ -198,19 +230,11 @@ viss = [ ExtResource( 6 ) ]
[node name="armature" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 1 )]
[node name="Skeleton" parent="armature/Armature" index="0"]
bones/1/bound_children = [ NodePath("RootAttachment") ]
bones/2/bound_children = [ NodePath("RightHipAttachment") ]
bones/5/bound_children = [ NodePath("BoneAttachment") ]
bones/6/bound_children = [ NodePath("NeckAttachment") ]
bones/11/bound_children = [ NodePath("LeftHandAttachment") ]
bones/19/bound_children = [ NodePath("RightHandAttachment") ]
[node name="MeshInstance" type="MeshInstance" parent="armature/Armature/Skeleton" index="0"]
skin = SubResource( 1 )
[node name="LeftHandAttachment" type="BoneAttachment" parent="armature/Armature/Skeleton" index="1"]
transform = Transform( 0.103553, -0.988238, -0.11234, 0.0563584, -0.106903, 0.99262, -0.993022, -0.109123, 0.044628, 0.270796, 0.763348, -0.00915292 )
transform = Transform( 0.103432, -0.988301, -0.11195, 0.0566146, -0.106499, 0.992661, -0.993021, -0.109013, 0.0449388, 0.267544, 0.764237, -0.0114054 )
bone_name = "left_hand"
[node name="LeftHandAP" type="Spatial" parent="armature/Armature/Skeleton/LeftHandAttachment"]
@ -218,7 +242,7 @@ transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.04, -0.09 )
script = ExtResource( 4 )
[node name="RightHandAttachment" type="BoneAttachment" parent="armature/Armature/Skeleton" index="2"]
transform = Transform( -0.0415039, -0.998438, 0.0367427, -0.126411, 0.0417122, 0.991033, -0.991123, 0.0364982, -0.127949, -0.273113, 0.764931, -0.00762625 )
transform = Transform( -0.0428267, -0.998105, 0.0437773, -0.127906, 0.0489211, 0.990529, -0.990872, 0.0368299, -0.129762, -0.274113, 0.764247, -0.00468774 )
bone_name = "right_hand"
[node name="RightHandAP" type="Spatial" parent="armature/Armature/Skeleton/RightHandAttachment"]
@ -234,7 +258,7 @@ transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, -1.62921e-07, 1, 0, -1, -1.62921e-07, 0, 0, 0
script = ExtResource( 4 )
[node name="NeckAttachment" type="BoneAttachment" parent="armature/Armature/Skeleton" index="4"]
transform = Transform( 0.999966, -0.00104017, 0.00817554, 0.00822331, 0.073102, -0.997213, 0.000439647, 0.997323, 0.0731128, 0.00129018, 1.31429, 9.11438e-05 )
transform = Transform( 0.999962, -0.000816043, 0.00864644, 0.00867968, 0.0731249, -0.997226, 0.00018152, 0.997322, 0.0731331, 0.000975902, 1.31559, 7.50535e-05 )
bone_name = "neck"
[node name="TorsoAP" type="Spatial" parent="armature/Armature/Skeleton/NeckAttachment"]
@ -242,7 +266,7 @@ transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -0.04, -0.09 )
script = ExtResource( 4 )
[node name="RightHipAttachment" type="BoneAttachment" parent="armature/Armature/Skeleton" index="5"]
transform = Transform( 0.999802, 1.49329e-08, -0.0198917, -0.0198917, 4.71706e-07, -0.999802, -5.54689e-09, 1, 4.7191e-07, 0.00459351, 0.772787, 1.86265e-09 )
transform = Transform( 0.999719, 5.70222e-09, -0.0237084, -0.0237084, 4.71787e-07, -0.999719, 5.48469e-09, 1, 4.71789e-07, 0.00308074, 0.774084, -1.8772e-09 )
bone_name = "pelvis"
[node name="Spatial" type="Spatial" parent="armature/Armature/Skeleton/RightHipAttachment"]
@ -255,7 +279,7 @@ material/0 = null
material/1 = null
[node name="BoneAttachment" type="BoneAttachment" parent="armature/Armature/Skeleton" index="6"]
transform = Transform( 0.999964, -0.000312868, 0.00850185, 0.00849509, -0.00108792, -0.999886, 0.0003221, 0.999999, -0.00108623, 0.00288511, 1.12671, -0.000112632 )
transform = Transform( 0.99996, -5.44234e-05, 0.00895482, 0.00895145, -0.00106593, -0.999901, 6.39674e-05, 1, -0.00106596, 0.0026558, 1.12801, -0.00012492 )
bone_name = "spine_2"
[node name="Spatial" type="Spatial" parent="armature/Armature/Skeleton/BoneAttachment"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
[gd_resource type="Shader" format=2]
code = "shader_type spatial;
render_mode blend_mix,depth_draw_opaque,cull_back,specular_disabled,vertex_lighting;
uniform vec4 albedo : hint_color;
void fragment() {
vec3 color = albedo.rgb * COLOR.rgb;
ALBEDO = color;
@ -28,14 +28,16 @@ export(bool) var refresh_in_editor : bool = false setget editor_build
export(bool) var automatic_build : bool = false
export(bool) var use_threads : bool = false
export(bool) var use_lod : bool = true
export(NodePath) var mesh_instance_path : NodePath
var mesh_instance : MeshInstance = null
export(NodePath) var skeleton_path : NodePath
var skeleton : Skeleton
export(Material) var material : Material = null
var _material : Material = null
export(Array, Material) var materials : Array
var _materials : Array = Array()
export (NodePath) var left_hand_attach_point_path : NodePath
var left_hand_attach_point : CharacterSkeketonAttachPoint
