mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 15:56:21 +01:00
Added a class selector to the world editor on add.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=28 format=2]
[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=40 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://addons/world_generator/resources/world_gen_world.gd" type="Script" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://addons/world_generator/resources/continent.gd" type="Script" id=2]
[ext_resource path="res://addons/world_generator/resources/zone.gd" type="Script" id=3]
[ext_resource path="res://addons/world_generator/resources/subzone.gd" type="Script" id=4]
[ext_resource path="res://world_generator/continents/test_continent.gd" type="Script" id=5]
[ext_resource path="res://world_generator/zones/test_zone.gd" type="Script" id=6]
[ext_resource path="res://world_generator/subzones/test_subzone.gd" type="Script" id=7]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=14]
resource_name = "qwe"
@ -17,12 +20,18 @@ script = ExtResource( 4 )
rect = Rect2( 7, 9, 54, 34 )
locked = false
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=34]
resource_name = "yy"
script = ExtResource( 7 )
rect = Rect2( 66, 11, 100, 91 )
locked = false
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=8]
resource_name = "asdasr"
script = ExtResource( 3 )
rect = Rect2( 35, 21, 191.4, 127.8 )
locked = false
subzones = [ SubResource( 14 ), SubResource( 15 ) ]
subzones = [ SubResource( 14 ), SubResource( 15 ), SubResource( 34 ) ]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=13]
resource_name = "qqq"
@ -86,12 +95,26 @@ rect = Rect2( 64, 6, 158.1, 39.8 )
locked = false
subzones = [ ]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=32]
resource_name = "tttte"
script = ExtResource( 3 )
rect = Rect2( 103, 28, 100, 100 )
locked = false
subzones = [ ]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=35]
resource_name = "yu"
script = ExtResource( 6 )
rect = Rect2( 88, 21, 100, 100 )
locked = false
subzones = [ ]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=1]
resource_name = "wwww"
script = ExtResource( 2 )
rect = Rect2( 163, 35, 241, 158 )
locked = false
zones = [ SubResource( 8 ), SubResource( 13 ), SubResource( 24 ), SubResource( 26 ) ]
zones = [ SubResource( 8 ), SubResource( 13 ), SubResource( 24 ), SubResource( 26 ), SubResource( 32 ), SubResource( 35 ) ]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=2]
resource_name = "efefef"
@ -184,7 +207,7 @@ func setup_property_inspector(inspector) -> void:
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=17]
resource_name = "qwet"
resource_name = "qwetwwqasd"
script = SubResource( 16 )
rect = Rect2( 473, 331, 100, 100 )
locked = false
@ -232,7 +255,7 @@ func setup_property_inspector(inspector) -> void:
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=19]
resource_name = "qwesa"
resource_name = "qwesat"
script = SubResource( 18 )
rect = Rect2( 613, 346, 100, 100 )
locked = false
@ -300,9 +323,50 @@ rect = Rect2( 256, 365, 100, 100 )
locked = false
zones = [ ]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=27]
resource_name = "asd"
script = ExtResource( 2 )
rect = Rect2( 337, 79, 100, 100 )
locked = false
zones = [ ]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=28]
resource_name = "asd"
script = ExtResource( 2 )
rect = Rect2( 244, 234, 100, 100 )
locked = false
zones = [ ]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=29]
script = ExtResource( 2 )
rect = Rect2( 377, 69, 284, 238 )
locked = false
zones = [ ]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=30]
resource_name = "tttttt"
script = ExtResource( 2 )
rect = Rect2( 188, 225, 233, 259 )
locked = false
zones = [ ]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=31]
resource_name = "ttttyuqtttt"
script = ExtResource( 2 )
rect = Rect2( 339, 76, 220, 170 )
locked = false
zones = [ ]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=33]
resource_name = "qttt"
script = ExtResource( 5 )
rect = Rect2( 99, 78, 213, 105 )
locked = false
zones = [ ]
resource_name = "asdasdsse"
script = ExtResource( 1 )
rect = Rect2( 0, 0, 1000, 1000 )
locked = false
continents = [ SubResource( 1 ), SubResource( 2 ), SubResource( 3 ), SubResource( 4 ), SubResource( 5 ), SubResource( 17 ), SubResource( 19 ), SubResource( 20 ), SubResource( 22 ), SubResource( 23 ) ]
continents = [ SubResource( 1 ), SubResource( 2 ), SubResource( 3 ), SubResource( 4 ), SubResource( 5 ), SubResource( 17 ), SubResource( 19 ), SubResource( 20 ), SubResource( 22 ), SubResource( 23 ), SubResource( 27 ), SubResource( 28 ), SubResource( 29 ), SubResource( 30 ), SubResource( 31 ), SubResource( 33 ) ]
@ -1,18 +1,58 @@
extends Tree
var edited_resource : WorldGenBaseResource = null
export(int, "Continent,Zone,Sub Zone") var class_types : int = 0
var edited_resource : WorldGenBaseResource = null
var name_edited_resource : WorldGenBaseResource = null
func _init():
connect("item_activated", self, "on_item_activated")