@ -48,6 +50,12 @@ var root_attach_point : CharacterSkeketonAttachPoint
export(Array, ItemVisual) var viss : Array
var meshes : Array
var _current_lod_level : int = 0
var _generating : bool = false
var bone_names = {
0: "root",
1: "pelvis",
@ -89,7 +97,7 @@ var _texture_packer : TexturePacker
var _textures : Array
var _texture : Texture
var mesh : ArrayMesh = null
#var mesh : ArrayMesh = null
var st : SurfaceTool = null
var _thread_done : bool = false
@ -112,8 +120,9 @@ func _enter_tree():
torso_attach_point = get_node(torso_attach_point_path) as CharacterSkeketonAttachPoint
root_attach_point = get_node(root_attach_point_path) as CharacterSkeketonAttachPoint
if _material == null:
_material = material.duplicate()
if _materials.size() != materials.size():
for m in materials:
if not OS.can_use_threads():
use_threads = false
@ -135,9 +144,15 @@ func _process(delta):
_thread_done = false
_generating = false
func _build_model():
if _generating:
_generating = true
if Engine.is_editor_hint() and not refresh_in_editor:
@ -172,8 +187,10 @@ func build_mesh(data) -> void:
var vertex_count : int = 0
@ -244,8 +261,27 @@ func build_mesh(data) -> void:
vertex_count += len(vertices)
mesh = st.commit()
mesh.surface_set_material(0, _material)
var arr : Array = st.commit_to_arrays()
var mesh : ArrayMesh = ArrayMesh.new()
mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, arr)
mesh.surface_set_material(0, _materials[0])
if use_lod:
arr = merge_mesh_array(arr)
var meshl2 : ArrayMesh = ArrayMesh.new()
meshl2.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, arr)
meshl2.surface_set_material(0, _materials[1])
arr = bake_mesh_array_uv(arr, _texture)
arr[VisualServer.ARRAY_TEX_UV] = null
var meshl3 : ArrayMesh = ArrayMesh.new()
meshl3.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, arr)
meshl3.surface_set_material(0, _materials[2])
# finish_build_mesh()
_thread_done = true
@ -275,8 +311,13 @@ func prepare_textures() -> void:
# var mat : SpatialMaterial = _material as SpatialMaterial
# mat.albedo_texture = tex
var mat : ShaderMaterial = _material as ShaderMaterial
var mat : ShaderMaterial = _materials[0] as ShaderMaterial
mat.set_shader_param("texture_albedo", tex)
if use_lod:
var mat2 : ShaderMaterial = _materials[1] as ShaderMaterial
mat2.set_shader_param("texture_albedo", tex)
# mat.albedo_texture = tex
_texture = tex
@ -290,14 +331,15 @@ func setup_build_mesh() -> void:
get_animation_player().seek(0, true)
func finish_build_mesh() -> void:
mesh_instance.mesh = mesh
mesh_instance.mesh = meshes[_current_lod_level]
if get_animation_tree() != null:
get_animation_tree().active = true
_generating = false
func clear_mesh() -> void:
mesh = null
if mesh_instance != null:
mesh_instance.mesh = null
@ -326,3 +368,20 @@ func get_bone_name(skele_point : int) -> String:
return bone_names[skele_point]
return ""
func set_lod_level(level : int) -> void:
if _current_lod_level == level:
if meshes.size() == 0:
if level < 0:
if level >= meshes.size():
level = meshes.size() - 1
_current_lod_level = level
mesh_instance.mesh = meshes[_current_lod_level]
@ -95,6 +95,15 @@ func _process(delta : float) -> void:
# var lod_level : int = int(dst / max_visible_distance_squared * 3.0)
if dst < 400: #20^2
elif dst > 400 and dst < 900: #20^2, 30^2
if not get_body().visible:
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ extents = Vector3( 0.216228, 0.0681041, 0.183397 )
body_path = NodePath("Body")
character_skeleton_path = NodePath("Body/Rotation_Helper/Model/character")
script = ExtResource( 2 )
max_visible_distance = 100.0
[node name="NamePlate" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )]
max_distance = 50.0
@ -37,4 +38,3 @@ transform = Transform( -1, 0, -3.25841e-07, 0, 1, 0, 3.25841e-07, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0
[node name="Model" type="Spatial" parent="Body/Rotation_Helper"]
[node name="character" parent="Body/Rotation_Helper/Model" instance=ExtResource( 1 )]
refresh_in_editor = false
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.960532, 0 )
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -0.875205, 0 )
[node name="character" parent="Body/Rotation_Helper/Model" instance=ExtResource( 2 )]
refresh_in_editor = false
[node name="NamePlate" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )]
max_distance = 50.0
@ -57,12 +57,11 @@ glow_hdr_luminance_cap = 1.0
data_margin_start = 1
data_margin_end = 2
max_concurrent_generations = 4
max_concurrent_generations = 20
max_frame_chunk_build_steps = 4
library = ExtResource( 2 )
level_generator = SubResource( 1 )
voxel_scale = 3.0
chunk_spawn_range = 3
script = ExtResource( 8 )
[node name="WorldEnvironment" type="WorldEnvironment" parent="."]
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