func _enter_tree():
var dir : Directory = Directory.new()
if dir.file_exists("res://world_generator_settings.tres"):
var wgs : WorldGeneratorSettings = load("res://world_generator_settings.tres") as WorldGeneratorSettings
if !wgs:
wgs.evaluate_scripts(class_types, $NameDialog/VBoxContainer/Tree)
func add_item(item_name : String = "") -> void:
if !edited_resource:
var ti : TreeItem = $NameDialog/VBoxContainer/Tree.get_selected()
if !ti:
var e : WorldGenBaseResource = null
if ti.has_meta("class_name"):
var cn : String = ti.get_meta("class_name")
if cn == "Continent":
e = Continent.new()
elif cn == "Zone":
e = Zone.new()
elif cn == "SubZone":
e = SubZone.new()
elif ti.has_meta("file"):
var cls = load(ti.get_meta("file"))
if cls:
e = cls.new()
if !e:
e.resource_name = item_name
func refresh() -> void:
@ -48,15 +88,18 @@ func set_edited_resource(res : WorldGenBaseResource)-> void:
func add_button_pressed() -> void:
$NameDialog/TextEdit.text = ""
$NameDialog/VBoxContainer/LineEdit.text = ""
func name_dialog_ok_pressed() -> void:
if !name_edited_resource:
name_edited_resource.resource_name = $NameDialog/TextEdit.text
func name_edit_dialog_ok_pressed() -> void:
if name_edited_resource:
name_edited_resource.resource_name = $NameEditDialog/VBoxContainer/LineEdit.text
name_edited_resource = null
func delete_button_pressed() -> void:
var item : TreeItem = get_selected()
@ -98,5 +141,5 @@ func on_item_activated() -> void:
if !name_edited_resource:
$NameDialog/TextEdit.text = name_edited_resource.resource_name
$NameEditDialog/VBoxContainer/LineEdit.text = name_edited_resource.resource_name
@ -14,17 +14,71 @@ __meta__ = {
[node name="NameDialog" type="ConfirmationDialog" parent="."]
margin_right = 200.0
margin_bottom = 70.0
margin_right = 329.0
margin_bottom = 313.0
window_title = "Name"
resizable = true
__meta__ = {
"_edit_use_anchors_": false
[node name="TextEdit" type="TextEdit" parent="NameDialog"]
[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="NameDialog"]
margin_left = 8.0
margin_top = 8.0
margin_right = 192.0
margin_bottom = 34.0
margin_right = 321.0
margin_bottom = 277.0
__meta__ = {
"_edit_use_anchors_": false
[node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="NameDialog/VBoxContainer"]
margin_right = 313.0
margin_bottom = 14.0
text = "Class"
[node name="Tree" type="Tree" parent="NameDialog/VBoxContainer"]
margin_top = 18.0
margin_right = 313.0
margin_bottom = 223.0
rect_min_size = Vector2( 0, 200 )
size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 3
[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="NameDialog/VBoxContainer"]
margin_top = 227.0
margin_right = 313.0
margin_bottom = 241.0
text = "Name"
[node name="LineEdit" type="LineEdit" parent="NameDialog/VBoxContainer"]
margin_top = 245.0
margin_right = 313.0
margin_bottom = 269.0
[node name="NameEditDialog" type="ConfirmationDialog" parent="."]
margin_right = 223.0
margin_bottom = 82.0
window_title = "Name"
resizable = true
__meta__ = {
"_edit_use_anchors_": false
[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="NameEditDialog"]
margin_left = 8.0
margin_top = 8.0
margin_right = 215.0
margin_bottom = 50.0
[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="NameEditDialog/VBoxContainer"]
margin_right = 207.0
margin_bottom = 14.0
text = "Name"
[node name="LineEdit" type="LineEdit" parent="NameEditDialog/VBoxContainer"]
margin_top = 18.0
margin_right = 207.0
margin_bottom = 42.0
[connection signal="confirmed" from="NameDialog" to="." method="name_dialog_ok_pressed"]
[connection signal="confirmed" from="NameEditDialog" to="." method="name_edit_dialog_ok_pressed"]
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ anchor_bottom = 0.0
margin_top = 42.0
margin_right = 173.0
margin_bottom = 576.0
class_types = 1
[connection signal="pressed" from="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer2/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/AddButton" to="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer2/VBoxContainer/DataList" method="add_button_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer2/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/DeleteButton" to="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer2/VBoxContainer/DataList" method="delete_button_pressed"]
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ anchor_bottom = 0.0
margin_top = 42.0
margin_right = 173.0
margin_bottom = 552.0
class_types = 2
[connection signal="pressed" from="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer2/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/AddButton" to="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer2/VBoxContainer/DataList" method="add_button_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer2/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/DeleteButton" to="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer2/VBoxContainer/DataList" method="delete_button_pressed"]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user